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New forms of public diplomacy

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German and English language
Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich und Slowenien, Wien
Chair and Marshall Plan Professor of History; Director, Center Austria, University of New Orleans
Member of the Serbian Parliament; founder of the "Otpor" movement, Belgrade
Former Prime Minister of Romania, Bucharest
Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Head of Department Economy, APA - Austria Presse Agentur, Vienna Chair


Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich und Slowenien, Wien

1973-1975 Lehrer an der "Kfar Hanoar Hadati" Schule in Kfar Hassidim
1975 Eintritt in den diplomatischen Dienst Israels
1978-1983 Botschaftssekretär, Botschaft des Staates Israel, Bonn
1983-1986 Stellvertretender Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Jerusalem
1986-1989 Botschaftsrat (Wien), stellvertretender Chef der Mission
1989-1992 Botschaftsrat und Pressesprecher in der Botschaft in London
1992-1994 Leiter der Ausbildungsabteilung, Außenministerium Jerusalem
1994-1996 Ausbilder in Israels College für Nationale Sicherheit
1996-1997 Leiter der Europa-Abteilung II, Außenministerium Jerusalem
1997-2000 Generalkonsul Israels für die Mittelatlantische Region Philadelphia, USA
2000-2005 Leiter der Abteilung für Multilaterale Europäische Organisationen, Außenministerium, Jerusalem
2005 Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich, UNOV und OSZE
2006 Botschafter des Staates Israel in Slowenien

Dr. Günter BISCHOF

Chair and Marshall Plan Professor of History; Director, Center Austria, University of New Orleans

1980 University of New Orleans, M.A.
1982 University of Innsbruck, Mag. Phil.
1983 Harvard University, M.A.
1989 Harvard University, Ph.D.
 Marshall Plan Professor of History; Director, Center Austria, University of New Orleans
 Gastprofessor an der Universität München, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Universität Wien, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien


Member of the Serbian Parliament; founder of the "Otpor" movement, Belgrade

 Junior and High school in Belgrade with excellent achievement.
 Graduated in Law at Law Faculty - Belgrade University, 1998, first class.
 Currently doing Masters in political sociology. Thesis: "Scrutiny function of Parliament - oversight of the executive"
1996 One of the initiators and organizers of the Student protest 96/97, vice-president of the Main board of the Student protest and the chief of the legal department.
1997 Voted for student MP and the vice-president of the student parliament.
1998 One of the founders of the Peoples Movement Resistance (OTPOR)
1999-2003 President of the Executive board of OTPOR
2000 Member of the Bar association.
2003 Voted President of the political party OTPOR
2004 Voted member of the Executive and Main board of Democratic Party.
  Deputy President of Legal committee of Democratic Party.
  Voted Councilor in the Belgrade City Assembly and a member of the Legislative commission and legal committee.
2005 Legal advisor of Democratic Party parliamentary group in the Serbian Parliament.
  Legal advisor of Democratic Party MPs in Administrative committee and Judicial committee of Serbian Parliament.
 Working as a lawyer.

Dr. Mihai-Razvan UNGUREANU

Former Prime Minister of Romania, Bucharest

1992-2006 Assistant Professor, Reader and Maître de conférences in Modern Romanian History, Faculty of History, "Al.I. Cuza", University of Iasi
1998-2001 State Secretary with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Bucharest
2001-2003 Director General - Regional Envoy of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe
Deputy Coordinator for the South-East European Cooperation Initiative (SECI), Vienna
2004-2007 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania
since 2007 University Professor, Romanian History, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest
2007-2012 Director, Foreign Intelligence Service of Romania
2012 Prime Minister of Romania


Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Head of Department Economy, APA - Austria Presse Agentur, Vienna

1987 Magister der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Handelswissenschaften), Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
1992 Doktor der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Volkswirtschaft) Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
1989-1992 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropainstitut
seit 1992 Redakteur, Austria Presse Agentur
1992-1994 Wirtschaftsredaktion
1995-2005 EU-Korrespondent, Brüssel
2005-2008 Stellvertretender Chefredakteur, Austria Presse Agentur, Wien
seit 2008 Ressortleiter Wirtschaft, Austria Presse Agentur, Wien

Political Symposium

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