Generation Couch Potato – Alternatives to Finger-Wagging
Supported by Coca-Cola
Every sixth Austrian child is overweight. Physical inactivity increases the risk of a heart attack, a stroke or diabetes. It seems that finger-wagging is not an effective means of getting young couch potatoes moving. Are there successful measures for encouraging children and young people to do more sport and physical activity? What roles can family, school and new technologies like fitness wristbands play? A kindergarten project leader, an entrepreneur, a representative of the Association for Corporate Activity (Betriebssportverband) and a sports journalist provide answers to these questions.
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Alexandra KONCAR
Managing Director, Österreichischer Betriebssport Verband, Vienna
1985-2000 | Journalistin, Editorin, Moderatorin für ORF, Ö3, ORF-Steiermark, Antenne Steiermark |
2000-2007 | Inhaberin, Agentur für Public Relations & Kommunikationsmanagment |
2004-2007 | Marketing, (Wirtschaft & Sport, Sponsoring), Wirtschaftskammer Österreich |
seit 2007 | Gerichtssachverständige, Werbung, Wirtschaftswerbung, Kommunikation, PR und Sponsoring |
2008-2011 | CEO, Spirit Infotainment GmbH - TV Production |
seit 2010 | Inhaberin, ah-life - macht Ideen und Projekte lebendig |
2011-2014 | CEO, Österreichischer Betriebssport Verband, Wien |
seit 2014 | Generalsekretärin, Österreichischer Betriebssport Verband, Wien |
Michael KUHN
Treasurer, AIPS - Association Internationale de la Presse Sportiv, Lausanne
1959-2003 | Sports Editor, Kronen Zeitung, Vienna |
2003-2006 | Chief Editor, Kronen Zeitung, Vienna |
2007-2015 | Columnist, NEWS Magazine, Vienna |
1965-1993 | Sports Commentator and Presenter, ORF Sports, Vienna |
1997-2014 | President, Sports Media Austria |
seit 2012 | Treasurer, AIPS - Association Internationale de la Presse Sportiv, Lausanne |
Mag. Alex PINTER
Co-Founder und CEO, Trayn, Vienna
1998-2005 | International Business, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna |
Sports Science, University of Vienna | |
2005 | Project Team Member, Roland Berger, Munich |
2006-2009 | Strategy Consultant, Accenture, Vienna |
since 2009 | Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Trayn, Vienna |
2009-2012 | Advisor, THEFANBLOG, Villach |
since 2010 | External Lecturer, CEMS Programme, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna |
Project Leader, SALTO - SALzburg Together against Obesity, Hallein/Rif
1985-1990 | Student, Sport Science, University of Salzburg |
1990-1997 | Pre-Doc, German Sport University Cologne |
1995-1998 | Post-Doc, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
1998-2003 | Post-Doc, University of Salzburg |
2003-2009 | Assistant Professor, University of Salzburg |
2009 | Associate Professor, University of Salzburg |