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Concert: Simply Alpbach & Young Talents

Culture /
in deutscher Sprache

Johannes Moser, a pianist from Alpbach, opens the Seminar Week as well as the cultural programme strands “Young Talents” and “Simply Alpbach” with a piano concert. He will play pieces by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and his – much less well-known – contemporary Delphine von Schauroth. The two composers dedicated some of their musical works to one another.

Pianist, Alpbach

Johannes MOSER

Pianist, Alpbach

2003 Beginn Klavierunterricht
2007-2013 Klavierunterricht im Konservatorium Innsbruck bei Gösta Müller
seit 2013 Musikstudium mit Hauptfach Klavier bei Kurt Hüttinger am Mozarteum Salzburg, Standort Innsbruck

Seminar Week

show timetable
Genre : all