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Boundaries – Fortress Europe?

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich - Rudolf Sallinger-Saal
Plenary /
German and English language
Deputy State Secretary for International Relations, Ministry of the Interior, Budapest
Deputy Director, Ministry of the Interior, Department for Asylum and Migration Policies, Prague
Chairman, Stability Pact Initiative against Organized Crime (SPOC), Brussels
Director of Europol
Chairman, Eurogroup Working Group and Economic and Financial Committee, Brussels
Editor for European Affairs, Die Presse, Vienna Chair

Mag. Petr NOVAK

Deputy Director, Ministry of the Interior, Department for Asylum and Migration Policies, Prague

1987 Academy of Arts, Faculty of Film and TV Dept. of Organization and Management
-91 Krátký film Praha, Dept. of Public Relations, Assistant
1991-92 Office of the Commissioner of the Czechoslovak Government for Refugees, Director
since 1993 Ministry of the Interior, Dept. for Asylum and Migration Policies, Deputy Director
1997 Charles University Prague, Faculty of Law, Special Course, EU Training for officials
2003 Diplomatic Academy of the Czech Republic, Special Course for Officials
 Participation in activities relevant to refugee problems:
 UNHCR HQ Geneva, UNHCR Office Vienna, EXCOM UNHCR Sessions, UNHCR Seminar Ankara
 International Visitor Program of the U.S. Information Agency - Immigrant and Refugee Issues in the U.S.A.
 Fact Finding Missions - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Latvia
 Seminars - BFF Bern, Aspen Institute Berlin, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Brussels, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. Bonn, H. Seidel Stiftung München
 Participation in international conferences on asylum seekers, refugees, temporary protection, humanitarian assistance (former Yugoslavia) - Vienna, Zagreb, Strassbourg, Budapest, Geneva, Warsaw, Interlaken, Minsk, Brussels, Rhodos, Athens
1996-97 Participation in the Repatriation Programme, in the Programme of Reconstruction of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the MEDEVAC (Medical Evacution Programme for children for medical treatment in the Czech Republic) Programme I
1999-2000 Participation in the Repatriation Programme, in the Programme of Reconstruction of Kosovo and the MEDEVAC Programme II
2003 Participation in the MEDEVAC Programme III - Iraq

Dr. Hubert PIRKER

Chairman, Stability Pact Initiative against Organized Crime (SPOC), Brussels

 Studium der Erziehungswissenschaft und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Mag. phil., Dr. phil.
 Professor für Unterrichts- und Erziehungswissenschaft an der Pädagogischen Akademie Kärnten
 Leiter von Forschungsprojekten an der Universität Klagenfurt und für das Wissenschaftsministerium
 Internationale Referententätigkeit
1990-1994 Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat und Sicherheitssprecher der ÖVP
1995-1996 EU-Sicherheitsbeauftragter der ÖVP
1996-2004 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments, Sicherheitssprecher der EVP-Fraktion im EP, stellvertretender Delegationsleiter der ÖVP-Delegation
seit 2004 Leiter der Stabilitätspaktinitiative zur Bekämpfung organisierter Kriminalität in Südost-Europa


Director of Europol

 University state degree in law
1977-93 Responsible in several positions in the Bundeskriminalamt, among others:
 Seconded as senior German representative to the ICPO-Interpol General Secretariat
 Head of the sub-Department "Drugs-Intelligence and undercover operations"
 Assistant Head of the Drugs Department
 Head of the National Central Bureau Interpol in Wiesbaden
 Head of the International Relations Division of the Bundeskriminalamt
 Head of Department "Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Violent Crime"
1992-93 Head of the Europol Project Team based in Strasbourg, France
 June 1994 appointed to the position of Co-ordinator of the Europol Drugs Unit in The Hague, The Netherlands
1998 appointed as acting Director of Europol
1999 appointed as Director of Europol
1990 Chairman of the United Nations HONLEA Working Group on "Heroin and the Balkan Route" in Moscow
Member of the Project Team of the Federal Ministry of Interior in Berlin responsible for the reorganisation of the C.I.D. on the territory of the former GDR
1991 Chairman of ICPO-Interpol Conference of European Heads of Drug Services

Mag. Thomas WIESER

Chairman, Eurogroup Working Group and Economic and Financial Committee, Brussels

1979 Magister in Economics, University of Innsbruck
1980-1981 Fulbright Scholarship, University of Colorado, Boulder
1981-1982 Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
1982-1984 Internationale Bank für Außenhandel
1984-1985 Research Project on Industrial Policy
1985-1989 Economist, EFTA, Geneva
1989-2012 Ministry of Finance; last position held: Director General for Economics Policy and Financial Markets
since 2012 Euro Working Group, Brussels

Dr. Wolfgang BÖHM

Editor for European Affairs, Die Presse, Vienna

 Studium der Publizistik und Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Wien
 Beginn der journalistischen Laufbahn bei Extradienst und Profil
seit 1989 Mitarbeiter der "Presse"-Außenpolitik
1996-1998 Chef vom Dienst
seit 1998 Leiter des Europa-Ressorts
2001-2002 Korrespondent in Brüssel