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Nuovo modello imprenditoriale “fornitori di servizi energetici”

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache

Attori della transizione energetica discutono le opportunità e le sfide di tecnologie smart, nuovi servizi e business model innovativi. Quali fattori rendono imprese del settore energetico pronte per il futuro? Quali saranno prossimamente le interdipendenze tra fornitori di servizi, consumatori e produttori di energie? Quali nuovi business model si stanno sviluppando nella regione alpina? Quali sono i punti focali, quali le mancanze? Come devono essere concepite le condizioni quadro politiche ed economiche per avere successo?

Managing Director, Pöyry Management Consulting Austria GmbH, Vienna
Speaker of the Board, Energie Steiermark, Graz
President, Dachverband Erneuerbare Energie Österreich, Vienna; Former Vice-President of the Supervisory Board, Verbund AG, Vienna
Chairman of the Executive Board, Alperia AG; Head of Institute for Renewable Energy, EURAC Research, Bolzano
Journalist, TV and Radio Channel RaiSüdtirol, Bolzano Chair



Managing Director, Pöyry Management Consulting Austria GmbH, Vienna

1998-2012 Director of Pöyry Energy GmbH
 Since 2012 Managing Director of Pöyry Management Consulting Austria GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. Christian PURRER

Speaker of the Board, Energie Steiermark, Graz

1973-1983 Technical University of Graz - Civil Engineering
1983-1989 Institute of Hydraulic Engineering - University Assistant at the Technical University of Graz
1989-1996 Department for Strategic Planning, STEWEAG
1996-2000 Department of Energy Management, STEWEAG
2001-2005 Authorized Officer, Divisional Management Major Customers, Risk and Portfolio Management & Trading, STEWEAG-STEG GmbH
2005-2012 Head of Sales Department, Risk and Portfolio Management & Trading, STEWEAG-STEG GmbH
2012-2016 Speaker of the Board, Financing, Controlling, Communications, HR, Legal Matters, Grids, Infrastructural & Materials Management, Energie Steiermark AG
since 2016 Energie Steiermark AG - Speaker of the Board, Energy Generation, Sales, Technology, District Heating, Customer Service, Materials and Facility Management, IT Management

Dkfm. Peter PÜSPÖK

President, Dachverband Erneuerbare Energie Österreich, Vienna; Former Vice-President of the Supervisory Board, Verbund AG, Vienna

1971-1977 Trainee, Account Manager, Vice President, Chase Manhattan Bank NY, Frankfurt, NY, Vienna, NY, Düsseldorf
1977-1998 Manager, Member of the Managing Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich (RZB), Wien
1998-2007 CEO Raiffeisen Landesbank Niederösterreich-Wien
since 2007 Entrepreneur Windpower
since 2015 President, Dachverband Erneuerbare Energie Österreich


Chairman of the Executive Board, Alperia AG; Head of Institute for Renewable Energy, EURAC Research, Bolzano

2003 Applied Physics, Graz – University of Technology (and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
2002-2004 Researcher at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg
2004-2007 Coordinator of Renertec, regional center for renewable energy, TIS Innovation Park, Bolzano
 Since 2005 Head of Institute for Renewable Energy at the applied research center Eurac research, Bolzano
 Since 2011 Vice President of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Renewable Heating and Cooling, Brussels
2011-2015 Chairman of the board of administration of the regional energy utility SEL and of several daughter companies, Bolzano
 Since 2016 Chairman of the executive board of the new regional energy utility Alperia, Bolzano

Gudrun ESSER

Journalist, TV and Radio Channel RaiSüdtirol, Bolzano

1989-1995 Diplom Modedesignerin, Fachhochschule Rheinland- Pfalz, Abteilung Trier
1996-1999 Athesia Verlag, Bozen, Werbeabteilung Dolomiten Magazin
2004 Organisation des multimedialen Kulturfestivals la notte/die nacht in Meran, Konzept und Finanzierung, Pressearbeit
2004-2009 Redakteurin und Moderatorin Privatradio Stadtradio Meran, der St. Josef GmbH
 Seit 2010 Redakteurin beim aktuellen Dienst des öffentlich rechtlichen Rundfunks RAI Südtirol