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Gericht erster Instanz

Plenary /
Judge and President of Chamber, General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg

Dr.iur Mag.rer.soc.oec Josef AZIZI

Judge and President of Chamber, General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg

1966-1967 Studies in General Linguistics, supplementary examination in Ancient Greek
1967-1971 Studies in Socio-Economics (Mag.rer.soc.oec.), University of Vienna
1969-1973 Studies in Law (Mag. et Dr.jur.), University of Vienna
1974-1988 University Assistant and Senior Assistant, Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law, Vienna School of Economics
1976-2006 Lecturer/Visiting Professor, Public Law, Vienna School of Economics
1985-1994 Civil Servant, Constitutional Department, Austrian Federal Chancellery
Representative ad litem before the Verfassungsgerichtshof (Constitutional Court) in proceedings for review of the constitutionality of federal laws
1985-1989 Member, Council of Europe's Steering Committee on Legal Cooperation (CDCJ)
1989-1994 Head, Department of European Integration Legal Matters and International Economic Law Matters, Federal Chancellery
Coordinator responsible for the adaptation of Austrian federal law to Community law; preparation of constitutional legislation in EU matters
 Since 1992 Member, Faculty of EURAS European Advanced Studies and EUROJUS, Danube University, Krems
 Since 1993 Reader, University of Vienna
1993-1994 Member, Working Party on CELEX, Austrian Legal Information System
 Since 1995 Judge, General Court of the European Union (GC)
1997/1998 President of Chamber at the General Court
 Since 2000 Part-time Lecturer, University of Luxembourg (and Institut universitaire international, Luxembourg)
2000/2001 President of Chamber, General Court
 Since 2001 Reader, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
 Since 2002 Member, MEIR Specialist Advisory Council of the European Academy, Bozen
 Since 2003 Member, Faculty of Master of Laws in Transnational Business Practice, University of Salzburg
2003/2004 President of Chamber, General Court
 Since 2004 Member (from 2008: Vice-Chairman), Board of Trustees, European Law Academy (ERA), Trier
2006/2007 Chairman, Procedural Committee, General Court
 Since 2007 President of Chamber, General Court
 Since 2008 Honorary Professor, Law Faculty, University of Vienna
 Since 2009 Member, Editorial Board, "European State Aid Law Quarterly" (EStAL

Europe and Austria

show timetable
Kategorie: all Breakout Plenary
Genre : all


19:00 - 21:00CocktailrezeptionPlenary


08:30 - 08:45OpeningPlenary
09:30 - 10:00Erweiterung der Europäischen Union: Konsequenzen für die Institutionen der EUPlenary
10:30 - 10:45Gericht erster InstanzPlenary
10:45 - 11:00UN/ECE  Economic Commission for EuropePlenary
11:00 - 11:15EZB – Europäische ZentralbankPlenary
11:15 - 11:30EIB – European Investment BankPlenary
11:30 - 11:45EBRD  European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentPlenary
14:00 - 14:30Die Rolle der OSZE in der Europäischen ArchitekturPlenary
14:30 - 15:30Ständige Vertretung Österreichs bei der Europäischen UnionPlenary
16:30 - 18:00Europäisches Parlament (mit Berichten aus den jeweiligen Ausschüssen des Europäischen Parlaments)Plenary
18:30 - 21:00Abendempfang der Tiroler Landesregierung in der Wirtschaftskammer TirolPlenary


Europäische Union – aus der Sicht eines ÖsterreichersPlenary
NATO/Partnership for PeacePlenary


08:30 - 14:30Arbeitskreis I – PolitikBreakout
08:30 - 14:30Arbeitskreis II – GerichtsbarkeitBreakout
08:30 - 14:30Arbeitskreis III – SicherheitBreakout
08:30 - 14:30Arbeitskreis IV – WirtschaftBreakout
08:30 - 14:30Arbeitskreis V – Finanzen und BankenBreakout
08:30 - 14:30Arbeitskreis VI – Wissenschaft und TechnologieBreakout
15:00 - 17:00Bericht aus den Arbeitsgruppen und PlenardiskussionPlenary
17:00 - 19:00Europa und Österreich aus der Sicht der MedienPlenary
19:00 - 21:00Abendempfang der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich und der Wirtschaftskammer TirolPlenary


08:00 - 08:30Opening of the final dayPlenary
08:30 - 09:30Der Europarat und die Perspektiven des KontinentsPlenary
08:30 - 09:00Die Europäische Kommission – wichtige Entwicklungen und AusblickPlenary
09:45 - 10:30Der StabilitätspaktPlenary
11:00 - 12:00Final WordsPlenary