Breakfast Club 06: Artificial intelligence for compliance and regulation
Supported by PwC Austria
Big data is flushing economic and financial markets alike. Artificially intelligent algorithms are able to analyse, process and sort this data with increasing speed and precision. This technological trend not only affects the business models of banks but also their compliance and regulation. Are there ways in which compliance and regulation can benefit from AI?
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Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fraugster, Berlin
2012-2013 | Product Evangelist, SumUp, Berlin |
2013-2015 | Founder and Managing Director, Better Payment LTD, Berlin and London |
since 2014 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fraugster, Berlin |
Mag. Helmut ETTL
Executive Director, FMA - Austrian Financial Market Authority, Vienna
Studienabschluss an der Johannes Kepler-Universität Linz, Volkswirtschaftslehre | |
1995 | Eintritt in die Oesterreichische Nationalbank |
Abteilung für die Analyse wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen im Ausland | |
Arbeitsschwerpunkt: Analyse der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Westeuropas mit besonderem Schwerpunkt WWU | |
2000 | Ernennung zum Direktionsassistenten |
2001 | Ernennung zum stv. Abteilungsleiter der Abteilung für Bankenanalyse und -revision |
2003 | Ernennung zum Abteilungsleiter der Abteilung für Bankenanalyse und -revision |
seit 2008 | Vorstand der FMA - Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde |
2008-2011 | Mitglied, CEBS - Committee of European Banking Supervisors, London |
seit 2011 | Mitglied, Aufsichtsgremium, EBA - Europäische Bankenaufsichtsbehörde, London |
Mitglied, General Board, ESRB-Europäischer Ausschuss für Systemrisiken | |
seit 2014 | Mitglied, Aufsichtsgremium, Bankenaufsicht der EZB - Europäischen Zentralbank, Frankfurt |
Mag. (FH) Thomas SCHAUFLER
Member, Management Board, Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG, Vienna
Thomas Schaufler started his career at GiroCredit in 1993. He has worked in various management positions at Erste Bank since 1997 in the area of retail sales for the group and domestic savings banks. In addition to being responsible for the group-wide securities business, he also served as Managing Director of Erste Asset Management. In February 2016, he was appointed to the Management Board of Erste Bank Oesterreich. |
Chief Editorial Team, Zurich Office, Forbes, Zurich
2010-2014 | B.Sc. in Economics, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna |
2014-2016 | M.Sc. in Economics, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna |
2014 | Editor, financial markets, APA - Austria Press Agency, Vienna |
2015-2016 | Staff Writer, Forbes, Vienna |
since 2017 | Chief Editorial Team, Forbes, Zurich |