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Croatian film (Croatian language with German subtitles)

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in englischer Sprache
Film producer, Zagreb
General Manager, ewCPF - east west Crossings Promotion Fund, Belgrade
Correspondent for Southern and Eastern Europe, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Belgrade Chair


Film producer, Zagreb

 Graduated film directing at Academy of Dramatic Arts
 Working as a first assistant director, scriptwriter, radio play writer, cook, essayist
 Produced, directed and wrote two Adriatic documentaries ("The World is Great" and "Once there was a Man") and also his first feature "The Tranquilizer Gun"
 In his company FIZ production he produced and directed the feature comedy "What's a Man without a Moustache"
 As a director and a script writer, he is also the author of "Croatian Cathedrals" (television film produced by HRT-Croation National Television) and short film "Between Zaghlul & Zaharias" (produced by Tuna-film).
2001 he directed the TV series "New Age" (HRT production).
 "What is a Man without a Moustache" was the most attended film in Croatian cinemas for the year of 2006, and was also shown at more than 30 international film festivals world wide.


General Manager, ewCPF - east west Crossings Promotion Fund, Belgrade

since 1979 Engaged in various researches and projects of the Yugoslav Film Institute, as retrospective of the Yugoslav films at Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, Cinematheque Royale in Brussels, Giornate del cinema muto in Pordenone etc.
1993-1995 engaged by different Russian TV stations (OSTANKINO, the 1st channel of Russian TV, then TV6, NTV and TV "Myr") as advisor and coproducer of TV programmes dedicated to the International Film festivals - Cannes, Venice, London, Brussels, Rotterdam, San Sebastian, Thessaloniki, etc.
1995-1998 Film critic and author, monthly TV program "Cinema Art"
1995-2005 General Manager of the Institut za film (Film Institute)
1997-2011 Artistic Director of Belgrade International Film Festival
2001-2005 Chairman of South-East European Cinema Network
since 2006 Founder and Director of east west Crossings Promotion Fund
since 2007 Acting Director of Film Center Serbia
 Promoter of foreign films, Yugoslavia (realised special programmes of films from Brazil, Argentina, India, European and Arab countries etc.)
 Author of TV portraits of Nagisa Oshima, Peter Greenaway, Chantal Akerman, Daniel Toscan du Plantier, Harvey Keitel, Simon Perry, Atom Egoyan, Sergey Bodrov, Tsai Ming-liang, Paul Morrissay, Hou Hsiao-hsien, etc.

Mag. Christian WEHRSCHÜTZ

Correspondent for Southern and Eastern Europe, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Belgrade

1981-1985 Studium an der juridischen Fakultät und am Institut für Slawistik, Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz
1997 Teilnahme an der Ukrainian Summer School, Harvard University, USA
1998 Einmonatiges Stipendium, Duke-Universität in North Carolina auf Einladung der Austrian-American-Foundation (abschließend wurden auch Medien in New York und Washington besucht)
 Als Korrespondent zählt zum Tätigkeitsbereich die Berichterstattung über Serbien und Montenegro, die ehemaligen jugoslawischen Teilrepubliken Mazedonien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, Slowenien, den Kosovo und Albanien sowie die Führung des ORF-Büros in Belgrad. Verbunden war und ist diese journalistische Tätigkeit mit ausgedehnten Reisen durch die Zielländer in der Region.
 Fremdsprachenkenntnisse: Englisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Serbisch (sehr gut), Französisch (gut), Slowenisch (gut), Mazedonisch (passiv gut), Albanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
2014 Journalist des Jahres
seit 2014 Korrespondent des ORF für die Ukraine

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