Communication of knowledge in healthcare: between interests and needs
How can we improve communication in healthcare and integrate it into the education and training of doctors so that they have the necessary medical and communicative skills? How does information need to be passed on to patients in an understandable, neutral and accessible way?
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Senior Editor, Science Journalist and Science Blogger,, Dortmund
1997 | Degree in Biology, Behavioural Ecology, University of Bonn |
Freelancer, Local Editorial Team, Rhein-Zeitung | |
since 1999 | Science and Medical Journalist, Süddeutsche Zeitung; Handelsblatt Spiegel Online, National Geographic Deutschland, Forschungsmagazin Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Spektrum "Lexikon der Biologie" |
since 2005 | Science Blogger, Plazeboalarm, |
2010-2017 | Scientific Assistant,Chair Scientific Journalism (Prof. Holger Wormer), TU Dortmund, |
since 2010 | Senior Editor;, Dortmund |
Prof. Francoise BAYLIS
Professor, Canada Research Chair, Bioethics and Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax
1983-1984 | Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, London |
1984-1985 | Instructor, Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, London |
since 1996 | Cross Appointment, Department of Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax |
1996-2002 | Associate Professor, Office of Bioethics Education and Research, Faculty of Medicine, Halifax |
2000-2001 | Acting Department Head, Department of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine |
2002-2010 | Professor, Department of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine |
since 2009 | Cross Appointment, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dalhousie University, Halifax |
since 2010 | Adjunct Professor, Centre for Biology and Society, Arizona State University, Tempe |
since 2011 | Professor; Canada Research Chair; Bioethics and Philosophy, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax |
Professor Emeritus; Lecturer, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel
1971-1978 | Study of Medicine, Freiburg and Berlin |
1978-1979 | Institute of Pathology University Bonn |
1979-1986 | Training as Internist, University Hospital Bonn |
1981-1990 | Training as Psychotherapist with Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as main qualifications |
1991 | PhD about Vagal Activity in Hypertension |
since 1990 | Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel |
since 1994 | Senior Registrar, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel |
since 1997 | Professor of Medicine, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel |
since 1998 | Co-Editor of "Uexküll" Lehrbuch der Psychosomatischen Medizin (Currently 8th edition, 2017) |
1998-2007 | Executive Head, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel |
since 2007 | Deputy Head, Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel |
2008 | Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Visiting Professor, NIVEL Institute, Utrecht |
2004-2008 | President, EACH-European Association for Communication in Health Care, Salisbury |
since 2016 | Professor Emeritus, Responsible for E-learning facilities in communication Skills Training, University Hospital Basel |
Dr. Heidrun THAISS
Director, Federal Centre for Health Education, Cologne
1983 | Studium, Rechtswissenschaften und Humanmedizin |
1983-1989 | Facharztausbildung und wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit, Universität Freiburg /Breisgau |
1994-2008 | Tätigkeiten im Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst mehrerer Bundesländer |
2008-2015 | Sozial-, Gesundheits- und Wissenschaftsministerium Schleswig-Holstein, zuletzt als Leitung der interministeriellen Leitstelle Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung |
seit 2015 | Leitung der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit |