Ours is a very diverse world, in its differences but also in its inequalities. The connections are becoming closer and closer, and the way how people are doing on one side of the globe has direct consequences on those on the other.We will take a look at this variety and the problems that go hand in hand.For this purpose we will imagine the world as a village with 100 people. Where and how would they live?What languages would they speak?Who would lack food, housing or other things necessary to make a living? And is all that just?
Participants: Only children of participants of the Technology Symposium aged 7 to 12 years or children from the village of Alpbach with special invitations may be registered for this programme.
Please note: limited number of participants, registration necessary!
Information and registration: Claudia Klement, T +43 (50) 550-2045, E claudia.klement@ait.ac.at
Director General, Scientific Research and International Relations, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna | |
Welcome | |
Head of Radio Broadcasting, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna | |
Introduction | |
Economic and Social Historian, Institute of Economic Theory, Policy and History, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck | | | |
Channelmanager, Programme Radio 1, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna | |
Coordination | |
Director General, Scientific Research and International Relations, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna
| Barbara Weitgruber was founding staff member and Director of the Office for International Relations and lecturer at Karl-Franzens Universität Graz and then Director of the Office for European Educational Co-operation of the Austrian Academic Exchange Service in Vienna. In December 1994 she joined the Austrian Ministry in charge of higher education and research as Director and later became Deputy Director General for Higher Education and Director General for Scientific Research and International Relations. Weitgruber holds a Master degree in English/American and Interdisciplinary Studies, a Certificate in Mass Media and a Translator´s Diploma in English from Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz and an M.A. in Communications from the University of Illinois in Chicago where she started her professional career as a Fulbright Scholarship Holder and Teaching Assistant. She is - among others - member of the Task Force for Research, Technology and Innovation of the Austrian Federal Government, the Austrian Fulbright Commission, the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, the European "Research Policy Group" and chair of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria. |
Head of Radio Broadcasting, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
1971-1975 | Studium der Sozial-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Wien |
1975 | Freier Mitarbeiter des ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk sowie Herausgeber der regionalpolitischen Nachrichten der AK NÖ |
1980 | Business School of Economics, Folkstone, GB |
1981 | ORF Wirtschaftsredaktion, Zeit im Bild und Wirtschaftsmagazin - Schilling |
1986 | Wechsel zur ZiB1/Innenpolitik |
1990 | Stellvertretender Leiter der ZiB2 |
1991 | Medienakademie Hamburg, Führungskräfteschulung |
1992 | Chefredakteur ORF-Landesstudio Wien |
1999 | ORF-Radio-Chefredakteur |
seit 2000 | Dozent an der Donau-Universität Krems und an der FH Wien für Journalismus und Medienmanagement |
2007 | Chefredakteur ORF-Fernsehinformation |
seit 2010 | ORF-Radiodirektor in Wien |
Channelmanager, Programme Radio 1, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
seit 1985 | Redakteur, Wissenschafts- und Bildungsredaktion, ORF-Hörfunk |
| Gestalter von Sendungen in den Ö1-Reihen "Dimensionen", "Salzburger Nachtstudio" und "Radiokolleg", |
| Moderator verschiedener Live-Sendungen |
1999-2002 | Ressortleiter, "Projektmanagement, Symposien, Programmentwicklung und -produktion" |
| Zuständig für die inhaltliche Vorbereitung, Planung und Organisation der ORF "Zukunftssymposien" und anderer |
| Wissenschaftsveranstaltungen |
| Redaktionelle Entwicklung des Internet-Wissenschaftskanals des ORF, science.ORF.at |
| Lehraufträge für Medienpädagogik und Wissenschaftskommunikation |
2002-2019 | Leiter, Ö1-Wissenschaftsredaktion |
seit 2019 | Programmleiter, Radio Ö1 |