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Into the Silence: Making a Difference

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

The meeting in Alpbach is a meeting of people who are not satisfied with our world as it is. They question much of the status quo, they believe in a different, better world, and they invest themselves in it. They do not spare themselves and believe that they can at least make a difference for the better and effect. Or in other words, that the reality can be different than it is now.
The prophet Isaiah from the Christian-Jewish First Testament was also – as a “prophet” – a seer, who recognized and interpreted the connections and developments and believed that life can be different. That God himself wants a different reality. Christine Rod shows how amazingly up-to-date and inspiring this two-and-a-half-thousand-year-old seer is today.

Chairlady, Culture Committee, Alpbach Welcome
RPR Group, Geschäftsführer, Wien Art
Theologin, Germanistin, Supervisorin; Regionalleiterin der Ordensgemeinschaft der Missionarinnen Christi für Deutschland und Österreich, München


Chairlady, Culture Committee, Alpbach

1985-1986 Au-Pair, Boston, MA
1987-1991 Saisonen Reception, Hotel Alpbacherhof, Alpbach
seit 1991 Produktmanagerin, Hoteleinkauf, Reiseorganisation, Brixlegg


RPR Group, Geschäftsführer, Wien

 Studium der Wirtschafts- und Planungsmathematik an der Technischen Universität, Wien, 1975 Dipl.-Ing.
1974-75 Praxis bei IBM Österreich
1976-80 Erste Österr. Spar-Casse-Bank, Assistent des Personalchefs
1980-85 Erste Österr. Spar-Casse-Bank, Leiter der strategischen Unternehmensplanung
1981 Doktorat, Techn. Universität Wien
1985-88 Erste Österr. Spar-Casse-Bank, Leiter der Emissionsabteilung
1988 Österr. Länderbank AG, Bereich Wertpapiere/Emissionsgeschäft
1989 Geschäftsführer der LB-Capital Markets
1991 Direktor und Leiter des Bereiches Wertpapiere in der Österr. Länderbank AG
1991-2000 Direktor und Leiter des Ressorts Wertpapier der Bank Austria Aktiengesellschaft, danach Ressort Asset Management
seit 2000 Mitglied des Vorstandes der Wiener Börse AG

Sr. Christine ROD MC

Theologin, Germanistin, Supervisorin; Regionalleiterin der Ordensgemeinschaft der Missionarinnen Christi für Deutschland und Österreich, München

Alpbach extra

show timetable


20:30 - 21:00Open-air concert of the Alpbach Brass BandSocial


08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary


07:00 - 08:00An active start to the daySocial
18:30 - 19:00Into the Silence: Ears that hear & Eyes that seePlenary


07:00 - 08:00An active start to the daySocial
08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary


07:00 - 08:00An active start to the daySocial
18:30 - 19:00Into the Silence: The Voice of Your HeartPlenary


07:00 - 08:00An active start to the daySocial
08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary


07:00 - 08:00An active start to the daySocial
18:30 - 19:00Into the Silence: The Power of SilencePlenary
20:30 - 21:00Open-air concert of the Alpbach Brass BandSocial


08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary


09:00 - 10:00Ecumenical ServicePlenary
18:30 - 19:00Into the Silence: To the FullPlenary


18:30 - 19:00Into the Silence: HopePlenary


08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary


18:30 - 19:00Into the Silence: Making a DifferencePlenary


08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary


08:15 - 08:35Interreligious ContemplationPlenary
20:30 - 21:00Open-air concert of the Alpbach Brass BandSocial