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Fight against terrorism as global task

Plenary /
State Police Service, Federal Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Austria
Counselor for Economic and Political Affairs, American Embassy, Vienna
Director, Federal Office of the Protection of the Constitution, Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna
President of the Bundeskriminalamt
Director, CFDP - Center for Foreign and Defence Policy; Chairman of the Board, Strategy and Security Policy, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Präsident, Österreichische Juristenkommission, Wien


State Police Service, Federal Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Austria

1973 - 78 studied Law at the University of Vienna
 Professional Background:
1978 Contractual employee of the Federal Ministry of the Interior
-84 working within Division II76 of the State Police Service which is responsible for general State-Police related matters, then nominated Head of the subdivision responsible for intelligence-related matters within Division II/7 (State Protection)
1983- Tenured civil servant
1986 Promotion to the rank of Oberkommissär (2nd level in the academic civil service)
1989 Promotion to the rank of Rat (3rd level)
1993 Promotion to the rank of Oberrat (4th level)
1994 Nomination as Deputy to the Head of Division
1998 Promotion to the rank of Ministerialrat (senior civil servant)
 Chairman of the Council working party on terrorism (3rd pillar) during the Austrian Presidency of the European Union (until Dec 31, 1998)
2001- Interim Head of Division II/C/7


Counselor for Economic and Political Affairs, American Embassy, Vienna

1995: Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut - Master of Arts in Economics
 Georgetown University s School of Foreign Service - Washington, DC - Master of Science in Foreign Service
1975-1976: University of Vienna - Vienna, Austria - Academic
1978-1980: University of Vienna - Vienna, Austria - Academic
1978: University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Relations
1978-1980: English Teacher - Schottengymnasium der Benediktiner Vienna, Austria
1982-1984: Corporate Finance Officer - Bank of America International New York Corporate Office
1984-1999: U.S. Diplomat - Served as Economic/Political Officer in Pretoria, South Africa; Johannesburg, South Africa; Guanggzhou, China; Taipei, Taiwan; Mbabane, Swaziland; Office of Monetary Affairs, Washington, DC; Manila, Philippines; Nairobi, Kenya
 since August 1999: U.S. Embassy - Vienna Counselor for Economic and Political Affairs


Director, Federal Office of the Protection of the Constitution, Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna

 Eintritt in die österreichische Bundesgendarmerie am 1.4.1977 und Verwendung in verschiedenen Funktionen bis 1992. Von 1992-1995 Referatsleiter in der Gruppe Staatspolizeilicher Dienst. Im November 1995 Bestellung zum Leiter der Einsatzgruppe zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus. Im Rahmen dieser Funktionen Vertretung Österreichs in verschiedenen Foren, sowohl in der EU als auch international. Von 2002-2008 Leiter der Terrorismusabwehr bei Europol in Den Haag und Vertretung Europols in Brüssel sowie in zahlreichen internationalen Konferenzen. Seit 1.3.2008 Direktor BVT.

Dr. Klaus Ulrich KERSTEN

President of the Bundeskriminalamt

1970 Federal Ministry of the Interior (Section: "1972 Munich Olympics")
1972 Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
-73 Koblenz Border Guard Directorate (Departement: "Border Police Affairs")
1973 Federal Ministry of the Interior, Section: "Internal German and Berlin Affairs"
1975 Doctorate conferred
1976 Federal Ministry of the Interior, Police Affairs Division, Section:
 " General Criminal Police Affairs"
1978 Working Group: General Bundeskriminalamt Affairs and Suppression of Crime
1980 Head of Section: "Police Information System; Forensic Science" in the Police Affairs Division
1987 Head of Section: "Federal Board Guard Affairs - General Policy,
 Legal and Organizational Matters" in the Police Affairs Division
1991 Head of Subdivision: "General Police Affairs; General Federal Border Guard Affairs"
1995 Head of the newly created "Federal Border Guard" Division at the Federal Ministry of the Interior
1996 President of the Bundeskriminalamt
1999 Head of the Department for Police Affairs at the Federal Ministry of the Interior
2000 Delegate for Europe in the Interpol Executive Committee

Mag. Ph.D. Friedrich KORKISCH

Director, CFDP - Center for Foreign and Defence Policy; Chairman of the Board, Strategy and Security Policy, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

 studied Political Science, Philosophy and International Relations at the University of Vienna; American History, US Government, Santa Barbara City College; English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Military Science Miklos Zrinyi Univ. Budapest.
 Teaching assignments: Department of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna; Generalstabslehrgänge and Strategischer Führungslehrgang der Bundesregierung, Landesverteidigungsakademie Wien; Diplomacy and Diplomatic History, International University Vienna; Macro Economics Corvinus Univ., Budapest

Prof. Dr. Roland MIKLAU

Präsident, Österreichische Juristenkommission, Wien

1963 Doctor of Law, University of Vienna
1965-1966 Post-graduate studies (political science), University of Kansas
1966-1970 Judicial trainee, judge
1970-1987 Legal adviser and Head of Unit, Criminal Legislation, Austrian Ministry of Justice
1987-2006 Director General, Criminal Legislation, Ministry Justice
since 1999 Member, Human Rights Advisory Council, Austrian Ministry of the Interior
2007-2010 Head of Mission / Team Leader, European Assistance Mission to the Justice System in Albania (EURALIUS I and II), Tirana
since 2010 President, Österreichische Juristenkommission, Vienna