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Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

There is always a prescribed hierarchy of space. At opening ceremonies, the convention of a front-facing seating order is assumed. Each person must take their place, and some, in the first rank, are seated right in front of others. In “It Does Matter Where”, Willi Dorner asks: Where do I really want to sit? How do I locate myself? What are my criteria?

Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Medical University of Vienna; Member of the Steering Committee, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna Welcome
Chairman of the Executive Board, Philips GmbH; Chief Executive Officer, Philips Market DACH, Vienna Welcome
Performance Artist; Founder Cie. Willi Dorner/ Verein SALTO, Vienna Art
Choreographer and Dancer, Cie. Willi Dorner, Vienna Art
Recipient, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences; University Professor, Columbia University, New York Key Note
Presenter and Editor, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna Chair

DI Dr. Michaela FRITZ

Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Medical University of Vienna; Member of the Steering Committee, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1989-1994 Master studies, Department of Materials Science, ETH Zurich
1994-1995 Diploma thesis, Washington Research Centre, W. R. Grace, Columbia, Maryland, MD
1995-1998 Research assistant; Teaching assistant, Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology, ETH Zurich
1996-2000 Ph.D. studies, Department of Materials Science, ETH Zurich
2000-2001 Ph.D. scientist, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA
2001-2004 Business development, Bioscience, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich
2005-2010 Head, LISA - Life Sciences Austria, Technology & Innovation, Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH, Vienna
2006-2010 Managing Director, LISA VR, Life Science Austria Vienna Region, Vienna
2010-2015 Head, Department Health and Environment, AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna
2012-2016 President, AAL Austria, Vienna
since 2015 Vice-Rector, Research and Innovation, Medical University Vienna
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Joanneum Research, Vienna
since 2018 Head, Scientific Advisory Committee Health Symposium and Member of the Steering Committee, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna


Chairman of the Executive Board, Philips GmbH; Chief Executive Officer, Philips Market DACH, Vienna

 Nach seinem Wirtschaftsfinanzmanagement-Studium startete Peter Vullinghs im Jahr 1996 seine berufliche Laufbahn mit einem Traineeship bei Philips in Groningen und Eindhoven, gefolgt von einer Position in der Innenrevision. Im Anschluss war er zehn Jahre lang für Philips in Asien tätig und übte unterschiedliche Tätigkeiten in Indien und Singapur aus, bis er CFO der Business Group Video Systems in Singapur wurde. Als nächsten Schritt in seiner Karriere wurde er zum verantwortlichen Finanzvorstand Consumer Lifestyle in Hong Kong bestellt. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Singapur übernahm er auch dort diese Funktion. Ende 2009 ging Peter Vullinghs für fünf Jahre nach Moskau und zeichnete hier für das General Management des Consumer Lifestyle-Geschäfts in Russland, der Ukraine, Weißrussland, Kasachstan und Mittelasien verantwortlich. Drei Jahre später wurde er zum CEO von Philips Russland berufen. Seit dem 4. März 2015 ist er Vorsitzender Geschäftsführer für den DACH-Markt. 2017 übernahm er zusätzlich die Leitung für den gesamten Health Systems DACH-Bereich.

Mag.a Dr. Brigitte ZARFL

2019-2020 Austrian Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, Vienna


Performance Artist; Founder Cie. Willi Dorner/ Verein SALTO, Vienna

 Willi Dorner lives and works as choreographer in Vienna. His internationally touring artistic work include pieces for the stage as well as site specific performances. Cie. Willi Dorner’s works are invited by international festivals and promoters like "Theater der Welt", Salzburger Festspiele, Biennale de danse (Paris), Wiener Festwochen, Panorama Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Festival Bo:om, Seoul, Festival Transamerique, Montreal, springdance, Utrecht, Tanz im August, Berlin, Dance Umbrella, London, but also from institutions in the area of the fine arts: ART Basel, artist in residence /opening of Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK. In addition his pictures are shown in exhibitions in museums and galleries worldwide and published in various art-, design-, fashion- and architectural magazines. Together with different Austrian film makers he realized the short films TREID (1999), mazy (2003), body trail und fleeting (2009), set in motion (2012) and created the short film every-one (2015) together with the photographer Lisa Rastl. For his choreographic work he was awarded with Österreichischer Tanzproduktionspreis 2000 and he won prizes at various European choreography competitions. His short films are shown at different international festivals and he won prizes for his films at Pearls 07 Berlin and Choreographic Captures Munich and the Architekturfilmpreis 2017 of Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg.


