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Cultural and political role of minorities in Europe – Romania s contribution

WKÖ - Rudolf Sallinger-Saal
Plenary /
German and English language
Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Timisoara/Romania
Member of Austrian Parliament, Vienna
Mitglied, Europäisches Parlament, Fraktion der Progressiven Allianz der Sozialisten und Demokraten, Brüssel
State Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Coordination on fields of education, culture, minorities and EU integration
Austrian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, London Chair

Dr. Gheorghe CIUHANDU

Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Timisoara/Romania

1970-1973 Ingenieur im Temeswarer Industrietrust für Bauwesen
1975-1993 Ingineur/Forscher, Institut für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bauwesen Timisoara
1993-1996 Dozent an der Technischen Universität Timisoara, Direktor des Institut für Forschung und
  Entwicklung im Bauwesen
seit 1996 Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Timisoara/Romania


1999 - up to present, March 2006 Adviser on Roma and Sinti Issues of the Contact Point for Roam and Sinti Issues, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights , Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
 Permanant Employement:
 Senior researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, 1972- 1999,on
 Second employment:
 Activist and Coordinator of projects in Romani CRISS-
 Rom Center for Social Intervention and Studies,
 a civic , non-profit body established, in 1993,
 by the Institute of Sociology-Bucuresti, Centre des Recherches Tsiganes-Paris, Ethnic Federation of Roma in Romania.
 Filed of work, expertize:
 Romani movement; Community development in Roma settings; , Roma and Sinti studies;
  Inter-ethnic relations , mainly Roma-majority population.
 Rural Sociology.

Mag. Terezija STOISITS

Member of Austrian Parliament, Vienna

 University of Vienna, law (Mag. Iuris.)
 Government official in the presidential section of the Austrian ministry of education and arts
since 1990 Member of Parliament
 Spokesperson on legal affairs, human rights and minority affairs in the Austrian Green Party
1992-1996 Member of the federal board of the Austrian Green Party
 Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe since 2000
 Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights in the Austrian Parliament
 Member of board of trustees of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism
2003-2005 Member of the "Österreichkonvent"
 Vicepresident of the Austrian League for Human Rights

Dr. Hannes SWOBODA

Mitglied, Europäisches Parlament, Fraktion der Progressiven Allianz der Sozialisten und Demokraten, Brüssel

1964-1972 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Volkswirtschaftslehre
1972 Eintritt in die Wiener Arbeiterkammer, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Abteilung: v.a . Finanzwirtschaft und Umweltpolitik
1976-1986 Leiter der neugegründeten Abteilung für Kommunalpolitik; Beschäftigung insbes. mit Fragen der kommunalen Wirtschafts-, Gesundheits-, Wohnbaupolitik etc.
1983-1988 Mitglied des Wiener Landtages und Gemeinderates
1986-1988 Klubobmann der Sozialistischen Fraktion des Wiener Landtages und Gemeinderates
1988-1991 Amtsführender Stadtrat für Stadtentwicklung, Stadtplanung und Personal der Stadt Wien
1991-1994 Amtsführender Stadtrat für Stadtentwicklung, Stadtplanung und Verkehr der Stadt Wien
1994-1996 Amtsführender Stadtrat für Stadtentwicklung, Stadtplanung und Außenbeziehungen der Stadt Wien
seit 1996 Abgeordneter zum Europäischen Parlament
2012 Fraktionsvorsitzender
Konferenz der Präsidenten
2002 Stellvertreter, Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Attila SZASZ

State Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Coordination on fields of education, culture, minorities and EU integration

 Dates (from - to): June, 2005-present
 Name and address of employer: The Government of Romania, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime-minister
 1 Piata Victoriei
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Politics/Public Administration
 Occupation or position held: State Advisor to the Deputy Prime-minister
 Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination of the Deputy Prime-minister`s Cabinet on fields of education, culture, minorities and EU integration
 Political and administrative coordination at the governmental level, representation, communication
 Dates (from - to): January, 2005-June, 2005
 Name and address of employer: The Government of Romania, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime-minister
 1 Piata Victoriei
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Culture and education
 Occupation or position held: Director
 Main activities and responsibilities: Coordinating strategies and policies on fields of education and culture
 Dates (from - to): December, 2002- December, 2004
 Name and address of employer: Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, President`s Cabinet
 8 Avram Iancu, Sect 2.
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Politics
 Occupation or position held: Director
 Main activities and responsibilities: Coordinate personnel, internal/external communication strategies task management
 Dates (from - to): June, 2001- December, 2002
 Name and address of employer: Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, President`s Cabinet
 8 Avram Iancu, Sect 2.
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Politics
 Occupation or position held: Press officer
 Main activities and responsibilities: liaise with mass media, edit the department s newsletter, coordinate communication strategies and action plans, PR
 Dates (from - to): May, 1999 - December, 2002
 Name and address of employer: Romániai Magyar Szó, hungarian daily newspaper in Romania
 Type of business or sector: Press
 Occupation or position held: Editor-in-chief
 Dates (from - to): October, 1998 - May, 1999
 Name and address of employer: Krónika
 Cluj/Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Press
 Occupation or position held: Political reporter
 Dates (from - to): January 1997 - July , 2003
 Name and address of employer: Zone studio
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Media
 Occupation or position held: Translator, form English into Hungarian for Discovery Channel, Animal Planet
 Dates (from - to): November 1995 - September, 1998
 Name and address of employer: Romániai Magyar Szó, hungarian daily newspaper in Romania
 Type of business or sector: Press
 Occupation or position held: reporter
 Dates (from - to): September, 2005
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: Ph.D. Linguistic and cultural identities
 University of Bucharest, Romania
 Principal subjects/occupational
 skills covered: Political communications
 Communication as key factor in preserving the identity for poitical parties
 Dates (from - to): September, 2001
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: National School for Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, Romania
 Principal subjects/occupational
 skills covered: Communication, Public Relations
 Dates (from - to): 2001
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: IRI
 Principal subjects/occupational
 skills covered: Training on communication - USA, Washington DC, Atlanta, Georgia
 Dates (from - to): September, 1995 - February, 2000
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: University of Bucharest, Romania

Mag. Dr. Emil BRIX

Austrian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, London

1975-1979 Studium der Geschichte und Anglistik, Universität Wien
1979-1980 Forschungsprojekt "Soziale und kulturelle Konflikte in der Donaumonarchie"
seit 1982 Österreichischer Diplomatischer Dienst
1982-1984 Bundesgeschäftsführer des Management Clubs des Österreichischen Wirtschaftsbundes
1984-1986 Klubsekretär im Parlamentsklub der Österreichischen Volkspartei
1986-1989 Leiter des Ministerbüros im Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung
1990-1995 Generalkonsul der Republik Österreich in Krakau/Polen
1995-1999 Direktor des Österreichischen Kulturinstitutes in London
2000-2003 Leiter der Abteilung "Durchführung kultureller und wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen im Ausland" (Gesandter) in der Kulturpolitischen Sektion des Bundesministeriums für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
2002-2010 Botschafts Leiter der Kulturpolitische Sektion im Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
2007, 2008 Präsident von EUNIC (European Union National Institutes of Culture)
seit 2010 Botschafter der Republik Österreich im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland