Nuovo modello imprenditoriale “fornitori di servizi energetici”
Attori della transizione energetica discutono le opportunità e le sfide di tecnologie smart, nuovi servizi e business model innovativi. Quali fattori rendono imprese del settore energetico pronte per il futuro? Quali saranno prossimamente le interdipendenze tra fornitori di servizi, consumatori e produttori di energie? Quali nuovi business model si stanno sviluppando nella regione alpina? Quali sono i punti focali, quali le mancanze? Come devono essere concepite le condizioni quadro politiche ed economiche per avere successo?
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Managing Director, Pöyry Management Consulting Austria GmbH, Vienna
1998-2012 | Director of Pöyry Energy GmbH |
Since 2012 Managing Director of Pöyry Management Consulting Austria GmbH |
Dipl.-Ing. Christian PURRER
Speaker of the Board, Energie Steiermark, Graz
1973-1983 | Technical University of Graz - Civil Engineering |
1983-1989 | Institute of Hydraulic Engineering - University Assistant at the Technical University of Graz |
1989-1996 | Department for Strategic Planning, STEWEAG |
1996-2000 | Department of Energy Management, STEWEAG |
2001-2005 | Authorized Officer, Divisional Management Major Customers, Risk and Portfolio Management & Trading, STEWEAG-STEG GmbH |
2005-2012 | Head of Sales Department, Risk and Portfolio Management & Trading, STEWEAG-STEG GmbH |
2012-2016 | Speaker of the Board, Financing, Controlling, Communications, HR, Legal Matters, Grids, Infrastructural & Materials Management, Energie Steiermark AG |
since 2016 | Energie Steiermark AG - Speaker of the Board, Energy Generation, Sales, Technology, District Heating, Customer Service, Materials and Facility Management, IT Management |
Dkfm. Peter PÜSPÖK
President, Dachverband Erneuerbare Energie Österreich, Vienna; Former Vice-President of the Supervisory Board, Verbund AG, Vienna
1971-1977 | Trainee, Account Manager, Vice President, Chase Manhattan Bank NY, Frankfurt, NY, Vienna, NY, Düsseldorf |
1977-1998 | Manager, Member of the Managing Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich (RZB), Wien |
1998-2007 | CEO Raiffeisen Landesbank Niederösterreich-Wien |
since 2007 | Entrepreneur Windpower |
since 2015 | President, Dachverband Erneuerbare Energie Österreich |
Chairman of the Executive Board, Alperia AG; Head of Institute for Renewable Energy, EURAC Research, Bolzano
2003 | Applied Physics, Graz – University of Technology (and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) |
2002-2004 | Researcher at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg |
2004-2007 | Coordinator of Renertec, regional center for renewable energy, TIS Innovation Park, Bolzano |
Since 2005 Head of Institute for Renewable Energy at the applied research center Eurac research, Bolzano | |
Since 2011 Vice President of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Renewable Heating and Cooling, Brussels | |
2011-2015 | Chairman of the board of administration of the regional energy utility SEL and of several daughter companies, Bolzano |
Since 2016 Chairman of the executive board of the new regional energy utility Alperia, Bolzano |
Gudrun ESSER
Journalist, TV and Radio Channel RaiSüdtirol, Bolzano
1989-1995 | Diplom Modedesignerin, Fachhochschule Rheinland- Pfalz, Abteilung Trier |
1996-1999 | Athesia Verlag, Bozen, Werbeabteilung Dolomiten Magazin |
2004 | Organisation des multimedialen Kulturfestivals la notte/die nacht in Meran, Konzept und Finanzierung, Pressearbeit |
2004-2009 | Redakteurin und Moderatorin Privatradio Stadtradio Meran, der St. Josef GmbH |
Seit 2010 Redakteurin beim aktuellen Dienst des öffentlich rechtlichen Rundfunks RAI Südtirol |