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Networking and Lobbying seen from the recipients’ side

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache
Leiterin, Referat Durchsetzung und Verfahrensreform, GD Wettbewerb, Europäische Kommission, Brüssel
Administrator, Council of the European Union, Directorate General B, Brussels
Advisor, Directorate General Communication, European Commission, Brussels Chair

Mag. Barbara BRANDTNER

Leiterin, Referat Durchsetzung und Verfahrensreform, GD Wettbewerb, Europäische Kommission, Brüssel

 Studied Law at the University of Vienna, the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and the University of Michigan Law School (LLM 1992).
1993-1995 Associate at Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP, Brussels
since 1996 European Commission at the Legal Service
2002-2004 Member of the Cabinet of the Hon. Chris Patten, European Commissioner for External Relations
2004-2008 Member, then Deputy Head of Cabinet of Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition
since 2008 Head of Unit "Enforcement and Procedural Reform" in DG Competition (COMP.H.4)


Administrator, Council of the European Union, Directorate General B, Brussels

1985 Magister et Doctor iuris, University of Vienna, Law Faculty
Post-graduate diploma, Inter-disciplinary course for International Studies, University of Vienna
1987 Post-graduate diploma, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna
1979-1980 Military Service
1982-1983 Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Vienna, Foreign Exchange Department
1987-1991 Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna, Department for International Trade and Monetary Policy
1991-1993 Austrian Mission to the European Communities, Brussels, Secretary for Industrial Affairs,
  Head of the Brussels Office of the Federation of Austrian Industry
1993-1996 Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna, Director,
  Department for European Integration and International Economic Relations
 Since 1996 Council of the European Union, Brussels; currently: Directorate General B (Food Safety);
  before: Directorate General F (Codecision procedure)
2004-2006 European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, Head of Cabinet of the President
  (detached by the Council General Secretariat)
since 2006 Administrator at the Council of the European Union, Directorate General B

Dipl.-Ing. Karl Georg DOUTLIK

Advisor, Directorate General Communication, European Commission, Brussels

1964-1970 Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences)
1970-1972 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. USA, Master of Science
1972 G. Edwin Pidcock Consulting Engineers, Allentown, Pa. USA, Environmental technology, water supply, waste water
  disposal, Project engineer
1973-1992 ETERNIT-Werke L. Hatschek AG, Wiener Neudorf, Pipe systems for Water supply and Wastewater Disposal,
  Manager for Technical Development, Sales Manager, Division Manager
1993-1997 ETERNIT Tiefbau GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Pipe systems for water supply and waste water disposal,
  General Manager
1998-2000 European Commission, Brussels, DG Enterprise Head of Unit for "Environmental aspects of enterprise policy",
  Elaboration of enterprise aspects regarding sustainable development and environment policy
2000-2002 European Commission, Brussels, DG Enterprise Head of Unit for "Improving framework conditions for SMEs",
  Project management in the framework of perennial programs and entrepreneurial initiative, pertinent political
2002-2008 European Commission, Vienna, DG Communication, Head of the representation of the European Commission
  in Austria, Information brokering and commentatorship