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Panel VI: Crisis Management in the OSCE

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache
ret. Ambassador
Deputy Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre of the OSCE, Vienna
Professor Emeritus for Political Science, Institut for Political Science, University of Vienna Chair

Dr. Geert-Hinrich AHRENS

ret. Ambassador

1954-58 Read Law in Bonn and Berlin
1958 First State Law Examination
1959-64 Legal Training in Duesseldorf
1964 Second State Law Examination, LLD
-65 Lawyer at Duesseldorf District Court
1965-67 Foreign Service Training in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Bonn, Germany
1967-68 Federal Foreign Office, Bonn
1968-72 Consulate General, Hong Kong
1972-75 Embassy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1975-79 Embassy, Beijing, China
1979-83 Federal Foreign Office, Bonn, Deputy Head of Section, Political Directorate General
1983-84 Fellow, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA
1984-86 Ambassador, Hanoi, Vietnam
1986-91 Federal Foreign Office, Bonn, Head of Section, Political Directorate General
1991 Head of German contingent, European Community Monitor Mission, Zagreb, Croatia
-92 Ambassador at Large, Conference on Yugoslavia, The Hague, Netherlands
1992-96 Ambassador at Large, International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia, Geneva, Switzerland
1996 Federal Foreign Office, Bonn, Director for Asian Affairs, Political Directorate General
-99 Ambassador, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
1999 Special Envoy of the European Presidency to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
1999-2002 OSCE Presence in Albania, Head of Presence
2002-03 Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., USA
2003 Senior Fellow, Center for European Integration Studies, Bonn, Germany


Deputy Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre of the OSCE, Vienna

 B.A. (Honours) in Political Science and Strategic Studies from the University of Calgary, Canada and Ph.D in War Studies from the King's College London
 Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Security Studies of the Western European Union and researcher at the Department for War Studies, King's College London
1993-95 NATO Fellow
 joined OSCE, initially as Senior Diplomatic Adviser

Dr. Heinrich SCHNEIDER

Professor Emeritus for Political Science, Institut for Political Science, University of Vienna

 Studium der Philosophie, Psychologie, Theaterwissenschaft, Germanistik, Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft in Bamberg, München und Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
 Promotion in München 1955
1955-1959 tätig in der Europäischen Bewegung
1959-1962 Dozent und Stellvertreter des Direktors, Akademie für politische Bildung, Tutzing
1963-1968 Prof. für Politische Wissenschaft in Hannover (Nachfolge Wilhelm Hennis)
1968-1971 Inhaber der Lehrkanzel für Philosophie der Politik und Ideologiekritik, Universität Wien
1971-1991 Ordinarius für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien
1995/96 Inhaber des Jacques-Delors-Lehrstuhls für Europapolitik des Universitätenbundes "ALMA" (Aachen, Lüttich, Maastricht), Wahrnehmung der Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit in Aachen
1996-2001 Gastprofessor an der Donau-Universität Krems (Internationale Politik)
 Langjährige Lehrtätigkeit auch an der Landesverteidigungsakademie (Sicherheitspolitik)