No fear!
No fear! This call is preceded by Ruth Beckermann’s encounters. Beckermann stands for political cinema, far beyond the borders of Austria. At the invitation of the European Forum Alpbach, she invites other personalities with whom she has always wanted to exchange. She asks Max Czollek, Mollena Lee Williams-Haas, Georg Friedrich Haas, Avi Mograbi and Elfie Semotan to come to Alpbach: to think, philosophize and discuss. Topics from all symposia are taken up. Join in!
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Writer and Filmmaker, Vienna
Ruth Beckermann was born in Vienna where she also spent her childhood. After her studies in journalism and history of art in Vienna, Tel Aviv and New York, she took her degree as Dr.phil in 1977 at the University of Vienna. She since contributed as a journalist to several Austrian and Swiss magazines. In 1978 she (co-)founded the distribution company filmladen in which she was active for seven years. In this period Ruth Beckermann started to make films and to write books. Since 1985 she works as a writer and filmmaker. Her film "The Dreamed Ones" was selected at many international festivals and won several awards. In 2018, Ruth Beckermann finished her latest film "The Waldheim Waltz" and won, among other prices, the Glashütte-Original Documentary Award of the Berlin International Film Festival. |
Writer, Berlin
Max Czollek lives in Berlin, where he was born in 1987. 2012 he gained his diploma in political science at TU Berlin. 2016 he was awarded a doctorate at the Center for Research on Antisemitism at Technische Universität Berlin. Since 2009 he is member of the poetry collective G13, which published books and organized lectures. 2013-2018 he was curator of the international project Babelsprech.International for the connection of the young German speaking and European lyric scene. Together with Sasha Marianna Salzmann he was initiator of Desintegration. Ein Kongress zeitgenössischer jüdischer Positionen (2016) and Radikale Jüdische Kulturtage (2017) at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, Studio Я. His lyric books „"Druckkammern" (2012) and "Jubeljahre" (2015) were published at Verlagshaus Berlin. 2018 his non-fiction book "Desintegriert Euch!" was published at Carl Hanser. His next lyric book is planned for autumn 2019. |
Georg Friedrich HAAS
Musician and Composer; Professor of Composition, Columbia University, New York (USA)
Georg Friedrich Haas, who was born in Graz and has risen to become one of the most important Austrian composers internationally, felt limited by the established system of equal temperament. Notes shaded by microtonal deviations have therefore been determining factors in his compositions since the beginning of his career. Intensive experimentation with overtones has lent a new quality of radicalism to Haas’s sound and, as a result, his works make particularly high demands on their performers. Haas studied at the Musikhochschule in Graz and with Friedrich Cerha at the Hochschule für Musik in Vienna. In the 1980s and 1990s, he participated in IRCAM and was awarded a fellowship for the Salzburg Festival, as well as the Sandoz Prize and the Young Composers Grants of the Federal Ministry for Science, Research, and Culture. More recent awards include an International Rostrum of Composers prize for his Violin Concerto, a City of Vienna Prize for Music, the Andrzej Dobrowolski Composition Award, and the Großer Österreichischer Staatspreis award of Austria. He has also lectured at the Music Academy of the City of Basel, Switzerland and was a featured composer at both the Klangspuren Festival in Austria and the Borealis Festival in Norway. He is currently Professor of Music at Columbia University, New York. |
Writer and Actress, New York
Mollena Lee Williams-Haas is an award-winning author, performer, Storyteller, internationally acclaimed public speaker and world-renowned lecturer on Alternative Sexuality. Born and raised in New York City, she started her professional acting career at the age of five. Her background includes a lifetime of training and involvement in the performing arts, which include spoken word, classical theatre, dance, performance art, and all manner of stagecraft. Her first solo show "69Stories: One Pervert’s Tale" toured across the USA and Europe. Her personal involvement in the BDSM communities in the Bay Area lead her to become dedicated to educating others on best practices and how to maintain emotional safety on their explorations. She has been featured in many news outlets such as The New York Times, Newsweek, Jezebel,, Huffington Post and The Playboy Advisor. Together with her husband, Georg-Friedrich Haas, she created "HYENA", a piece for solo performer and Orchestra. They are currently working on the next two pieces of the "HYENA" trilogy and are developing several shows and operas. |