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Europe and Global Competition

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German and English language
European Commissioner for Competition and Vice-President, European Commission, Brussels Key Note
Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor; Director, Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington, DC Key Note
Director General, Federation of Austrian Industries, Vienna
Former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic; Adviser to the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Prague
Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Former Member of the Executive Board and the Governing Council, ECB - European Central Bank, Frankfurt
Editor in Chief and Managing Director, NZZ Austria; Mentor, Alpbach Media Academy; Vienna Chair


European Commissioner for Competition and Vice-President, European Commission, Brussels

 Graduated in Law (1965-1972) and Economics (1965-1971) at the University of Deusto, Bilbao
1970-1971 Follow-up studies at L École Pratique des Hautes Études de Paris
1991 "Senior managers in Government" program at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
1991-1994 Associate Lecturer on Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
Director of the research program on "Equality and redistribution of income" at the Fundación Argentaria
1979-2004 Member of the Spanish Parliament
1982-1986 Minister of Employment and Social Security
1986-1991 Minister of Public Administration
1994-1997 Spokesperson of the Socialist Parliamentary Group
1997-2000 Leader of the PSOE
2000 Elections: Socialist candidate for Prime Minister
2002 Founder and Director of the progressive think tank "Laboratorio de Alternativas"
since 2004 Member of the European Commission
2004-2010 Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs
since 2010 Commissioner for competition

Dr. Daniel S. HAMILTON

Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor; Director, Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington, DC

 Ph.D. (1985); M.A. with distinction (1979), Johns Hopkins University; B.S.F.S. (1977), Georgetown University School of Foreign Service
1979-1982 Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
1982-1990 Deputy Director, Aspen Institute Berlin
1987-1989 Visiting Lecturer, Free University of Berlin
1990-1991 Director, California Institute for European-American Relations
1990-1993 Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
1994 Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Germany
1995 Director for Policy, Bureau of European Affairs, U.S. Department of State
1996-1998 Associate Director, Policy Planning Staff, Office of the U.S. Secretary of State
1999 U.S. Special Coordinator for Southeast European Stabilization, U.S. Department of State
2000-2001 U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
seit 2001 Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies; Executive Director, American Consortium on EU Studies
  - 2002-2010 Richard von Weizsäcker Professor
  - 2003 Guest Professor, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
  - 2008 Senior Diplomatic Fellow, Policy Planning Staff, Office of the German Foreign Minister
  Visiting Professor, Hertie School of Governance
  - seit 2010 Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor

Mag. Christoph NEUMAYER

Director General, Federation of Austrian Industries, Vienna

 Studies of History, Journalism and Law, University of Vienna
 Graduation with honors (Mag.phil) in History and Communication Science
 Degree from the 32nd Post Graduate Management University Course at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
 7th Strategic Leadership Course of the LVAK (Austrian National Defence Academy) on behalf of the Federal Government and the National Security Council
 Postgraduate Diploma in General Management, ESMT European School of Management and Technology, Berlin
1991-1992 Press spokesman of the Vienna branch of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP)
1992-1997 Permanent freelancer in the editorial department for ethnic minorities of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF)
1997-1998 Press Officer, Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), Editor-in-Chief of "Industry News Service"
1998-1999 Federal Managing Director of Young Industry / Group 1031
1999-2001 Manager of the IV Newsroom, Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)
2001-2011 Director of Marketing & Communication Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)
since 2011 Director General of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)

Vladimír SPIDLA

Former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic; Adviser to the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Prague

1974 Master Degree, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Charles University of Prague
1976 Ph.D., History and Prehistory, Charles University of Prague
1976-1989 A respectable person did not make a special career in my country at that time. So, following my studies I occupied different positions in different sectors very often just as a worker: Saw-mill worker, scene-shifter, dairy industry worker, archaeologist, public administrator in nature protection and environment, construction worker etc.
1990-1991 Vice-Chairman of Regional Public Authority in Jindrichuv Hradec
1991-1996 Director of Regional Employment Authority in Jindrichuv Hradec
1996-2004 Member of the Czech Parliament Chamber of Deputies for the CSSD
  Chairman of the Social Policy and Health Care Committee of the Chamber
1997-2001 Vice-Chairman of the CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party
1998-2002 First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
2001-2004 Chairman of the CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party
2002-2004 Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
2004-2010 European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
since 2011 Adviser to the Chairman of the Senate (Mr. Milan `tch), Czech Republic


