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Industry 4.0 – The Next Industrial Revolution?

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

Industrial production is ever more deeply imbued by information technologies. How will production and consumption as well as the world of work and society change through the “fourth industrial revolution”?

Director (acting), Fraunhofer Institute for Labour Economy and Organization (IAO) and Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT) of the University of Stuttgart
Chief Expert Software, Research & Technology Center, Siemens AG, Munich
Co-Founder, Amadeus Capital Partners Ltd.; Member, ERA Council Forum Austria; Cambridge
Director, Science and Technology Innovation Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC
Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna Chair

Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm BAUER

Director (acting), Fraunhofer Institute for Labour Economy and Organization (IAO) and Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT) of the University of Stuttgart

1977-1983 Studium "Allgemeiner Maschinenbau" an der Universität Stuttgart
1983 Diplom zum Dipl.-Ing.: "Kriterien zur Definition und Bewertung von Mischarbeit"
1979-1983 Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA und am Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen (IVD) der Universität Stuttgart
1983-1991 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fraunhofer IAO sowie am Institut für Industrielle Fertigung und Fabrikbetrieb (IFF) der Universität Stuttgart
1991-1996 Leiter der Abteilung "Arbeitsgestaltung" am Fraunhofer IAO
1996-2003 Leiter des Competence Center "New Work" und Betreuung des Competence Center "Virtual Environments" sowie der Marktstrategie Teams "Ergonomic Engineering" und "Public Health" am Fraunhofer IAO
1997 Promotion zum Dr.-Ing.: "SYVERA - Entwicklung eines Systems zur virtuellen ergonomischen Arbeitsgestaltung"
2003-2009 Institutsdirektor und Mitglied des Direktoriums am Fraunhofer IAO
2009-2013 Leiter des Geschäftsfelds "Unternehmensentwicklung und Arbeitsgestaltung" am Fraunhofer IAO und am IAT der Universität Stuttgart
Institutsdirektor und stellvertretender Institutsleiter am Fraunhofer IAO sowie am IAT der Universität Stuttgart
2011 Geschäftsführender Verwaltungsrat der Fraunhofer Italia Research s.c.a.r.l.
2012 Bestellung zum Honorarprofessor durch die Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Fabrikanlagen und Logistik
seit 2013 Kommissarischer Institutsleiter des Fraunhofer IAO und des IAT der Universität Stuttgart

Dr. Thomas HAHN

Chief Expert Software, Research & Technology Center, Siemens AG, Munich

 Studium der Informatik an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
seit 1986 Siemens AG
1986-1993 Produktentwicklung Industrielle Netzwerke
1993-1997 Produktmanagement SIMATIC, Projektleitung Produkt-Entwicklung SIMATIC STEP 7
1997-1999 Entwicklungsleiter Traffic Control Systems
1999-2011 Leiter Sofware-Produkt-Entwicklung Industrial Automation Systems
seit 2011 Chief Expert Software bei Corporate Technology

Dr. Hermann HAUSER

Co-Founder, Amadeus Capital Partners Ltd.; Member, ERA Council Forum Austria; Cambridge

1973 MA in Physics, University of Vienna
1977 Ph.D. in Physics, King's College, Cambridge University
1978-1984 Co-founder (later Chairman); Lead, Research and Development team (BBC micro); Head, team ARM micro processor; Acorn Computers, Cambridge
1986 Vice President Research, Olivetti, Ivrea, Italy
Founder Director, Harlequin, Cambridge
1987 Helped with formation, a joint venture between Acorn and Apple Computers, ARM Ltd, Cambridge
1988 Founder, Active Book Company, Cambridge
1991 Co-Chairman and Chief Technology Officer - acquired Active Book Company, EO Incorporated, Mountain View, California
1992 Founder Director, Vocalis, Cambridge
1993 Founder and Chairman, Advanced Telecommunications Modules Ltd, Cambridge (changed name to Virata Corporation and merged with Globespan in 2003 and Conexant in 2004)
Founder Director, joint venture with E*Trade US. Sold to E*Trade US in 2000, Electronic Share Information Ltd, Cambridge
Founder Director - Acquired by CDT, Advanced Displays Ltd, Cambridge
Founder Director, SynGenix, Cambridge
1996 Founder, NetChannel, San Francisco, California (sold to AOL in 1998)
since 1997 Co-founder and Partner, Amadeus Capital Partners Limited
1998 Co-founder, Cambridge Network Ltd, Cambridge


Director, Science and Technology Innovation Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC

1991-1994 Head, Future Studies Unit, Environmental Protection Agency
1994-1998 Policy Analyst, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
1998-2000 Executive Director, Interagency Environmental Technology Task Force, White House Council on Environmental Quality
since 2000 Director, Science and Technology Innovation Program, Woodrow Wilson Center

Rainer NOWAK

Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna

1992-1997 Study of History and Political Science (without completing)
1994 Freelancer "Vorarlberger Nachrichten"
1996 Entry to "Die Presse"
2002 Editor, Domestic Policy Department, "Die Presse", Vienna
2004 Appointment to Department head "Chronik/Wien", "Die Presse", Vienna
2009 Appointment to Editorial Director for the new "Presse am Sonntag", Vienna
2010 Appointment to Head of Domestic Policy, "Die Presse", Vienna
since 2012 Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna
since 2014 Publisher, "Die Presse", Vienna
2017 Appointment as Managing Director, "Die Presse", Vienna

Technology Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


08:00 - 10:30Technology BrunchSocial
11:00 - 11:10Opening of the Alpbach Technology Symposium 2014Plenary
11:10 - 12:00RTI Policy at the CrossroadsPlenary
12:00 - 13:45Industry 4.0 – The Next Industrial Revolution?Plenary
14:15 - 15:45Stanford, this Year’s Special Guest at the Technology Symposium: Innovation and the Culture of FailurePlenary
18:00 - 19:30Us and Our Brains – Neuroscience at the CrossroadsPlenary
19:45 - 21:00Evening ReceptionSocial
19:45 - 21:00Career LoungeSocial


07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 01: Technology – Global Market: Austrian Technologies for the Global MarketBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 02: Future Technology-Hotspots – Does Europe Stand a Chance?Breakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 03: The Challenge of Disruptive Innovation: Strategies for Successful CopingBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 04: Agile and Robust Supply Chains – How to Manage Volatility Across Your BusinessBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 05: Bioenergy – The Way to the Future or a Dead End?Breakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 06: The Cost of the City of the Future – Socio-Economic Aspects of Smart CitiesBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 07: Smart Energy: Challenges of an Interdisciplinary Energy TransitionBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 08: Science in Society – How to Overcome a DisjunctureBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 09: IP Strategies in Enterprises: Challenges for IP Management and Innovation PolicyBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 10: How to Finance Research – Publicly or Privately? New Models for a Globalised WorldBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Breakout Session 11: Innovations in Acoustics: Future Trends in Industry and Modern LifeBreakout
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Science and Technology for Young PeopleBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Children’s University Alpbach – Science and Technology for KidsBreakout
14:00 - 14:45Digital UniversityPlenary
14:45 - 16:15Open Science – The Place of and for People in Our KnowledgePlenary
16:30 - 18:00Cities at the CrossroadsPlenary
18:00 - 20:00Urban Innovators Challenge – The Future of CitiesPartner


07:00 - 08:30Complexity Science – IPlenary
08:30 - 09:15Complexity Science – IIPlenary
09:45 - 11:15Innovation at the Art Science InterfacePlenary
11:15 - 11:30Closing Statement of the Alpbach Technology SymposiumPlenary
11:30 - 12:00Snack ReceptionSocial