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Generational Inequality

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache
President, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
Former President of the Republic of Finland, Helsinki
Founding Director, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU), Vienna; Director, World Population Program, IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg
Former President of the Republic of Ireland; President, MRFCJ - The Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, Dublin
PULS 4 Head of Info, ProSieben Sat.1 PULS 4, Vienna Chair

Dr. Jining CHEN

President, Tsinghua University, Beijing

1992 Post-Doctorate, Imperial College London, UK
1994 Assistant Researcher, School of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK
1998 Vice Dean, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
1999 Dean, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
2006 Vice President, Tsinghua University
2007 Vice President and the Secretary-General, Tsinghua University
2010 Vice President and the Dean of the Graduate School, the Graduate School at Shenzhen Tsinghua University
since 2012 President, Tsinghua University


Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ

1989-1991 Research Associate, Princeton University
1991-1992 Long-Term Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
1992-2004 Professor of Mathematical Physics, Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam
since 2005 Distinguished University Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Amsterdam
2008-2012 President, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
since 2009 Co-Chair, InterAcademy Council
since 2012 Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton


Former President of the Republic of Finland, Helsinki

1968 Master of Laws, University of Helsinki
1969-1970 Social Affairs Secretary and Organizational Secretary of the National Union of Finnish Students
1970-1979 Lawyer with the Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions SAK
1974-1975 Prime Minister s parliamentary secretary
1977-1996 Member of the Helsinki City Council
1979-2000 Member of Parliament
1984-1986 Chairman of the Parliamentary Social Affairs Committee
1987-1990 Minister at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, incl. Minister for Equality
1989-1991 Minister for Nordic Cooperation
1990-1991 Minister of Justice
1991-1994 Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Law Committee
1995 Chairman of the Parliamentary Grand Committee
1995-2000 Minister for Foreign Affairs
2000-2012 President of the Republic of Finland

Mag. Dr. Wolfgang LUTZ

Founding Director, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU), Vienna; Director, World Population Program, IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg

1980 Magister (M.A.), Social and Economic Statistics, University of Vienna
1981-1982 Research Assistant, Population Studies Center/Graduate Group in Demography, University of Pennsylvania
1982 M.A., Demography, University of Pennsylvania
1983 Ph.D. (with distinction), Demography, University of Pennsylvania
1983-1985 Research Associate, Demographic Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Lecturer in Social and Economic Statistics, University of Vienna
1984 Visiting Scholar, World Fertility Survey, London
since 1984 Employed at IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg
1988 Habilitation, Demography and Social Statistics, University of Vienna
since 1988 Leader, World Population Program, IIASA, Laxenburg
1995-1998 Research Director, Austrian Institute for Family Studies, Vienna
1998-2001 Secretary General, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)
1999-2004 Scientific Coordinator, EU Observatory for the Social Situation, Demography and the Family
2001-2002 Initiator and Coordinator, Global Science Panel on Population and Environment
since 2002 Director, Vienna Institute of Demography (VID), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
2007 Senior Visiting Fellow, Oxford Institute of Ageing, Oxford University
2002-2009 Deputy Chair, Board of Directors and Chair of the Scientific Program Committee, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), Nairobi, Kairo
2003-2008 Member, Board of Directors (Kuratorium), Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock
since 2008 Full Professor of Social and Economic Statistics (part time), Vienna University of Economics and Business
2011 Founding Director, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU)


Former President of the Republic of Ireland; President, MRFCJ - The Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, Dublin

 Previous Occupation and Appointments include:
1975-1990 Lecturer in European Community Law, Trinity College Dublin
1976-1990 Member of the Advisory Board, Common Market Law Review
1984-1990 Member, Editorial Board of Irish Current Law Statutes Annotated
1988-1990 Co-founder and Director, Irish Centre for European Law
1989-1990 Member, Scientific Council of European Review of Public Law
1997-2002 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
2001 Secretary-General, Durban World Conference against Racism
2001-2008 Member of the Board, The Vaccine Fund
2002-2010 President, Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative
2003-2005 Member of the Global Commission on International Migration
2003-2009 Honorary Chair, BLIHR - Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights
Chair, Fund for Global Human Rights
2004-2009 Professor of Practice, Columbia University
2005-2007 Member of the Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the Poor
2005-2008 Chair, Board of Trustees, IIED - International Institute for Environment and Development
2006-2010 Member of the UN Global Compact Board
2007-2008 Vice-chair of the GAVI Fund Board
2008-2010 President, International Commission of Jurists
 Current Occupation and Appointments include:
since 1997 Member of the Council of State, Ireland
Member, Council of Women World Leaders
since 1998 Chancellor of the University of Dublin
since 2001 Member of the Advisory Board, the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Sweden
since 2002 Member, The Club of Madrid
since 2003 Member, International Advisory Committee of the International Development Law Organization, Rome
Member of the Advisory Board, Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights, Claremont McKenna College
Extraordinary Professor at the University of Pretoria
since 2004 Member of the Advisory Committee of the Samuel Rubin Program for the Advancement of Liberty and Equality through Law, Columbia University
since 2005 Member of Generation Investment Management Board
since 2006 Member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation Board
since 2007 Member of the Elders
since 2008 Member, Silatech Foundation Board of Trustees
since 2010 Chair, IHRB - Institute for Human Rights and Business
Member of the ECF - European Climate Foundation Board
President, Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice

