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Migration – reasons, impacts, strategies

Plenary /
Journalist for "Die Zeit", Senior Editor, Head of the Politics Department
OSCE Regional Co-ordinator and Chair of the Stability Pact Task Force on Trafficking in Human Beings for South Eastern Europe
Managing Director, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna; President, Caritas Austria, Vienna
Representative of the UNHCR Vienna, Public Information
Spokesperson, FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna
Sektionschef, Sektion III des Bundesministeriums für Inneres, Wien
International Organization for Migration, Chief of Mission, Vienna; Coordinator for Central Europe


Journalist for "Die Zeit", Senior Editor, Head of the Politics Department

 studied Law at the Universities of Freiburg, Geneva and Hamburg
1983-86 Assistant teacher at the Institute for International Relations in Hamburg
1987-92 Journalist for the "Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt"
1992-95 Journalist for "Die Zeit"
1995-97 Journalist for the North German Broadcasting Corporation
since 1997 Journalist for "Die Zeit"

Dr. Helga KONRAD

OSCE Regional Co-ordinator and Chair of the Stability Pact Task Force on Trafficking in Human Beings for South Eastern Europe

1967-75 Course of studies in English and Romance philology at Karl-Franzens-University, Graz and Sorbonne, Paris
1976 Studies completed with Ph.D.
1975-77 Teacher at institutes of adult education
1977-80 Adviser of Education and Culture in the Styrian Chamber of Labour
1980-93 Cultural management/Manager of the Styrian Cultural Initiative
1987-90 Member of the Municipal Council in Graz
1990-93 Member of Austrian Parliament
1993-95 Member of the Municipal Government (responsible for Youth, Family, Schools and Health) in Graz
1997-99 Member of Austrian Parliament
since 2000 Chair of the Stability Pact Task Force on Trafficking in Human Beings for South Eastern Europe, under the auspices of OSCE
 President of the Austrian Institute of the Arts and Science (IWK)

DDr. Michael LANDAU

Managing Director, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna; President, Caritas Austria, Vienna

1988 Dr. rer. nat. (D. Nat. diploma)
Admission to the theological seminary of the Archdiocese of Vienna
1989 Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum, Rome
1992 Ordination to priesthood in Rome (Bishop Kamphaus)
since 1995 Managing Director of the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna
1999 Dr. iur. can. (D. Phil. diploma)
2006 Monsignor; appointed by Pope Benedikt XVI
2008 Head, Legal Affairs Committee, Caritas Internationalis, Rome
Admission to the diocesan chapter of St. Stephan
since 2013 Managing Director, Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna; President, Caritas Austria, Vienna

Karola PAUL

Representative of the UNHCR Vienna, Public Information

1965- 70 University of Marburg and Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany, University Law Degree (First State Examination)
1970-71 Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, France Diploma
1971-73 Post-graduate Civil Service Training (Referendar), Federal Republic of Germany, State Law Degree (Second State Examination)
 Professional Experience:
1973-74 Lawyer
1974-79 Civil Servant, Federal Agency for the Recognition of Foreign Refugees, Nuremberg, Federal Republic of Germany
 Functions with UNHCR:
1979-82 Associate Legal Officer, UNHCR Branch Office in Bonn, Germany
1982-85 Deputy Representative and Legal Adviser, UNHCR Branch Office in Bonn, Germany
1985-88 Assistant Representative (Legal), UNHCR Branch Office in Mogadishu, Somalia
1988-90 Deputy Representative, UNHCR Branch Office in Manila, Philippines
1991-93 Chief, Promotion of Refugee Law Section, Division of International Protection, UNHCR Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
1993-95 Deputy Representative, UNHCR Branch Office in Bangkok, Thailand
1995-99 Deputy Director, Bureau for Europe, UNHCR Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
1999- Representative, UNHCR Branch Office in Vienna, Austria


Spokesperson, FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna

 Friso Roscam Abbing is Adviser on Communication and Spokesperson of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights where he previously headed the Fundamental Rights Promotion Department. He was previously a spokesperson on freedom, security and justice at the European Commission, Cabinet member, and headed the Sector in the Commission dealing with asylum policy. Before that, he led the EU Office of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles, a European network of 96 NGOs in 40 European countries protecting and advancing the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people. He holds a bachelor degree in law and a master degree in Public Administration at the University of Amsterdam.


Sektionschef, Sektion III des Bundesministeriums für Inneres, Wien

 Jusstudium an der Universität Wien
1971 Promotion zum Dr.iur.
1972 Eintritt in den rechtskundigen Dienst der Bundespolizeidirektion Wien, 13 Jahre als Referent und Stellvertreter des Leiters des Büros für Organisation, Rechtsfragen und Dienstaufsicht
1988 Ernennung zum Leiter der Rechtsabteilung des Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI)
1992-1999 Leitung der Sektion IV (Allgemeine Rechts- und Verwaltungsangelegenheiten), Betreuung der legistischen Vorhaben des Ressorts (Asylgesetz 1997, Fremdengesetz 1997 und Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz-Novelle 1998)
1999-2002 Leiter der Sektion III des Bundesministeriums für Inneres, zuständig auch für den gesamten Asyl- und Migrationsbereich
ab 2000 ausschließlich für diese Angelegenheiten und bis 2001 für die Führung der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen verantwortlich
seit 2003 in Karenz (Geschäftsordnungsänderung des BMI)


International Organization for Migration, Chief of Mission, Vienna; Coordinator for Central Europe

 studied History, Political Science and International Law
1984-89 Cultural Orientation teacher, IOM Vienna, Austria
1989-92 Development Officer, IOM Manila Philippines
1992-95 Operations Officer, IOM Manila Philippines
1995-96 Programme Officer for Central Europe, IOM Geneva
1996-98 Desk Officer for Central Europe, IOM Geneva
1998-2000 Coordinator for Central Europe, SRO Vienna
2000-present Chief of Mission, Vienna; Coordinator for Central Europe