Partner Session 02: Equality of Opportunity in Healthcare – Tyrol vs. Vienna.
Supported by TGKK - Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse
Under the heading of InEquality, challenges regarding health equality in Tyrol will be defined, in particular taking geographic characteristics but also social factors into account. Alongside epidemiological factors, behavioural factors and environmental conditions are fundamental for the development of good health as well as of disease. Which possible solutions lie within the purview of players from different profession to optimise health, maintaining environments and health care? How could this be achieved in both rural regions and urban agglomerations, considering social, family, occupational and public environments?
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Mag. Dr. Wolfgang DÜR
Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Science, University of Vienna
1974-1977 | Acting school at the University for Music and Dramatic Art Vienna (Max Reinhardt-Seminar) |
1977-1983 | Studies of law, sociology and philosophy at the University of Vienna |
1983 | MA in sociology, University of Vienna |
1984-1986 | Dramaturg at the Vienna Schauspielhaus (directorate Hans Gratzer) as freelance and as employee |
since 1987 | Teaching at University of Vienna, University of Graz, University of Innsbruck, and others |
1987-1989 | Junior researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine (LBIMGS) |
1990-2007 | Senior researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine (LBIMGS) |
1993 | PhD in sociology, University of Vienna |
since 1993 | Several postdoc trainings (qualitative research, multilevel analysis, knowledge management, patients' surveys) |
2008 | Habilitation for sociology at the faculty of social science at the University of Vienna |
since 2008 | Founder and Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Health Promotion Research (LBIHPR) |
Director, TGKK - Tyrolean Medical Insurance Company, Innsbruck
1995-2005 | Substitute of Head of Department, TGKK - Tyrolean Medical Insurance Company (Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse) |
2003-2005 | Concurrently Consultant of the Federal Ministry of Health during the Major Health Care Reform |
2005-2008 | Head of Department of Law and Policy, TGKK - Tyrolean Medical Insurance Company |
2006-2008 | General Manager, TGF - Health Fund Tyrol (Tiroler Gesundheitsfonds) |
2008-2011 | Head of GÖG Business Unit ÖBIG - Federal Institute for Health (Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen), GÖG - Gesundheit Österreich GmbH |
2009-2011 | General Manager GÖG - Gesundheit Österreich GmbH |
2011 | General Manger Regional, TGKK - Tyrolean Medical Insurance Company |
Austrian Federal Minister of Health and Women's Affairs, Vienna
1997 | Paediatrician |
General Practitioner | |
1998-2010 | Staff Representative, National Union of Municipal Employees (GdG), released from duties |
1999-2006 | Member, Council of the Vienna Medical Association, Vienna |
2001-2007 | Chair, Personnel Group Committee of Doctors, National Union of Municipal Employees |
2002 | Degree Programme, Hospital Management, WU Vienna University of Business and Economics, Vienna |
2003 | Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), Health Management Programme, Danube University Krems |
2003-2006 | Specialist Adviser to the General Committee, Vienna Medical Association |
2003-2010 | Chair, Doctors' Working Group, ÖGB Austrian Trade Union Federation |
2004-2012 | Vice-President, BSA Association of Social Democrat University Graduates, Intellectuals and Artists |
2004-2011 | Chair, Austrian Social Democrat Doctors' Group |
2005-2009 | Women's Chair, BSA Association of Social Democrat University Graduates, Intellectuals and Artists |
2006-2014 | Spokeswoman Health (until 2013), and Spokeswoman Social Affairs (from 2013), Parliamentary Social Democratic Party, Austrian Parliament |
2007-2010 | Deputy Chair, Personnel Group Committee of Doctors, National Union of Municipal Employees |
2009-2014 | Vice-President, ÖGB Austrian Trade Union Federation |
2011-2014 | Deputy Chair, Austrian Social Democrat Doctors' Group |
since 2014 | Austrian Federal Minister of Health |
Chairman, TGKK - Tyrolean Regional Health Insurance Fund, Innsbruck
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard TILG
Member, Provincial Government (Health, Sciences and Traffic), Tyrol, Innsbruck
1986-1991 | Diploma Study in Electrical Engineering, Graz University of Technology |
1995 | Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Graz University of Technology |
1998-1999 | Research Fellowship at the Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, FWF-Erwin-Schrödinger-Scholarship |
1999 | Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification - Habilitation in Biomedical Engineering commissioned by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz |
since 2002 | Full Professor for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, UMIT - University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Hall in Tyrol |
2002-2004 | Vice Rector at UMIT- University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Hall in Tyrol |
2004-2008 | Rector of UMIT- University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Hall in Tyrol |
2006-2008 | CEO of UMIT - University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Hall in Tyrol |
Chair of the Board of Rectors of the Austrian Private Universities | |
since 2008 | Member of the Provincial Government (Health, Sciences and Traffic), Tyrol, Innsbruck |
Mag. Sonja WEHSELY
Executive City Councillor for Public Health and Social Affairs, Vienna
1989-1995 | Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Wien |
1993-1996 | Bezirksrätin, Wien Leopoldstadt |
1995-1996 | Gerichtsjahr |
1996-2004 | Abgeordnete zum Wiener Landtag und Mitglied des Gemeinderates der Stadt, Wien |
Personalmanagerin in einer Versicherung | |
2004-2007 | Stadträtin für Integration, Frauenfragen, KonsumentInnenschutz und Personal |
seit 2007 | Stadträtin für Gesundheit und Soziales |