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EU Summer University on Strategic Trade Control and Non-Profileration

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

The first EU Summer University on Strategic Trade Control and Non-Proliferation will take place from 18-24 August 2015 at the European Forum Alpbach, Austria. The programme has been designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the various interrelated issues concerning the international trade in dual-use items and non-proliferation. The Summer University will be a unique opportunity for participants to discuss and gain valuable insights into current strategic trade issues and emerging challenges from a regional perspective.

During the five-day programme, participants will discuss developments and trends in non-proliferation; non-proliferation principles and rules; strategic trade control principles and rules; and national and international trade control systems.

The Summer University is organised within the framework of the EU Outreach Programme in Export Control of Dual-Use Items and is supported by King’s College London. The number of participants has been limited to 35 to allow for efficient interaction with lecturers and between the participants. The Summer University offers participants the possibility to obtain an EU Certificate on Strategic Trade Control and Non-Proliferation which will be awarded based on a final evaluation at the end of the course.

Head, Unit on Non-Fiscal Legislation, Belgian Customs Administration
Expert on nuclear and international law, Vienna
Policy Coordinator and Programme Manager, Directorate General for Development and Cooperation, European Commission, Brussels
Professor, European Studies, University of Liège
Head, Strategic Trade Secretariat as Malaysia’s first Strategic Trade Controller


Head, Unit on Non-Fiscal Legislation, Belgian Customs Administration

 Master in Commercial Sciences, Postgraduate in Fiscal Sciences
2003-2005 Policy Advisor, Federal Parliament, Brussels
2005-2011 Inspector, Non Fiscal Legislation department of Customs, Belgian Customs Administration
2011-2014 Adviser, Non Fiscal Legislation department of Customs
since 2014 Head, Non Fiscal Legislation department of Customs
since 2015 Parnter in consortium for LTP Dual Use program and South East Asian program


Expert on nuclear and international law, Vienna

 Doctorate of Law, Vienna University
 Postgraduate studies, The Hague Academy of International Law and London University College (Institute of advanced legal studies)
since 1975 Senior Fellow, NYU School of Law faculty; Lecturer on international law and current UN practice at the Fairleigh Dickinson
  University, New Jersey
 legal and economic aspects of north-south relations, foreign investment laws and social & economic issues:
1978-1981 UN Centre on Transnational Corporations, NY
1983-1984 UNCESCO, Paris
1984-1987 UNIDO, Vienna
1987-2002 Senior Lawyer, Office of Legal Affairs, later Head of Section External Relations and Policy Coordination, IAEA
since 2001 Lecturer, ISNL annual courses (International School of Nuclear Law, Univ. of Montpellier & OECD/NEA)
  Lectures at Abu Dhabi Sorbonne (PSUAD), ASARDA courses, ISPRA and Bangkok; TERI University New Delhi
since 2002 Expert Consultatnt, legistlative assistance to countries of eastern Europe and West Africa, IAEA


Policy Coordinator and Programme Manager, Directorate General for Development and Cooperation, European Commission, Brussels

1991-1996 Business Administration/Economic History/Educational Economy (studium irregualare), University of Klagenfurt
1997-1998 Post Graduate Studies in International Business, ESC - Ecole Superieur de Commerce Rennes, France
1998-1999 Adviser and Assistant to the CEO GreenOneTec, Ebenthal, Austria
2000-2001 Adviser, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Department of Economic Policy, Vienna, Austria
2001-2004 Policy Adviser, European Commission, DG Information Society, Brussels
2004-2005 Post Graduate Studies, Université de Paris IX (Faculté Jean Monnet) / Ceris - Centre Européen de Recherches International et Stratégiques, Paris and Brussels
2004-2009 Head of the EU Liaison office, Austrian Development Agency, Austrian Permanent Representation to the European Union
2009-2012 Commercial Attaché, Austrian Embassy Brussels
since 2012 Policy Coordinator and Programme Manager External Relations, Instrument for Stability, DG Development, European Commission

Quentin MICHEL

Professor, European Studies, University of Liège

 M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science and Public Administration
 He is professor at the International School of Nuclear Law (ISNL - Nuclear Energy Agency)
2006 national expert to the European Commission (Trade Directorate General)
2007-2011 President of the Political Science Department, Unversity of Liège
since 2007 Associated Professor at the University of Liège
since 2013 Professor ordinaire in European Studies, Unversity of Liège


Head, Strategic Trade Secretariat as Malaysia’s first Strategic Trade Controller

 Mr. Shahaber holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and a MBA majoring in strategic planning.
 He has over 35 years of involvement in international trade and industrial development in/for his country.
 In international trade he was directly involved in trade promotion, trade policy formation, implementation of trade defense measures, negotiations of Free Trade Agreements, bilateral trade and economic relations and multilateral relations including the country’s dealing with the WTO.
 It also includes two overseas postings - as Malaysia’s Trade Commissioner to Yugoslavia and as the country’s Economic Counsellor based in Brussels, Belgium covering trade and economic matters in the EU. In the area of industrial development, Mr. Shahabar was in charge of the development of the electrical and electronics sector, the leading industrial sector in Malaysia that contributes 70 per cent to manufactured exports.
 He was also involved in the writing of the 2nd Industrial Master Plan, a comprehensive five years policy plan to develop high growth, technology and knowledge intensive industries in Malaysia.
 In 2006, he was entrusted to form and lead the services development division to increase services sector contribution to the economy and exports. This includes the development of multimedia and ICT industries and educational services, services sectors that have strong links with intangible exports.
 His vast experience and knowledge as a practitioner in international trade and industrial development provided him an added advantage to quickly establish a robust and effective export control system when he was nominated to lead the Strategic Trade Secretariat as Malaysia’s first Strategic Trade Controller in 2010.
 These efforts have been internationally recognized and his expertise is being used to outreach many countries that have yet to adopt measures and systems to control exports of strategic items that are in compliance with the requirements of UNSCR 1540, in particular the countries of ASEAN.