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European crisis management and global challenges: Development aid, AIDS/epidemics, migration

Plenary /
German and English language
Minister of European Integration, Republic of Montenegro, Podgorica
Senior Partnership Advisor (Consultant), Europe and Central Asia Region, The World Bank, Munich
Division of Country Support, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Former Ambassador, United States Mission to the OSCE
Herausgeber und Chefredakteur, Tageszeitung Kurier, Wien Chair

Dr. Gordana DJUROVIC

Minister of European Integration, Republic of Montenegro, Podgorica

 Prof Dr. Gordana Djurovi is a full professor on the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, where she teaches Economic Development, International Economic Relations, and Regional Economy on basic studies. She is the Head of the post-graduate studies in the field of European Economic Integration, where she teaches Economics of the EU and Enlargement Policy. Dr Djurovi was also project manager and associate on projects in the field of economic policy planning and sustainable development, especially on strategic developmental projects of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro:  Regional development of Montenegro (1998),  Programme on utility services transformation and restructuring in Montenegro (1999) and  Development and poverty reduction strategy in Montenegro (2003). In the previous capacity of the Government of Montenegro, she was the Minister for International Economic Relations (February 2004-October 2006). By the decision of the Government of Montenegro adopted in June 2005, she was appointed for the Head of Negotiating Team for negotiations on stabilization and association process, which was successfully completed with signing of the Agreement (SAA) on 15 October 2007. In February 2005, she was appointed for the Head of Negotiating team for the negotiation of accession of Montenegro to World Trade Organization. In period 2006-2009, she held position of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration in the Government of Montenegro. On the session held on 10 June 2009, the Parliament of Montenegro appointed her as Minister for European Integration.

Franz KAPS

Senior Partnership Advisor (Consultant), Europe and Central Asia Region, The World Bank, Munich

1964 Masters in Law
1968 Bar Examination (Assessor iur.)
1968-1970 Assistant to Member of German Parliament, Bonn/Germany
1970-1972 World Bank Secretary s Department
1972-1984 Several operational assignments in Central America, Egypt and Yugoslavia
1984-1997 Several senior assignments in the World Bank s Africa Region, including serving as Resident Representative in Dakar Senegal (1984-88)
1997-2000 Senior Partnership Advisor, Office of the Vice President Europe and Central Asia
2000-2004 Senior Partnership Advisor, Office of the Vice President Europe and Central Asia, based in Budapest, Hungary. Prime responsibility: overall coordination between the World Bank and the European Commission (EC) concerning the enlargement process of the European Union (EU) as well as the so-called European Neighborhood Policy (ENP)
2004-2007 World Bank Special Representative for Southeast Europe and co-manager of Joint European Commission-World Bank Office for Southeast Europe, as well as ECA Senior Partnership Advisor, Brussels, Belgium
 Retired in late May 2007 but continues to serve as World Bank consultant, especially on matters related to cooperation between the World Bank s Europe and Central Asia Region and European institutions, especially the European Commission.


Division of Country Support, WHO Regional Office for Europe

 A long-standing experience in the European transition countries health system reforms and institutional restructuring, well acquainted with health systems in Europe. Experience in the pharmaceutical sector (reform of systems, structures and public sector to adjust to a market oriented system).
1983-1989 Senior Researcher, Clinical Pharmacology Research, Moscow, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences; Clinical & Experimental Therapy Research Institute, Georgia
1989-1992 Deputy Head, Health Care Organisation Department, Health System Restructuring and Institutional Reform: Ministry of Health of Georgia
1992-1994 Department Head, Regulation of Pharmaceutical Sector, Drug Regulatory Authority of Georgia
since 1994 Technical Adviser, Programme Manager; Director, Health Policies and System Reforms in Europe; Management of WHO Country Operations; Pharmaceutical sector reforms in Europe: WHO, Regional Office for Europe


Former Ambassador, United States Mission to the OSCE

 In his position he was deeply involved in the security, economic and political issues that are at the heart of the Euro-Atlantic, U.S.-EU, U.S.-Russia and U.S.-Eurasia relationships. Specifically, Ambassador Minikes was engaged with 54 other ambassadors representing the area from Vancouver to Vladivostok, addressing a wide range of security-related concerns, including human rights, democratization and economic and environmental issues, conflict prevention, post-conflict rehabilitation, confidence and security-building measures, counter-terrorism and arms control. Prior to his appointment by President Bush, Ambassador Minikes was for 17 years a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of the national law firm of Thelen Reid & Priest LLP, where he was chairman of the firm's government affairs department and served as the managing partner of the Washington office and a member of the firm's management board. Prior to joining Thelen Reid, Ambassador Minikes established the Washington office of the Houston, Texas law firm of Butler & Binion in 1977, and served as that office's managing partner throughout his tenure with the firm. Ambassador Minikes' law practice consisted primarily of representing corporations, trade associations, cities, and other governmental entities in matters involving national defense, transportation, government procurement, infrastructure development, international trade and agriculture. He is a well-known member of the Washington political and legal communities and is recognized for his extensive knowledge of international affairs and diplomacy, administrative law, the Executive Branch and Congress.
1961 graduate of the Cornell University
1964 graduate of the Yale Law School
1972 joined the Department of Defense
1972-1974 served in the Pentagon as legal counsel to the Chief of Naval Operations, the late Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., and as a member of his senior advisory staff. During his tenure at the Pentagon, he had a period of service in the White House as counsel to Charles J. DiBona, Special Consultant to the President for Energy, to develop a national energy policy.
1974-1977 William J. Casey asked Ambassador Minikes to join him as senior vice president and a member of the management committee of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Ambassador Minikes worked on all aspects of export financing and served in those capacities.
2001-2005 United States Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Peter RABL

Herausgeber und Chefredakteur, Tageszeitung Kurier, Wien

 Studium der Publizistik an der Universität Wien
1971-1973 Journalist bei den NÖ Nachrichten
1973-1975 Ressortleiter bei der Wochenpresse
1975-1980 Ressortleiter Innenpolitik und Chefredakteur-Stellvertreter beim Kurier
1980-1988 Moderator und Hauptabteilungsleiter beim ORF
1988-1991 Herausgeber des Wochenmagazins Profil
seit 1993 Herausgeber und Chefredakteur der Tageszeitung Kurier
1995-1997 Präsentator der Sendung 'Zur Sache'

Political Symposium

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