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Austria: The Wrong Place for Charitable Foundations?

Hotel Post
in deutscher Sprache

All across Europe there are more than 150.000 charitable foundations involved in education, culture, social and development activities. The donations by charitable foundations reach up to 1 Billion € per year in Switzerland, while in Germany they amount to up to 15 Billion €. In comparison, non-profit foundations in Austria, are a rather rare occurence, primarily due to inadequate legal and fiscal regulatory frameworks.
The competition for becoming the main hub for philanthrophy has long started. The
European Parliament on July 4th of this year laid the ground for a European Foundations framework which will most probably be enacted in 2014.
What are the consequences for and implications of these new developments in Austria? What kind of regulatory frameworks do non-profit organisations require? Can Private Banking encourage and support philanthropic engagement?

Managing Director, Brochier Stiftung - Haus des Stiftens, Munich
Managing Director, SwissFoundations, Zurich
President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
Senior Advisor, Management Board, ERSTE Stiftung, Vienna
Managing Director, Licht für die Welt - Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Vienna Chair

Alexander BROCHIER

Managing Director, Brochier Stiftung - Haus des Stiftens, Munich

 Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
1976 Hans Brochier GmbH, Nürnberg und München
1992 Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender, Alexander Brochier Stiftung, Haus des Stiftens, München
1995 Mitbegründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender, Stiftung Kinderfonds, München
1997 Gründer, Servicegesellschaft, München
2004 Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender, Stiftung, München
  Leiter, Unternehmensgruppe A. Brochier


Managing Director, SwissFoundations, Zurich

  Studium, Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft und Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
2004 Master of Science in Communications Management, Universität Lugano
  Freischaffende Kommunikations- und Projektleiterin, Schwerpunkt Bildung, Kultur sowie Architektur und Städtebau
 Seit 2005 Geschäftsführerin, SwissFoundations, Zürich

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz FISCHLER

President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1973-1979 Research Assistant, Institute for Agricultural Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
1978 Doctorate, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
1979-1984 Executive Assistant, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck
1985-1989 Director, Provincial Chamber of Agriculture of Tyrol, Innsbruck
1989-1994 Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vienna
1995-2004 European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, Brussels
2005-2011 Chairman, Ecosocial Forum Europe, Vienna
2005-2015 Chairman, RISE-Foundation, Brussels
2014-2015 Chairman of the Steering Committee of the EU scientific programme for Expo Milano 2015
since 2012 President, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
since 2016 President, Board of Trustees to the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna

M.Sc. Franz Karl PRÜLLER

Senior Advisor, Management Board, ERSTE Stiftung, Vienna

1986-1988 BA International Studies, Webster University, St Louis, MO
1988-1996 Emergency Aid Coordinator, Caritas Austria, Vienna
1996-2005 Secretary General, International Programmes and Project Department, Caritas Austria, Vienna
2005-2012 Director, Social Development Programmes, ERSTE Foundation, Vienna
2008 M.Sc. Development Management, Open University, England
2012-2016 Member of the Board, ERSTE Foundation, Vienna
since 2016 Senior Advisor, Management Board, ERSTE Foundation, Vienna

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