Vice-Chancellor, Federal Minister of Finance of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1978-1983 University of Vienna, Law Faculty; 1983 Graduation as Doktor iuris - Doctor of Law
1982-1983 Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Criminal Law, University of Vienna
1983-1984 Judge's Assistant at several Courts of Law in Vienna
1984-1987 Civil Servant for the Federal State Lower Austria; employed in the Headquarter as well as in the Country Councils of Gmünd and Baden
1987-1990 Member in the Cabinet of the Minister of Defence
1989-1991 Speaker on European Relations, ÖAAB, the Employees' Association of the Austrian People's Party - ÖVP
1990-1993 Trainee Programme, Federation of Austrian Industrialists, including Work Experience at Alcatel Austria, Siemens and the Austrian Power Industry, as well as a four-months internship in Germany
1991 Deputy Head, ÖAAB
1992-1993 Member, Federal Chamber in the Austrian Parliament
1993-1994 GiroCredit (Austrian bank), employed within the Secretary of the Board; Strategic Management
1993-1995 MP - Member of the National Assembly
1995-1996 MEP - Member of the European Parliament (ÖVP-EVP), Brussels, Member in the Parliamentary Committee on Economics, Currency Issues and Industrial Policy, Deputy Member in the Committee for Social Issues and Employment
since 1996 MP - Member of the National Assembly in the Austrian Parliament
1996-2006 Party's Speaker on Foreign Affairs, Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs
since 1998 Chairman, NÖAAB (ÖAAB of Lower Austria)
2000-2007 Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2000-2006 Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader, Austrian People´s Party
2002-2006 Head, Austrian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2006-2008 2nd President, Austrian National Council
2008-2013 Federal Minister for European and International Affairs
since 2009 Head, ÖAAB
since 2011 Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria and Head of ÖVP
since 2013 Federal Minister of Finance

Dr. Jürgen STARK

Former Member of the Executive Board and the Governing Council, ECB - European Central Bank, Frankfurt

1978-1988 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft
1982-1983 Ständige Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beim Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommen, Genf
1988-1992 Bundeskanzleramt
1992-1998 Bundesministerium der Finanzen
1995-1998 Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Finanzen
1998-2002 Vizepräsident der Deutschen Bundesbank
2002-2006 Vizepräsident der Deutschen Bundesbank, zweite Amtszeit
seit 2006 Mitglied des Direktoriums und des Rats der Europäischen Zentralbank


Editor in Chief and Managing Director, NZZ Austria; Mentor, Alpbach Media Academy; Vienna

ab 1988 Studien der Theologie, Germanistik und Klassischen Philologie an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (nicht abgeschlossen)
1991-1994 Außenpolitik-Redakteur, "Kleine Zeitung"
1994 Redakteur in der Chefredaktion, "Kleine Zeitung"
1995-1997 Chef vom Dienst, "Kleine Zeitung"
1998-1999 Stellvertretender Chefredakteur, "Kleine Zeitung"
2000-2001 Chef vom Dienst, "Standard"
2002-2004 Stellvertretender Chefredakteur, "Die Presse"
2004-2012 Chefredakteur, "Die Presse"
2013/14 Leiter, Media Academy, Europäisches Forum Alpbach
seit 2015 Chefredakteur, ""

Economic Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 12:30OpeningPlenary
12:30 - 14:00Market Economy and Social ResponsibilityPlenary
14:30 - 16:30The Future of the Social Market EconomyPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Special Lecture: Free Trade and the New ProtectionismPlenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by SAP Austria GmbH and the European Forum AlpbachSocial


07:30 - 09:00The EU Internal Market – an Example of Effective Regulation?Plenary
09:30 - 11:00Competitive and Regulatory Deficiencies in AustriaPlenary
12:30 - 15:30Working Group 14: Den Wandel im Tourismus bewältigen – Zukunftsfähige Strukturen schaffenBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 01: Wann ist Regulierung intelligent?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 02: Economic Efficiency between Competition and RegulationBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 03: “Systemic” Enterprises under Supervision?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 04: Kollaps der Transfergesellschaft? Wohin führt Umverteilung?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 05: Visionen 2020: Wie wollen und wie können wir wirtschaften?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 06: Live-Experiment: Eigenprofit oder Gemeinwohl?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 07: Vorbild Manager? Erwartungen und MachbarkeitBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 08: CancelledBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 09: Nachhaltigkeit als ManagementprinzipBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 10: Das Kapital – Motor oder Übeltäter?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 11: Die Zukunft der Arbeit zwischen Produktivität und GerechtigkeitBreakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 12: Das Steuersystem: Einfach gerecht (be-)steuern!?Breakout
13:00 - 16:00Working Group 13: Daseinsvorsorge: Bringt Liberalisierung Effizienz und Sicherheit?Breakout
17:00 - 18:30Peter Drucker Special Lecture: Management-Responsibility and RegulationPlenary
18:30 - 21:00Reception hosted by T-Mobile Austria GmbH and T-Systems Austria GmbHSocial


07:30 - 09:45Europe and Global CompetitionPlenary
09:45 - 10:00Closing StatementPlenary