Digital Technology: From Inequality to Inclusion – Peter Drucker Breakfast Club
Digital technology is a catalyst for a rewarding transformation, though with a high price at first. Automation eliminates jobs, puts pressure on wages and hollows out the middle class. How will this influence our way we think of work and what needs to be done to reap the reward rather then suffer the curse of change?
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Co-Chairman, Center for the Edge, Deloitte US, San Jose, CA
1972 | BA, Wesleyan University |
1974 | B.Phil., University of Oxford |
1978 | JD, Harvard Law School, Cambridge MA |
MBA, Harvard Business School, Boston | |
1978-1984 | Consultant, Boston Consulting Group |
1980-1982 | Founder and CEO, Sequoia Group, Inc. |
1982-1984 | Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning, Atari, Inc. |
1984-2000 | Principal, Strategy Practice and Electronic Commerce Practice, McKinsey & Company - |
2000-2001 | Chief Strategy Officer, 12 Entrepreneuring, Inc., San Francisco |
2001-2007 | Independent Management Consultant, Author |
since 2007 | Co-Chairman, Silicon Valley Based Research Center (to be named), Deloitte Touche USA, LLP |
Dr. Richard STRAUB
Founder and President, Global Peter Drucker Forum, Vienna
1984-1987 | Director, PC Sales IBM Austria |
1987-1992 | Director, PC Unit, IBM Austria |
1993-1994 | Assistant General Manager, PC Marketing, IBM EMEA |
1994-1995 | Regional Director, PC IBM Central Europe and Russia |
1996-1997 | Director, IBM Global Marketing and Sales Institute, Belgium |
1997-2001 | Chief Learning Officer, IBM Global Sales and Distribution Group |
2001-2005 | Director, Learning Solutions, IBM EMEA |
since 2006 | Associate Director, Corporate Services EFMD |
Senior Adviser, IBM Global Education Industry | |
Senior Adviser to the Chairman, IBM EMEA | |
since 2008 | President, Peter Drucker Society Europe |
Dr. Hedwig SCHNEID
Journalist, Die Presse "Economist", Vienna
1972 | Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Institut für Publizistik, Universität Salzburg |
1974 | Assistentin, Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Institut für Medienpädagogik |
1978-1985 | Redakteurin, IBF - Informationsdienst für Bildungspolitik und Forschung |
seit 1985 | Wirtschaftsredakteurin, Tageszeitung "Die Presse" |