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Breakfast Club 05: Should we Invest Instead of Save?

Breakout /
in deutscher Sprache

Today’s middle classes can no longer earn a prosperous life for themselves. How can a functioning capital market increase wealth for all? What structures are necessary?

Director, Agenda Austria, Vienna Introduction
Partner, SpeedInvest, Vienna
Senior Economist, Momentum Institute, Vienna
Corporate Account Officer, UniCredit Bank Austria, Vienna Chair


Director, Agenda Austria, Vienna

1990-1991 Bankausbildung, Creditanstalt Bankverein, Wien
1992-1997 Studium der Handelswissenschaften, WU - Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
1997-2013 Wirtschaftsredaktion, "Die Presse", Wien
2004-2013 Leiter der Wirtschaftsredaktion, "Die Presse", Wien
2011-2013 Stellvertretender Chefredakteur, "Die Presse", Wien
seit 2013 Direktor, Agenda Austria, Wien


Partner, SpeedInvest, Vienna

 Stefan is General Partner at Speedinvest, a pan-European early-stage tech fund with offices in Vienna, Berlin, London, San Francisco and Munich. At Speedinvest, he is responsible for FinTech investments across EMEA and takes a very hands-on approach to support founders on business and product strategy, business development and corporate development. Speedinvest is seeking to support the best teams in Europe to create the next generation of financial services unicorns. Speedinvest has been ranked as the most active FinTech investor in Europe by CB Insights and PitchBook. Stefan is regular speaker at Money 2020 in Europe and Asia, Paris FinTech Forum as well as Noah. Stefan has over 20 years of experience in the international payments and banking technology space as Advisor, Executive, Incubator and Investor. He is non-executive Board Member of Wirecard, Iyzico, Curve and payworks and Advisory Board Member of N26, Wefox, Billie, Fincompare and Grandhood. Stefan also supports the founders of Fraugster, Lemonway, Predictus, Koin, Factris and Cyberwrite.

Oliver PICEK

Senior Economist, Momentum Institute, Vienna

 Oliver is a Senior Economist at Momentum Institute based in Vienna, Austria. He has received an MA from the University of Vienna (Austria) and a PhD from the New School for Social Research (New York City, USA), both in Economics. After his graduation, he briefly held a position as a Post-Doc at the Business University of Vienna before serving as a special advisor in labor market policy to the Austrian Minister for Social Affairs and Labor and as a Member of the supervisory board of the public employment service of Austria (AMS). In his previous position, he worked as a researcher in the Economic, Employment and Social Policies Unit at the European Trade Union Institute in Brussel. Oliver's academic research is in international macroeconomics, in particular current account imbalances among European economies. His more policy-relevant research deals with the actual constraints of national employment, monetary, and fiscal policy within the European Monetary Union. He has served as an external lecturer at the Department of Economics at WU Wien (Vienna University of Business and Economics) and as an external expert for the ECO section of the European Economic and Social Committee.

Thomas AUER

Corporate Account Officer, UniCredit Bank Austria, Vienna

 Thomas Auer ist Corporate Account Manager und betreut in seiner Funktion Firmenkunden der Bank Austria im südlichen Wiener Raum (Niederösterreich/Burgenland). Seine Karriere startete Herr Auer bereits während seines Studiums beim Grazer Motorenentwickler AVL List im Bereich Global Business Development. Nach Abschluss seines Studiums (Master of Science Betriebswirtschaft/ Schwerpunkt Finance), welches auch ein Auslandsstudienjahr an der University of New Mexico in den USA inkludierte, zog es ihn 2015 von der Steiermark nach Wien um dort in die Bank Austria einzutreten. Herr Auer absolvierte zunächst ein 18 monatiges Trainee-Programm für ausgewählte HochschulabsolventInnen, um im Anschluss ein Kundenportfolio im Bereich Corporate Banking zu übernehmen. Seit 2017 ist er zudem Teil des "Unicredit Group Talent Management Program", ein Programm zur Ausbildung von Nachwuchs-Führungskräften der Unicredit-Gruppe.

Financial Market Symposium

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