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Networking and lobbying as seen by the European Commission and the European Council

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in englischer Sprache
Minister, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna
Ambassador of the European Union to the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, Beijing
Director, Directorate D Markets and Cases III: Financial Services, Directorate-General Competition, European Commission, Brussels
Advisor, Directorate General Communication, European Commission, Brussels Chair


Minister, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna

1988-1989 Assistant to the Director, Austrian Farmers' Union, Vienna
1989-1997 Member, Cabinet of Austrian Federal Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry Franz Fischler, Wilhelm Molterer, Vienna
1993-1994 Member, Negotiation team on expert level for the agriculture chapter of the Austrian accession negotiations to the European Union
1995-2002 Head, EU-Coordination Unit, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna; Austrian Spokesman, SCA - Special Committee on Agriculture, Council of the European Union, Brussels
1998 President, SCA - Special Committee on Agriculture, Council of the European Union, Brussels
1998-2002 Deputy Director General, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna
2002-2007 Director General, Department Agriculture and Nutrition, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna
2006 Head, National delegation, Council of Agriculture, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2007-2013 Director for Rural Development and Agriculture Finances, General Secretariat, Council of the European Union, Brussels
since 2013 Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
since 2017 President, Union of European Federalists Austria, Vienna

Dr.iur. Hans-Dietmar SCHWEISGUT

Ambassador of the European Union to the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, Beijing

1974 Graduation, Law Faculty (Dr. Jur.), Innsbruck University
1975 MCL, SMU, Dallas, USA
1975-1977 Postgraduate studies, Diplomatische Akademie Wien (Diplomatic Academy Vienna)
1977 Joins the Austrian diplomatic service
1979-1983 Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations, New York
1983-1984 Head of the office, State Secretary for Economic Coordination in the Austrian Federal Chancellery
1984-1986 Secretary and later head of the office to the Federal Minister for Public Economy and Transport of Austria
1986-1987 Economic advisor to the Austrian Federal Minister of Finance
1987-1991 Minister at the Austrian Embassy, Tokyo
1991-1999 Director General for Economic Integration and Customs of the Federal Ministry of Finance, responsible for economic and monetary policy, international affairs, including the International Financial
  Institutions, European Integration, Customs and excise taxes
1999-2003 Ambassador of Austria to Japan
2003-2007 Ambassador of Austria to the People's Republic of China
2007 -2010 Permanent Representative of Austria to the European Union in Brussels
2011 -2014 Ambassador of the European Union to Japan

Dr. Irmfried SCHWIMANN

Director, Directorate D Markets and Cases III: Financial Services, Directorate-General Competition, European Commission, Brussels

 University degree in law and political science
1984-1989 Diplomatic Service, Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, posts in Vienna, New Delhi, Brussels
1989-1999 Head of service "International relations", Bundesländer Insurance Company; after merger/restructuring: UNIQA insurance group
since 1999 European Commission
1999-2006 DG Internal Market
1999-2002 Desk officer, Unit "Payment Systems and Retail Issues"
2002-2003 Member, Commissioner Bolkestein' s cabinet
2003-2006 Head, Unit "Financial Services Policy"
since 2006 Directorate General Competition
2006-2009 Head, Unit "Financial Services" (Antitrust)
2007-2009 Acting Director, "Financial Services and Health-related markets"
since 2009 Director, "Markets and Cases III: Financial Services,
  Head, Financial Crisis Task Force

Dipl.-Ing. Karl Georg DOUTLIK

Advisor, Directorate General Communication, European Commission, Brussels

1964-1970 Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences)
1970-1972 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. USA, Master of Science
1972 G. Edwin Pidcock Consulting Engineers, Allentown, Pa. USA, Environmental technology, water supply, waste water
  disposal, Project engineer
1973-1992 ETERNIT-Werke L. Hatschek AG, Wiener Neudorf, Pipe systems for Water supply and Wastewater Disposal,
  Manager for Technical Development, Sales Manager, Division Manager
1993-1997 ETERNIT Tiefbau GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Pipe systems for water supply and waste water disposal,
  General Manager
1998-2000 European Commission, Brussels, DG Enterprise Head of Unit for "Environmental aspects of enterprise policy",
  Elaboration of enterprise aspects regarding sustainable development and environment policy
2000-2002 European Commission, Brussels, DG Enterprise Head of Unit for "Improving framework conditions for SMEs",
  Project management in the framework of perennial programs and entrepreneurial initiative, pertinent political
2002-2008 European Commission, Vienna, DG Communication, Head of the representation of the European Commission
  in Austria, Information brokering and commentatorship