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Foreign direct investment as a means of political strategy?

Festsaal Diplomatische Akademie
in englischer Sprache
Directeur Général Délégué, Bouygues Group, Paris
Deputy Director, Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris
Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; Professor of International Economic and Business Studies, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest
Professor, Department of European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna Chair


Directeur Général Délégué, Bouygues Group, Paris

 Graduate of Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs à combustion interne (ENSPM) engineering school
1974 Joined the Bouygues group. He began his career in the Group's civil works branch
1983-1988 He worked at Bouygues Offshore as director of the Cameroon subsidiary Boscam and then director for the France Works and Special Projects division
1988-1992 He held the post of Chairman and CEO of Maison Bouygues catalogue homes unit
1992 Appointed Group Executive Vice-President for Utilities Management, a division covering the French and international activities of Saur
2002 Appointed Deputy CEO of Bouygues
 Other significant appointments: Co-CEO of SCDM. Director of Bouygues Construction, Colas, TF1, Eurosport, Bouygues Telecom and Alstom. Chairman of the Board and director of Finagestion.

Dr. Rainer GEIGER

Deputy Director, Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris

 Graduate of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, advanced law degree, PhD, and Columbia Law School in New York, United States LL.M
1972-1976 Counsellor, Ministry of Economics and Economic Cooperation, Germany
1976-1977 Secretary of the Finance Commission, Conference on International Economic Cooperation, Paris
since 1977 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France, in various positions, currently Deputy Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs and Head of the Middle East and North Africa Programme
since 1996 Associate Professor for international economic law, University Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne
since 2001 Co-Chairman, Investment Compact for South East Europe

Ph.D. Mihaly SIMAI

Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; Professor of International Economic and Business Studies, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest

1952 Graduated in the Budapest University of Economics
1957 Received his Ph.D. from the Budapest University of Economics, became the "candidate of sciences" in 1962 and the "doctor of the Academy" in 1971
1959-1960 Working in the United Nation (UN) Economic Commission for Europe of the UN Centre for Development Planning, Projection and Policies
1971 Head of the Department of World Economy; became a full professor in the Budapest University
1974-1987 He co-founded the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and became its deputy director and Director General (1987-1991)
1981 Elected by the Plenum of the Academy to the membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1993-1995 Director of the World Institute for Development Economics of the United Nations University in Helsinki
 His teaching and lecturing included the George Washington University, DePauw University, Helsinki University, Delhi School of Economics, Seoul National University, Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokio), the War College of the U.S. Army etc. He also directed a global research program in the United Nations University (UNU) on the global employment issues, on the "Reintegration of the Transition Economies in Europe, China and Vietnam to the Global Economy" and on the "The Interrelations between the Democratisation Process and the Economic Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe".
 Currently he is working in the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as a Research Professor. He is a Professor of International Economic and Business Studies at the Budapest University of Economics and the director of both the undergraduate and advanced studies program on International Cooperation and International Business. Currently he is responsible for the research programs on globalization, transnational corporation, science and technology and sustainable development.

Dr. Friedl WEISS

Professor, Department of European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna

 Studies in law, including public international and European Community law at the Universities of Vienna, (Dr. iur., 1970), Free University of Brussels, Licence speciale en Droit Europeen, 1972, and Cambridge Downing College; completion of the academic stage of the United Kingdom Bar examination
1970-1971 Court practice, First Instance Civil Court, Vienna Central
1974-1978 Lecturer, law at the University of Birmingham
1979-1992 Law Department, London School of Economics and Political Science
1984-1986 Legal adviser, Secretariat of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
1990-1991 Legal consultant, legal affairs division of the GATT Secretariat; Legal Adviser tor DCs and LDCs for the Technical cooperation and training division of the VVorld Trade Organisation
1990-2005 Visiting Professor, Department of International Law, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
1992-2006 Chair of International (Economic) Law and Organisations, University of Amsterdam
since 1996 Academic Director, Training and Staff Development Programs and MA Course in International Law and International Relations for High Level Officials in the Ethiopian Government and Members of
  the Parliament of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
1998 EC TACIS Project, Poland
1999 Multilateral Trade Policy Assistance Programme (MUTRAP)
2000-2003 Director of the Amsterdam Law School
2006 Chair of European Community- and EU Law, University of Vienna
 Visiting Professorships
 Visiting Professor at Universities, including: Bocconi, Milano; Tulane University, New Orleans (2005); University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA (2001); International Law Department, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P.R.China (2001&2004); Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, France (2004); Institut Universitaire des Hautes Études Internationales Genève (HEI), University of Geneva (2005); University of Bratislava School of Law
 Lectures and Summer schools all over the world, including School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at John Hopkins University Washington DC; Fordham University Law School, New York; University of Bologna; Eastern University of Law and Political Science, Shanghai; North-West University of Political Science and Law, Xi-an, P.R.China; South-West University of Politics and Law, Chongqing, P.R.China; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Alpbach Summer School on European Integration; Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine; Duke University Law School Campus, Geneva; University of Belgrade.