EU-Enlargement – win-win situation for all countries
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European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels
1966-1970 | University of Salzburg, study of law (Dr. Iuris) |
1971-1978 | Paul Kiefel, Freilassing/Germany (1971-72), Export Department; Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Director for Export Promotion |
1978-1981 | P. Kaufmann Inc., New York, Sales Director for Europe |
1981-1983 | Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Chief Management Assistant |
1984 | Austrian Embassy, Madrid, Spain |
1984-1986 | Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Political Affairs, Department of Consular Affairs |
1986 | Austrian Embassy, Dakar, Senegal, First Secretary |
1986-1987 | Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation |
1987-1990 | Austrian Embassy, Paris, Counsellor for Economic Affairs |
1990-1993 | Austrian Embassy, Paris, First Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission, Chargé d'Affairs a.i. |
1993 | Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chief of Protocol |
1994-1995 | UN Chief of Protocol |
1995-2000 | State Secretary for Foreign Affairs |
2000-2004 | Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Austria |
since 2004 | European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels |
Member of the European Commission
1978-1983 | Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia; MSc in Electronic Engineering (Power Electronics) |
1994 | Georgetown University, Washington D. C., USA; International Affairs (university single semester course) |
UFSIA Antwerpen, Belgium; European Economic Integration (university single semester course) | |
1983-1992 | Research and Design Engineering |
1992-1998 | National Council of the Slovak Republic; Member of Parliament; Member of the International Committee of the Parliament and of the Parliamentary Committee for European Integration |
Christian Democratic Movement; Member of the Party Presidium | |
1993-1998 | Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly; Member of Parliament |
1994-1998 | Christian Democratic Movement; Deputy Chairman for Foreign Policy |
1995-1998 | Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development; Deputy Chairman |
1997-1998 | Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, Sub-Committee for International Economic Relations, Chairman |
Center for European Policy, President | |
1998 | Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, Vice-Chairman of the EPP-Group |
1998-2000 | Board Member of the Slovak Democratic Coalition |
since 1998 | State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic |
Chief Negotiator of the Slovak Republic for Accession Negotiations with the European Union | |
since 2000 | Christian Democratic Movement, Deputy Chairman for Foreign Policy |
since 2002 | Slovak Government Representative in the Convention on the Future of Europe |
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, National Council of the Slovak Republic, Former Chief Negotiator of the Slovak Republic on the EU-Accession, Bratislava |
Dr. Istvan HORVATH
Botschafter der Republik Ungarn, Wien
1966 | Diplomvolkswirt (Universität für Wirtschaftswissenschaften zu Budapest, Fachrichtung Finanzökonomie) |
1967 | Promotion zum Dr.rer.oec. |
1966 | -73 kaufmännische Tätigkeit im Außenhandel in Ost- und Westeuropa |
Lehrtätigkeit an der Budapester Universität für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Lehrstuhl Außenwirtschaft) | |
1973 | -78 kaufmännische Tätigkeit in Belgrad |
1978 | -83 wirtschaftspolitische Beratung der Regierung |
1983 | Botschafter von Ungarn in den Niederlanden |
1984 | -91 Botschafter von Ungarn in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
1991-2003 | Beratertätigkeit für verschiedene deutsche Großunternehmen |
1994 | -95 Persönlicher Berater des Ministerpräsidenten |
1997-2003 | Konsul des Großherzogtums Luxemburg in Budapest |
seit 2003 | Mitarbeiter des Außenministeriums |
Deputy Secretary General for Inter-institutional Affairs, European External Action Service, Brussels
1983 | -88 Studium der Germanistik in Wroclaw |
1988 | -91 Assistent an der Universität Wroclaw |
seit 1991 | im diplomatischen Dienst: |
1993 | -99 an der Vertretung der Republik Polen in Brüssel |
1999-2001 | Abteilungsleiter für die EU im Außenministerium in Warschau |
seit 2001 | an der Vertretung der Republik Polen in Brüssel, bis April 2003 als stellvertr. Leiter der Vertretung, seither im Politischen und im Sicherheitskomitee der EU, Brüssel |
Commissioner for Environment, European Commission, Brussels
Ph.D. degree in Economics, University of Ljubljana | |
Assistant Director and Director, Institut of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development | |
Senior Researcher, Institut for Economic Research | |
Head of Negotiating Team for Accession to EU | |
Acting Director of Government Office for European Affairs | |
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law |
Partner, BXL Consulting, Brussels
1986 | graduation from the Law Faculty at the Charles University in Prague |
Unit of public international law at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs | |
1988 | Unit of private international law and in two years time became legal adviser within the CSFR delegation for the negotiations on the Europe Agreement on Association |
1991-1995 | different positions at the Czechoslovak/Czech Mission to the European Communities in Brussels, including the ones of Deputy Head and Head of Mission |
1995 | became Director of the European Communities Department and the following year Director General of the Integration Section (EC, NATO, UN) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
1998 | appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and shortly after Chief Negotiator for the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union |
1999 | promoted to I Deputy Minister and appointed State Secretary for European Affairs |
2002 | Ambassador and Head of Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the European Communities |
2004 | nominated by the Czech Government for the post of Commissioner |
co-founded BXL Consulting with offices in Prague and Brussels | |
2005 | joined the European Policy Centre (EPC) as a Senior Advisor on an external basis |
appointed European Coordinator for one of the priority projects within TEN-T for the railway network Rail Baltica |
Member of the European Parliament
After studies of journalism, contemporary history and political science she became foreign policy editor in the ORF (Austrian Broadoasting Corportation /Radio and Television). | |
She worked in TV as single editor and was the first anchor woman to present the main news on Austrian TV. She did many reports on Spain and the Middle East and travelled widely in Europe. | |
Ursula Stenzel won two elections to the European Parliament on top of the list of the Austrian People s Party. |