New Roles for International Financial Institutions
As the BRICS and other developing countries enter the global scene, new actors are asking for a say in international financial institutions. Why does the current system not fulfil the needs of these actors? Which alternatives are there and what do they mean for global financial governance?
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Ph.D. Inge KAUL
Adjunct Professor, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
1981-1985 | Deputy resident representative of UNDP - United Nations Development Programme in Afghanistan and Laos |
1986-1988 | Senior evaluation officer and policy analyst, UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, New York |
1989-1994 | Director, Human Development Report Office, UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, New York |
1995-2005 | Director, Office of Development Studies, UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, New York |
since 2006 | External advisor to varions multilateral agencies and other organizations on international cooperation financing, public-private partnerships, global governance, and global issue diplomacy |
since 2007 | Adjunct professor, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin |
M.P.A. Ph.D. Hans Peter LANKES
Managing Director, Corporate Strategy, and Acting Chief Economist, EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London
Master, Public Administration, Economics & Government, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Boston, MA | |
Doctor of Philosophy, Public Policy, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Boston, MA | |
1993-2000 | Various Positions, EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London |
2001-2006 | Division Chief, Trade Policy, International Monetary Fund |
Since 2007 Various Positions, EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London: | |
2007-2008 Deputy Chief Economist | |
2008-2011 Director, President's Office | |
since 2011 Managing Director, Corporate Strategy | |
since 2011 Acting Chief Economist | |
2012-2013 Acting Vice President, Policies |
Ph.D. Johannes F. LINN
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development Program, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
1968 | BA in economics, Oxford University, Oxford |
1972 | PhD, Cornell University, Ithaca |
1973-1991 | Positions held at the World Bank: Researcher on urban development policy; Country Economist and economic advisor, East Asia Regional Staff; Staff Director, World Development Report 1988; Senior Economic Advisor, Development Economics Staff; Director, International Economics Department; Director, Country Economics Department |
1978 | Visiting Researcher, University of Munster |
1991-1996 | Vice President for Financial Policy and Resource Mobilization, World Bank, Washington; D.C. |
1996-2003 | Vice President for Europe and Central Asia (ECA), World Bank, Washington, D.C. |
2003-2006 | Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. |
2004-2005 | Project Leader and Lead Author for the UNDP Central Asia Human Development Report |
2005-2010 | Director, Wolfensohn Center for Development, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. |
since 2010 | Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development Program, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C |
Dr. Kurt BAYER
Former Board Director, EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Member of the Supervisory Board, OeEB - Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (Development Bank of Austria), Vienna
Studies in Law, Graz; International Relations, Johns Hopkins Bologna Center; Economics, University of Maryland | |
1971-1995 | Researcher and Board Member, Austrian Institute of Economic Research |
1995-2008 | Deputy Director General, Austrian Ministry of Finance |
2002-2004 | Board Director, World Bank |
2008-2012 | Board Director, EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |