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Partner Session 06: Caring Communities

Partner /
in englischer Sprache

Caring Communities support individuals in their need of assistance and care, as the demand cannot solely be covered by professional care givers and institutions. They support the active engagement and participation of individuals and the cooperation of organizations. How can the interaction between professional and informal care and the strengthening of local caring networks be achieved?

Head, Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, KA Rudolfstiftung Vienna; Chief Doctor, Austrian Red Cross, Vienna
Professor Ethics of Care, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht
Assistant Professor, Institute for Palliative Care and Organisational Ethics, IFF - Faculty for Interdisciplinary Research and Training, Alpen-Adria-University Vienna
Former Secretary General, Austrian Red Cross, Vienna Chair

Dr. med. Katharina PILS

Head, Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, KA Rudolfstiftung Vienna; Chief Doctor, Austrian Red Cross, Vienna

 Fachärztin für Physikalische Medizin - Rheumatologie, Geriatrie
 Akademische Gerontologin
 Leiterin, Institut für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, KA Rudolfstiftung Wien
 Chefärztin, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
 Universitätslektorin, Medizinische Universität Wien, SFU Wien

Dr. Frans VOSMAN

Professor Ethics of Care, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht

1989-1991 Assistant Professor, Medical Ethics, Nijmegen University
2006-2013 Professor, Ethics and Spirituality, Utrecht; Tilburg


Assistant Professor, Institute for Palliative Care and Organisational Ethics, IFF - Faculty for Interdisciplinary Research and Training, Alpen-Adria-University Vienna

 HTL für Möbel- und Innenausbau in Villach
 Studium der Soziologie, Wissenschaftsforschung, Philosophie, Politikwissenschaften und Sozialpädagogik in Graz und Wien
 Assistenzprofessor, Institut für Palliative Care und Organisations-Ethik, Fakultät für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung (IFF Wien) der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Graz, Wien

Dr. Mag. Werner KERSCHBAUM

Former Secretary General, Austrian Red Cross, Vienna

1979-1985 Verkaufstraining, Leiter Verkaufsinnendienst, Marketing/Exportleiter, Fa. Master Foods
1985-1986 Vertriebsleiter, Fa. Hofbauer
1987-1992 Geschäftsführer (Schokothek, Up to Date), Billa Holding AG
1992-1999 Leiter, extramurale Dienste des NÖ Hilfswerks und Geschäftsführer, Österreichischens Hilfswerk
since 1999 Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
since 2002 Stellvertretender Generalsekretär, verantwortlich für die Bereiche Marketing, Kommunikation, Ausbildung, Gesundheit, Rettungswesen, Beschaffung, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
2012-2019 Generalsekretär, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz

Health Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


15:00 - 15:45OpeningPlenary
16:00 - 17:30Health threats near and farPlenary
18:00 - 20:00Evening ReceptionSocial


06:00 - 07:00Breakfast Talk Reproductive RightsBreakout
07:00 - 08:30Affordable access to innovative medicinesPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Communication of knowledge in healthcare: between interests and needsPlenary
12:00 - 12:15A new culture of leadership and cooperation in the healthcare sectorBreakout
12:15 - 15:00Breakout Session 01: Children’s hospiceBreakout
12:15 - 15:00Breakout Session 02: Clinical pharmacistsBreakout
12:15 - 15:00Breakout Session 03: Primary Care Center EnnsBreakout
12:15 - 15:00Breakout Session 04: TeamTherapieBreakout
12:15 - 15:00Breakout Session 05: CornerstoneBreakout
12:15 - 15:00Breakout Session 06: BuurtzorgBreakout
15:00 - 18:00Reception on the HillSocial
18:00 - 19:30The responsibility of religion(s) for sustainable developmentPlenary


02:30 - 06:00Sunrise Hike to Gratlspitz with David LamaSocial
07:00 - 08:30Integrating health care structures in interdisciplinary teamsPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Migration and healthPlenary
10:30 - 12:00Lunch ReceptionSocial
12:00 - 13:30Partner Session 01: Good health information – the goal of health policy and area of conflict?Partner
12:00 - 13:30Partner Session 02: Geriatrics 2.0 – multiprofessional geriatric medicine and digitisationPartner
12:00 - 13:30Partner Session 03: The digital supplier as contributor to a healthy householdPartner
12:00 - 13:30Partner Session 04: Seamless Care: Quality of life through connected healthcarePartner
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 05: Sports clubs as impetuses for healthPartner
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 06: Caring CommunitiesPartner
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 07: Leadership for health – supporting transformational change for population health managementPartner
18:00 - 19:30Corporate ethical action for the common goodPlenary