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Europe – a military power factor? The balance and integration of military and civilian security measures

Plenary /
German and English language
Director of the Clingendael Security and Conflict Programme (CSCP) and the Conflict Research Unit (CRU), Clingendael Centre of Strategic Studies, The Hague
Chef des Generalstabes, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, Wien
Senior Political Advisor, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Geneva Chairman of the Board, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy
Full Professor of European Security Policy, University of Innsbruck
Sektionschef, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung der Republik Österreich, Wien Chair


Director of the Clingendael Security and Conflict Programme (CSCP) and the Conflict Research Unit (CRU), Clingendael Centre of Strategic Studies, The Hague

1977 freelance journalist
1978-1984 studies contemporary history and international relations at the University of Groningen
1980 editor-in-chief of a publishing company specialised in journals and scientific publications
1985-1989 Political science department, University of Leiden, he was a lecturer in international relations, in particular international security (at the same time he worked as a jounalist at "De Volkskrant" and presenting a weekly programme on East-West relations and security issues in VPRO Radio)
1989 Appointed Head of the Defence Concepts Division of the Defence Staff at the Netherlands Ministry of Defence. He advised the Chief of the Defence Staff in matters relating to strategic plans and policy.
Doctorate at the University of Leiden
1991-1993 at the national level he laid the foundation of the Defence White Paper 1991 and the Defence Priorities Review, published in 1993. These white papers contain the plans for the reorganisation and the reduction of the Netherlands armed forces and for restructuring them from regular and conscript forces into all-volunteer forces. He was also responsible for the development of strategic management methods at the Ministry of Defence. Together with his staff he also contributed to studies and documents on behalf of NATO, NACC and the WEU/EU, including the Alliance Strategic Concept and supporting documents, as well as policy documents relating to peace support and crisis management.
1993 Member of the National Defence Research Council of TNO (1993). The Council forms part of TNO s Board of Management and is responsible for strategic policy relating to defence research.
1997 Secondment at the Clingendael Institute
1999 Professor in the field of International Relations, Royal Netherlands Military Academy, Breda
2000 Professor Strategic Studies, University of Leiden. Lectures on international relations, security and defence policy, European integration and crisis management.
2003 Director of the Clingendael Centre of Strategic Studies. The Centre is a joint venture of the Netherlands Institute for International Relations  Clingendael and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, TNO.
2005 Director of the Clingendael Security and Conflict Programme (CSCP), which also comprises the Conflict Research Unit (CRU)

Mag. Roland ERTL

Chef des Generalstabes, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, Wien

1968-1970 Ausbildung an der Theresianischen Militärakademie
1970-1979 Infanterie AusbR 8, verschiedene Funktionen bei AUSBATT/ UNDOF u. HQ/UNDOF
1979-1982 Ausbildung zum Generalstabsoffizier
1982-1993 Stellvertretender Leiter der Nachschubabteilung
1986/1987 Ausbildung U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
1993-1999 Österreichischer Militärberater und Delegierter bei der ständigen Vertretung der Vereinten Nationen in New York
1999-2002 Militärkommandant von Salzburg
seit 2002 Chef des Generalstabes


Senior Political Advisor, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Geneva Chairman of the Board, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy

1970-1974 Budapest University of Economics, Faculty of Diplomacy
1974 Desk officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest
1977 Doctor of political science
1979 Habilitation at Zrinyi Miklós National Defense University
1981-1986 Alternate Permanent Representative of Hungary to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), member and spokesman of the Hungarian Delegation to the Multilateral and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) negotiations, Vienna
1987-1990 Member of the Hungarian delegation to the Follow-up Meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE), Vienna
1990-1992 Head of the Hungarian Delegation to the Joint Consultative Group, CSBMs and Open Skies, Vienna
1992-1994 Head of the Hungarian delegation to the expert meeting of the Helsinki Summit of the CSCE, Helsinki; Member of the Hungarian delegation to the Helsinki Summit Meeting of the CSCE, Helsinki; Head of the Hungarian expert Delegation to the London Conference on Yugoslavia
Head of Department for Security Policy and Co-operation in Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungarian Representative to the Council of Senior Officials of the CSCE, Budapest
1993-1994 Personal Representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE to Georgia, Budapest-Tbilisi
1993 Head of the Hungarian delegation to the Preparatory Meeting of the CSCE Summit, Budapest
1994 Executive Secretary of the Budapest Summit Meeting of the CSCE
1994-1995 Chairman of the Senior Council of the OSCE, Personal Representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE to Chechnya, Nagorno Karabakh, Moldova, Budapest
1996 Personal representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE to the negotiations on confidence- and security-building measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina
1996-1998 Deputy State Secretary of Integration, Ministry of Defense, Budapest
1998-1999 Under-secretary of Policy, Ministry of Defense, Budapest
Chairman of the Missile Technology Control Regime, Budapest
1999-2000 Special Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Budapest
Chairman of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
2000-2003 Senior Vice President of the EastWest Institute
since 2004 Member of the advisory board of the Prime Minister of Hungary
2004 Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Monitoring Mission in Moldova

Dr. Alexander SIEDSCHLAG

Full Professor of European Security Policy, University of Innsbruck

1994 M.A. in Political Science, Contemporary History, Sociology and Psychology from the University of Munich
1996 Ph.H. from the University of Munich
1995-1996 Research Associate, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Ebenhausen
1996-1998 Postdoc, Free University of Berlin
1998-2002 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Humboldt University of Berlin, Research Fellow, German Research Council (DFG)
2000 Habilitation / venia legendi from Humboldt University Berlin
2002-2004 Visiting Professor, Munich School of Political Science (HfP)


Sektionschef, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung der Republik Österreich, Wien

 Court-practice, Military Service
 Work at the Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Science and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the Office of the Federal Chancellor (Dept. for Developing Aid)
 Longtime Head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Political Sociology
since 1983 Ministry of Defence
1986-1997 Director General, Executive and Law Department
 Lecturer at the Universities of Graz and Klagenfurt
 Preparation and management of numerous scientific meetings (conferences)
 Honorary Professor for International Relationes at the University of Graz

Political Symposium

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