Mag. Corinna MILBORN

PULS 4 Head of Info, ProSieben Sat.1 PULS 4, Vienna

 Studium Politikwissenschaft und Geschichte in Wien, Granada, Guatemala
1995-1996 Menschenrechtsbeobachterin in Guatemala
1998-2002 Pressesprecherin und Globalization Officer beim WWF Österreich
seit 2003 Journalistin und Autorin mit den Schwerpunkten Globalisierung, Menschenrechte, Migration
Politikredakteurin beim Wirtschaftsmagazin Format
2006-2008 Recherchen, Beratung und Aufnahmeleitungen für den Dokumentarfilm "Let's Make Money" von Erwin Wagenhofer
2007-2012 Moderation, Club 2, ORF
2010-2012 Stellvertretende Chefredakteurin, News
seit 2012 Moderatorin, Pro und Contra - Der AustriaNews Talk, PULS 4
seit 2013 Informationsdirektorin, Prosieben Sat1 PULS4
2013-2014 Moderatorin, "Die letzten Zeugen" von Doron Rabinovici und Matthias Hartmann, Burgtheater Wien

Political Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


09:00 - 10:30Not Just an IslandCulture
12:00 - 13:30OpeningPlenary
14:00 - 15:30The EU and Its Neighbours: Opportunities and Challenges for the Eastern PartnershipPlenary
16:00 - 17:30The European Union in Search of a New NarrativePlenary
17:30 - 18:00Curator’s Talk: Art in the Margin of War – War in the Margin of ArtCulture
19:00 - 20:30“Kakanien – New Homelands” Goes Alpbach: And Nobody’s There to Understand the Language You’re Screaming In…Culture


07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 01: Citizens’ Trust vs Distrust: Scenarios for the Future of DemocracyBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 02: Social Cohesion in a Wider EuropeBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 03: The EU and Turkey: Energising CooperationBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 04: The European Union and Its NeighboursBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 05: Never Mind the Gap – Overcoming the East-West Divide in the OSCEBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 06: International Disaster Preparedness and Response to Emergency and CrisisBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 16: A Young Look at EuropeBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 17: Success! The Do’s and Don’ts of Contemporary AdvocacyBreakout
10:00 - 11:00Lunch ReceptionSocial
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 07: Europe’s Next Generation in the Elections and BeyondBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 08: Brain Drain – Brain Gain: The Economic Potential of Migration in Modern Europe and in the PastBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 09: Beyond European CommunicationBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 10: Digital Europe – Between Security and CooperationBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 11: Europe’s Periphery at the Crossroads – Consequences for the Common Security and Defence PolicyBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 12: EU Enlargement Between Boldness and FatigueBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 13: Climate and Energy – Key Questions for the FutureBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 14: Future Energy Needs vs. Non-Proliferation PoliciesBreakout
11:00 - 13:30Breakout Session 15: The EU and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Balancing Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability?Breakout
14:30 - 16:00From Reconciliation to Integration: What the Young Can Contribute to a Common FuturePlenary
16:30 - 18:00Post-Conflict Countries in Transition: Reforming the Security SectorPlenary
18:30 - 20:00Bringing Ideas to Power: Towards a Democratic Consensus of Tomorrow?Plenary
20:00 - 21:30Integrated in Austria, Successful in the World – How Austrian Success Stories Are WrittenPartner


07:00 - 07:10Inequality and Sustainable Global Governance: IntroductionPlenary
07:10 - 08:30Generational InequalityPlenary
09:00 - 10:15Inequality in Energy and ClimatePlenary
10:15 - 10:30Closing RemarksPlenary