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Global Literature – Describing an Unjust World. Authors in Conversation

Culture /
in englischer Sprache
Author, Cape Town
Author, Translator, Publisher, Vienna
Literary Critic, Author and Publicist, Berlin Chair

Nuruddin FARAH

Author, Cape Town

1964 Secondary schooling at Magistrale, Mogadiscio
1966-1970 BA Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
1971-1974 Lecturer, National University of Somalia
1981 Guest Professor, Bayreuth University, Germany
1981-1983 Ass. Professor, University of Jos, Nigeria
1989 Writer-in-residence, University of Minnesota
1988-1990 Makarere University, Uganda
1991 Brown University
1996 Rhodes Scholar, St Antony's College, Oxford
1997 Visiting Professor, English, University of Texas at Austin
2000 Doctor of Literature (honoris causa), University of Kent, Canterbury
2006 Ecole des Haute Etudes en Science Sociale, Paris
2007 Visiting Professor, Comparative Literature, Freie Universität Berlin
2009 Department of English, University of Berkeley Spring


Author, Translator, Publisher, Vienna

 Trojanow was born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1965. In 1971 his family fled Bulgaria through Yugoslavia and Italy to Germany, where they received political asylum. In 1972 the family travelled on to Kenya, where Ilija's father had obtained a job as engineer. Ilija Trojanow lived in Nairobi until 1984. After a stay in Paris, he studied law and ethnology at Munich University from 1985 to 1989. He interrupted these studies to found Kyrill-und-Method-Verlag in 1989, and after that Marino-Verlag in 1992, both of which specialised in African literature. In 1999 Trojanow moved to Mumbai and became intensely involved with Indian life and culture. He has lived in Cape Town, returned to Germany (Mainz), and then to Austria, where he currently resides in Vienna. In the 1990s Trojanow wrote several non-fiction and travel books about Africa, published an anthology of contemporary African literature and translated African authors into German. His first novel, "Die Welt ist groß und Rettung lauert überall", appeared in 1996. His reportage "Zu den heiligen Quellen des Islam" describes a pilgrimage to Mecca. Since 2002 Ilija Trojanow has been member of the PEN centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. Among other awards he received the Bertelsmann Literature Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann competition in Klagenfurt in 1995, the Marburg Literature Prize in 1996, the Thomas Valentin Prize in 1997, the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize in 2000 and the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in the category of fiction for his novel "Der Weltensammler" (The Collector of Worlds) in 2006. In 2013 Trojanow had criticized the National Security Agency (NSA). In the same year he was denied entry into the USA for undisclosed reasons. He planned to attend a scholar's conference there.

Mag. Dr. Sigrid LÖFFLER

Literary Critic, Author and Publicist, Berlin

1960-1966 Studies in German and English literature and philosophy, University of Vienna
1966 Master of philosophy, University of Vienna
1967-1968 German language teacher in England
1968-1972 Editor, Foreign Affairs desk, Vienna daily «Die Presse»
1972-1993 Cultural editor and vice editor-in-chief, Austrian news magazine «profil»
1988-1996 Cultural correspondent in Vienna, «Süddeutsche Zeitung», Munich
1993-1996 Freelancing contributor to various German and Swiss dailies and weeklies
1987-2000 Permanent member, German TV-Show «Das Literarische Quartett», ZDF
1996-1999 Cultural chief-of-staff, Hamburg weekly «Die Zeit»
2000-2008 Founder and editor-in-chief, literary monthly magazine «Literaturen» in Berlin
since 2008 Freelancing literary critic for various German and Austrian media and moderator of literary events in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  Guest lecturer at various universities in Germany, USA and Israel
2010 Honorary doctor degree, University of Bielefeld

Cultural Programme

show timetable
Kategorie: all Culture Plenary
Genre : all


15:10 - 15:30Opening Concert: “Twigs. Nine Miniatures for Flute, Clarinet, Cello and Piano” Composition by Gerald Resch commissioned by the European Forum Alpbach, performed by the PHACE-QuartettCulture


18:00 - 20:00Günter Brus – Exhibition OpeningCulture
18:00 - 20:00International Evening As part of the Standing Committee Programme: The scholarship-holders of the European Forum Alpbach 2011 present their regions, countries and culturesPlenary


15:30 - 16:00Anne Strobl: Sculptures and Objects – Exhibition OpeningCulture
16:00 - 17:00“Continuity – Transparency” by Margaritha Wanitschek – Exhibition OpeningCulture


18:30 - 20:00Tyrol Day ConcertCulture


15:30 - 17:00“Justice prevails – But only in the movies”: Rudolf Taschner in ConversationPlenary


16:30 - 18:30Vienna Lectures: Social Justice. A Foundation for Democracy and SustainabilityPlenary
19:30 - 21:30Jazz ConcertCulture


18:30 - 20:00Earthly Suffering and Heavenly Justice – A Musical Portrait of Gustav MahlerCulture


16:00 - 18:00Bulgarian Film Night: “The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories” by Andrey Paounov. In the presence of the director.Plenary
18:00 - 18:30“Where Have All the Children Gone?” by Dejan Kaludjerovic – Exhibition OpeningCulture
18:30 - 20:30Speakers’ Night: Talkin’ Bout a Revolution? As part of the Standing Committee Programme: As part of the Standing Committee programme: International speaking competition for scholarship-holdersPlenary


20:00 - 21:30The Rundek Cargo Trio Live in ConcertCulture


18:30 - 20:00Global Literature – Describing an Unjust World. Authors in ConversationCulture