How Can Different Stakeholders Contribute to Good Choices?
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Mag. Ursula RIEGLER
Director, Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH, Vienna
1999-2002 | Berater, ECC Publico Salzburg bzw. Pleon Publico Salzburg |
2002-2009 | Pressesprecherin Landesrat Sepp Eisl, Salzburg |
2008-2009 | Büroleiterin/Pressesprecherin Landesrat Sepp Eisl, Salzburg |
2009-2017 | Unternehmenssprecherin McDonald's Österreich |
2012-2017 | Gesamtverantwortung Corporate Responsability McDonald's Österreich |
seit 2017 | Director Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH |
Journalist; Chief Executive Officer, Foodwatch e.V., Berlin
2000-2003 | Studium Journalistik, Fachhochschule Hannover, |
2001-2004 | Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Landesverband der Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz (LBU) Niedersachsen e.V. |
2003 | Recherche-Stipendium, Netzwerks Recherche e.V. , Reportage über die litauische Kleinstadt Elektrenai, die "Zukunftsstadt des Kommunismus" |
2003-2005 | Freiberuflicher Journalist für Print-, Agentur- und Hörfunkmedien |
2005-2007 | Zunächst Lokal-, dann Politikredakteur, Neue Presse, Hannover |
2007-2008 | Bundespolitischer Korrespondent, Pressebüro Slangen + Herholz, Berlin |
2009-2017 | Leiter, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, foodwatch e.V., Berlin |
2013 | /2014 Projektmanagement, Aufbau von foodwatch Frankreich |
seit 2013 | Internationaler Medienkoordinator |
seit 2017 | Geschäftsführer, foodwatch Deutschland |
Mag. Dr. Karin SCHINDLER
Head Department, Division of Maternal-, Child- and Genderhealth, and Nutrition, Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, Vienna
1977-1979 | Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Medical School for Radiographers, Frankfurt/M.; Degree: radiographer |
1979-1990 | Radiographer (Germany and Austria) |
1982-1983 | Senate for Health, Social Issues and Family, Berlin. Degree: lecturer for radiographers |
1986-1989 | University Vienna, Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology |
1990-1996 | University of Vienna, Nutritional Science; Degree: Mag.rer.nat. |
1996-1999 | Institute for Nutritional Science and Dpt. Immune Dermatology, MUW. Degree: Dr. rer.nat. |
1996-1998 | Clinic of Internal Medicine III, Div. of Nephrology, Medical University Vienna |
2000-2004 | Clinic of Dermatology, Div. of Immune Dermatology, Medical University Vienna |
Since 2000 Clinic of Internal Medicine III, Div. of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical University Vienna | |
2004-2011 | nutritionDay, free lance |
2011 | Venia Docendi in Metabolism, Medical University Vienna |
Since 2012 Consultant for "nutritionDay worldwide" | |
2013 | World Health Organisation, Regional Office for Europe, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion Copenhagen |
2014 | Trigon, Certificate Coaching Course, Vienna, Austria |
Since 2016 Women’s promotion curriculum "Schrittweise" for young scientists. Terms of reference: Coach | |
Since 2016 Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health And Consumer Protection. Mother, Child, Gender Health and Nutrition. Terms of reference: Head of unit |
Chairman, Methodos S.p.A., Milan; Founder, Orvieto Academy for Communicative Leadership, Munich/Orvieto
Studied Political Sciences in Würzburg and Rome | |
1980-1985 | Communcation functions in public service, Rome |
1985-1992 | Journalist for FORTUNE, Wirtschaftswoche, L'Independente, Italia Oggi, Il Giornale, Finanz und Wirtschaft, The European |
since 1996 | Author and Scholar, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich |
since 2000 | European School of Management and Technology, Berlin |
1992-2015 | Head of Group Communications, Allianz SE, Munich |
since 2015 | Chairman of Methodos, S.p.A., Milan |
Executive coach and mentor, Entrepreneurship Center, Munich | |
since 2017 | Founder, Orvieto Academy for Communicative Leadership, Orvieto |