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19: Democratisation of justice by Legal Tech

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

How can we ensure a simpler, more transparent and better way of access to justice and legal advice through IT, Legal Tech and Internet?
Which concrete options are possible? What does it mean for people seeking justice, for the legal advisers and for the judiciary? Several aspects will be discussed with representatives of the legal field.

Director, Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
Founder, Future Law; Founder and Managing Director, Seinfeld Professionals, Vienna
Deputy Director, Council of the European Union; Directorate-General, Justice and Home Affairs, Directorate 2 Justice, Brussels
Chief Executive Officer, LexisNexis, Vienna
Leitender Staatsanwalt, Präsidialsektion Abteilung III 3, Bundesministerium für Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz, Wien


Director, Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

1989 Lawyer; Sole practitioner; Berlin
1996-1999 Partner, Oppenhoff & Raedler, Berlin
1999-2000 Managing Partner, Oppenhoff & Raedler, Frankfurt
2001-2009 German Managing Partner, Linklaters, Frankfurt/London
 Since 2010 Director, Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
 Since 2011 Chairman, Committee on Professional Regulation, German Bar Association, Berlin


Founder, Future Law; Founder and Managing Director, Seinfeld Professionals, Vienna

2000 Graduation from law, University of Vienna
2000-2002 Executive Production Assistant, diverse film productions
2002-2004 In-House Lawyer, Bertelsmann/ Fremantle Media, Berlin; London
2004-2007 Media Finance, Barclays Corporate Banking, London
2007-2008 Head of Global Referal Unit, Barclays Corporate Banking, London
2008-2011 Head of Corporate Business Services, Bawag PSK, Vienna
since 2012 Founder; Managing Director, Seinfeld Professionals, Vienna
since 2016 Founder, Future Law, Vienna


Deputy Director, Council of the European Union; Directorate-General, Justice and Home Affairs, Directorate 2 Justice, Brussels

1989 Robert Schuman Scholarship, European Parliament, Brussels
1989-1990 Trainee, European Commission, Brussels
1990-1995 Attorney at Law, Brussels Bar, Brussels
1995-1997 Legal Adviser, Air transport IT and Communications, SITA, Genf
1997-2000 Administator, Legal Affairs Committee, European Parliament, Brussels
2000-2002 Legal Adviser, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2002-2003 Member of the Secretariat, The European Convention, Brussels
2003-2005 Legal Adviser Administration, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2005-2016 Head, Legal Adviser Administration Unit, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2016-2017 Head of Unit, DG D 2A, Judicial cooperation in civil matters and e-justice, Council of the European Union, Brussels
since 2018 Deputy Director, DG JAI, Justice, Council of the European Union, Brussels

MBA lic.oec Alberto SANZ DE LAMA

Chief Executive Officer, LexisNexis, Vienna

1989-1993 Business Administration, University Zurich
1999-2000 MBA, INSEAD, Fontainebleau
1992-1998 Procter & Gamble, Brand Manager, Geneva/Vienna
1999 McKinsley & Company, Consultant, Vienna
2000-2003 Mobipay, VP Europe, Madrid
2003-2009 eBay , Country Manager, Austria and Switzerland, Madrid/Vienna
2009-2015 AutoScout24 Group, Managing Director, Munich
since 2015 LexisNexis, Chief Executive Officer, Vienna


Leitender Staatsanwalt, Präsidialsektion Abteilung III 3, Bundesministerium für Verfassung, Reformen, Deregulierung und Justiz, Wien

1972-1976 Study of Law, University of Vienna
1975-1979 University Assistant, University of Vienna
since 1982 Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice, Vienna
since 1991 Lecturer, University of Vienna
since 1993 Head of Legal Informatics and ICT Unit, Austrian Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs Reforms Deregulation and Justice, Vienna
1994-1997 Head of Expert Committee Legal Informatics, Council of Europe, Vienna
2006 Founder, Future-e-Justice
since 2018 Chief Information Officer, Austrian Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs Reforms Deregulation and Justice, Vienna

Legal Symposium

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