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Konsens und Konflikt in Europa

Plenary /
Historian, Washington D.C.
President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
Former President of the European Parliament, Brussels
Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

Dr. Steven BELLER

Historian, Washington D.C.

1983-1984 Visiting Fellow of the Institute for the Human Sciences in Vienna
1985-1989 Research Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
1987 Research Grant from the Austrian Government for research in Vienna
1993-1994 Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
1994-1995 research on the political career of Francis Joseph
1995 Co-organizer of the conference "Beyond Vienna 1900: Rethinking Culture in Central Europe, 1967-1939" at the Center of Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
1996 Fellow of the International Research Center for Cultural Studies (IFK) in Vienna

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz FISCHLER

President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1973-1979 Research Assistant, Institute for Agricultural Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
1978 Doctorate, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
1979-1984 Executive Assistant, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck
1985-1989 Director, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck
1989-1994 Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna
1995-2004 European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, Brussels
2005-2011 Chairman, Ecosocial Forum Europe, Vienna
2005-2015 Chairman, RISE-Foundation, Brussels
2014-2015 Chairman of the Steering Committee of the EU scientific programme for Expo Milano 2015
since 2012 President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
since 2016 President, Board of Trustees to the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna

Dr. Klaus HÄNSCH

Former President of the European Parliament, Brussels

1960-1965 Studium der Politologie, Geschichte und der Soziologie an den Universitäten Köln, Paris und Berlin
1968-1969 Redakteur bei 'Dokumente'
1969-1970 Referent beim Beauftragten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für die kulturellen Angelegenheiten im Rahmen des deutsch-französischen Vertrags
1970-1979 Pressereferent und Fachreferent beim Minister für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
1969 Doktor der Philosophie
1976-1994 Lehrbeauftragter der Universität Duisburg
seit 1979 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments
1994-1997 Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments
seit 1997 Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Fraktion der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas
Mitglied des Ausschusses für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Menschenrechte, gemeinsame Sicherheit und Verteidigungspolitik
seit 1999 Stellvertretendes Mitglied des Ausschusses für Konstitutionelle Fragen
Mitglied der Delegation im gemischten parlamentarischen Ausschuss EU-Tschechien


Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1977 Law Studies in Vienna (Dr. iur.)
1977-1978 Postgraduate-Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
1978 Diploma of The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague
1979 Joined the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1982-1986 Austrian Mission to the European Communities, Brussels
1986-1990 Austrian Embassy, Moscow
1991-1993 Private Office of the Austrian Foreign Minister, Vienna
1993-1995 Deputy Head of Cabinet of Foreign Ministers Mock and Schüssel, Vienna
1995-1999 Director for Security Policy and Policy Planning, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1996-1999 Deputy Political Director, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1999-2003 Ambassador of Austria to Belgium and Head of the Austrian Mission to NATO, Brussels
2002-2004 Special Representative of the Austrian Foreign Minister for the Western Balkans
2003-2004 Representative of the Federal Chancellor of Austria in the Commission on the Reform of the Austrian Armed Forces, Vienna
2003-2008 Political Director (Director General for Political Affairs) of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
2008-2011 Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations, New York
2009-2010 Also represented Austria on the United Nations Security Council, New York (President of the Security Council in November 2009)
2011 Vice-President of the 66th General Assembly of the UN, New York
2011-2015 Ambassador, (Head of the Delegation) of the European Union to the United Nations, New York
since 2015 Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service, Brussels
 Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges and Natolin