Choreographer and Dancer, Cie. Willi Dorner, Vienna

 Esther Steinkogler studied contemporary dance in Salzburg (SEAD) and New York (Tisch School of Performing Arts). After receiving the Förderstipendium of TQW (Tanzquartier Wien) she came to Vienna and worked amongst others for Liz King, Oleg Soulimenko and Christine Gaigg. Since 2008 she has developped an intensive work relation with Cie. Willi Dorner. She was part of the creation and touring of "above under inbetween", "urban drifting", "fitting", "living room", "one", "many" and "every-one" as well as the film projects "tracing", "set in motion" and "every-one". Since 2010 she also acts as a choreographic assistant and rehearsal director for the company, and has been responsible for the choreographic realisation of the show "bodies in urban spaces" in over 60 cities worldwide.

Dr. Joseph E. STIGLITZ

Recipient, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences; University Professor, Columbia University, New York

 Joseph E. Stiglitz is an American economist and University Professor at Columbia University. He is the co-chair of the High-Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress at the OECD and the Chief Economist of the Roosevelt Institute. A recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) and the John Bates Clark Medal (1979), he is a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank and a former member and chairman of the (US president's) Council of Economic Advisers. In 2000, Stiglitz founded the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, a think tank on international development based at Columbia University. Known for his pioneering research on asymmetric information, Stiglitz's work focuses on income distribution, risk, corporate governance, public policy, macroeconomics and globalization. His most recent books are People, Power, and Profits, Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy, and Globalization and Its Discontents Revisited.

Mag.a Rosa LYON

Presenter and Editor, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna

1994-2005 Different jobs, from doctor´s to tax consultant office, from parliament to marketing company
2000-2005 Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
since 2005 Journalist; Editor; Reporter, Radio Österreich 1, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
since 2010 Journalist; Editor; Reporter, Zeit-im-Bild, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
since 2016 Host ZiB, ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna

Health Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


18:00 - 19:30OpeningPlenary
20:00 - 22:00Evening ReceptionSocial


09:00 - 10:15How Can Innovation Remain Affordable?Plenary
10:45 - 12:15AI in Medicine: Who’s Responsible for Its Use and Outcomes?Plenary
12:00 - 13:30Partner Session: Digital Healthcare 4.0Partner
13:30 - 14:05Mental Illnesses: New Ideas to Promote InclusionBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 01: The Village ProjectBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 02: Network Living Well with Dementia in KlosterneuburgBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 03: Oasis Socialis’ TransitionBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 04: Informal CaregiversBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 05: Strengthening Abilities – Coping With TraumaBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 06: Grow Together – For a Good Start in LifeBreakout
14:15 - 15:55Breakout Session 07: amigoBreakout
16:00 - 16:30Breakout Sessions SummaryBreakout
17:00 - 20:00Reception on the HillSocial
20:30 - 21:30Special Lecture: Organs on Demand – Solving Chronic Disease with Stem Cells and Organ EngineeringPartner
21:30 - 23:30Happy Hour and DJSocial


04:30 - 08:00Sunrise Hike to GratlspitzSocial
08:30 - 09:30DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPartner
09:30 - 10:45Are Europe’s Healthcare Systems Prepared for the Climate Crisis?Plenary
11:15 - 11:30A Healthy Life – How Do We Implement Good Choices?Plenary
11:30 - 12:30How Can Different Stakeholders Contribute to Good Choices?Plenary
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 01: Adaptive Intelligence: Physicians – Friends or Foes?Partner
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 02: Pharmacies: Safety as a Business ModelPartner
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 03: The Liberated Patient: From Digitisation to IndividualisationPartner
14:00 - 15:30Partner Session 04: Our Health Caught Between Climate Crisis and DemographyPartner
16:00 - 17:30Partner Session 05: Liberté, Égalité, Santé: Social Inequality and HealthPartner
16:00 - 17:30Partner Session 06: Liberty and Security Need Knowledge: Health Literacy in AustriaPartner
16:00 - 17:30Partner Session 07: Leeway and Grey Areas: Liberty for People in CarePartner