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Europe versus the US: Research policy, research funding, research organization

Liechtenstein- und -von Hayek Saal
Plenary /
German and English language
Head of Unit for Biotechnology and Applied Genomics, DG Research, European Commission, Brussels
Member, Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development; Chair, ERA Council Forum Austria, Vienna
Geschäftsführer, Endokrinologikum Hamburg
Head of the Clinical Immunology Unit, Jean Dausset Laboratorium, Karl-Franzens-Univeristät Graz Chair

BA, M.Sc., MBA Stephane HOGAN

Head of Unit for Biotechnology and Applied Genomics, DG Research, European Commission, Brussels

 Stéphane Hogan holds a BA in science (Genetics) and a Masters in Biotechnology from Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, as well as an MBA from the Open University. After several years in research and later in journalism, he worked for the Rhône-Poulenc group in France in the area of scientific communication, before joining the European Commission s DG Research in 1996.
 He is currently Head of Unit for Biotechnology and Applied Genomics, in the "Health" Directorate, which has the task of managing priority 1 - Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health - in the 6th Framework programme (2003-2006).
 The European Commission is now preparing the 7th Framework programme. In that context, the unit headed by Stéphane Hogan is focussed on establishing of a joint technology initiative for Innovative Medicines to tackle, in partnership with industry, the problem of drug development duration and cost.


Member, Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development; Chair, ERA Council Forum Austria, Vienna

1959 Doctorate in Jurisprudence, University of Vienna
1969 Ph.D. in Sociology, Columbia University, New York
1996-2002 Professor of Philosophy and Science and Technology Studies, ETH Zurich
  Teaching and Research Positions at the Institute for Advanced Study, Vienna; King's College, Cambridge; University of Bielefeld; Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin; Ecole des Hautes Etudes et Sciences Sociales, Paris; Science Center for Social Sciences, Berlin; Collegium Budapest
1998-2004 Director, "Collegium Helveticum", ETH Zurich
2001-2006 Chair, EURAB - European Research Advisory Board of the European Commission
2002-2004 Director, Branco Weiss Fellowship Programme "Society in Science"
2005-2011 Chair, Scientific Advisory Board of the University of Vienna
2007-2010 Vice-President ERC - European Research Council
2010-2013 President, ERC - European Research Council
  Professor em., Science and Technology Studies, ETH Zurich

Dr. Heinrich M. SCHULTE

Geschäftsführer, Endokrinologikum Hamburg

1987 Facharzt für Innere Medizin
Privatdozent, Habilitation, Venia Legendi für das Fach Innere Medizin
Gastprofessur an der Medizinischen Fakultät Hangzhou, China
1992 Berufung zum Universitätsprofessor (C3) der Universität Kiel
1993-1999 Geschäftsführender Direktor des IHF Institut für Hormon- und Fortpflanzungsforschung an der Universität Hamburg
2001 Gründung Endokrinologikum Hamburg
2002-2005 Präsident der European Society for Clinical Investigation, Brüssel

Dr. Gernot TILZ

Head of the Clinical Immunology Unit, Jean Dausset Laboratorium, Karl-Franzens-Univeristät Graz

1959-1965 Student at University of Graz, University of Paris and London, Conservatory and Academy of Music
 Student of the Physician of Queen Elizabeth, The Dean of Westminster Medical School, Sir Richard Bayliss
 Graduation with distinction as "Doctor Medicinae Universae" at Graz University
 Demonstrator of Physiology, Assistant at Graz University, Pasteur Institute Paris, Professor of Medicine at Graz University Medical School
 Researcher at Scripps Clinic La jolla ( University of San Diego), University of Washington, London, Paris and Montpellier
 Founder of the hitherto non existing medical discipline Clinical Immunology in Graz, first bone transplanter in Austria with Mutz and Urban
 Head of the Clinical Immunology Unit, Jean Dausset Laboratorium