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Perspektiven der Europapolitik

Plenary /
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Warsaw
European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels
Minister für Europäische Integration, Zagreb
Member of the European Parliament Vice President of the UEF (Union of European Federalists) Chairman of the Council of the Nova Slovenija party since 2001 President of the Society for United Europe, Slovenia


Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Warsaw

1941-1944 and 1948-1949 studies at Warsaw University's Faculty of Humanities
1940-1941 he was imprisoned at the Auschwitz death camp
1942 co-founder of the "Zegota" Council for Aid to Jews
1942-1944 Front for the Rebirth of Poland (FOP)
1942-1945 Information Department of the Information and Propaganda Bureau of the Main Headquarters of the Polish Home Army (AK)
1943-1944 Republic of Poland's Government-in-exile Home Office Department of Internal Affairs (Prison Unit and Jewish Section)
 After that Bartoszewski was a member of the Polish Peasants' Party (PSL), then led by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, and he worked as co-editor of "Gazeta Ludowa." He was imprisoned by the communists twice, in 1946-1948 and 1949-1954, and in 1955 he was recognised as unfairly victimised.
1963-1981 Secret Polish-based worker of Radio Free Europe
1973-1985 History lecturer at the Lublin Catholic University
1972-1983 Secretary-General of the Polish PEN
1978 Bartoszewski co-founder and lecturer of the Scientific Courses Association (TKN)
1978-1981 Member of the clandestine Polish Alliance for Independence
1980 Co-founder of the Committee for the Defence of Those Harassed for Their Beliefs, attached to the NSZZ Solidarity National Commission
1981-1982 He was interned at the Jaworze Internment Camp
1983-1990 Professor of Political Sciences, in Munich, Eichstaett and Augsburg
1990 -1995 Polish Ambassador to Austria
1995 and again since 2000 Minister for Foreign Affairs
 Professor-conferred on him by the government of Bavaria;
 In 1995 he was decorated with the Order of the White Eagle. He was one of the first Poles to receive the "Righteous Among the Nations of the World" title, in Jerusalem.


European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels

1966-1970 University of Salzburg, study of law (Dr. Iuris)
1971-1978 Paul Kiefel, Freilassing/Germany (1971-72), Export Department; Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Director for Export Promotion
1978-1981 P. Kaufmann Inc., New York, Sales Director for Europe
1981-1983 Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Chief Management Assistant
1984 Austrian Embassy, Madrid, Spain
1984-1986 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Political Affairs, Department of Consular Affairs
1986 Austrian Embassy, Dakar, Senegal, First Secretary
1986-1987 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation
1987-1990 Austrian Embassy, Paris, Counsellor for Economic Affairs
1990-1993 Austrian Embassy, Paris, First Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission, Chargé d'Affairs a.i.
1993 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chief of Protocol
1994-1995 UN Chief of Protocol
1995-2000 State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
2000-2004 Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Austria
since 2004 European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels


Minister für Europäische Integration, Zagreb

1980 Graduierung an der Fakultät für Welthandel der Universität Agram
1981-1986 Beschäftigt bei der Firma "Pazinka", Pazin, Export und Marketing
seit 1987 Unternehmer in Österreich und seit 1989 in Kroatien
seit 1991 Präsident des Istrischen Demokratischen Bundes (IDS)
1992, 1995, 2000 Parlamentsabgeordneter in der Abgeordnetenkammer des kroatischen Parlamentes
1993 und 1997 Abgeordneter im Istrischen Gespanschaftsparlament
seit 1992 Mitglied des Parlamentsausschusses für Außenpolitik
seit 1993 Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für die Gespanschaften, regionale Zusammenarbeit und Beziehungen zu den Emigraten der Gespanschaft Istrien
 Mitglied der Kroatischen Abordnung im Kongress der lokalen und regionalen Parlamente im Rahmen des Europarates
seit 1994 Mitglied der Generalversammlung der Versammlung der Europäischen Regionen (AER)
seit 1995 Mitglied des Politischen Ausschusses des AER
seit 1997 Vizepräsident des AER
 seit 27.01.2000 Minister für Europäische Integration


Member of the European Parliament Vice President of the UEF (Union of European Federalists) Chairman of the Council of the Nova Slovenija party since 2001 President of the Society for United Europe, Slovenia

 Studies of Geography and History at the University of Ljubljana
 graduate economist (1st degree)
1990, 1992, 1996 and 2000 elected MP to the National Assembly
1990-1992 Prime Minister of the first democratically elected Slovene Government
1993 Deputy-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
1996 Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for European Affairs
1996-1999 Vice-President of the European Union of Christian Democrats
since 1999 Member of the board, European State Legislative Leaders Foundation
2000 Chairman of the European State Legislative Leaders Foundation
 June-November 2000 re-elected Minister of Foreign Affairs
1990-2000 President of the Christian Democrats of Slovenija
since 2002 elected representative of the National Assembly to the European Convention
 On 15 April 2002 he was elected a member of presidency of the National Assembly to the European Convention.