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Prunksaal, Oberes Belvedere
Plenary /
German and English language
Freelance Journalist; Founder of the "Economy for the Common Good", Vienna
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Prague
Chief Macroeconomic Strategist, CSOB - Ceskoslovenská obchodní banka a.s., Prague

Mag. Christian FELBER

Freelance Journalist; Founder of the "Economy for the Common Good", Vienna

1990-1996 Studies of Romance Philology, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology in Vienna and Madrid
 Since 1996 Free Journalist with regular contributions in nearly all Austrian quality newspapers
 Since 1998 (Co-)Author of 14 books, incl. several bestsellers
2000 Co-Founder of Attac Austria, press speaker for three years and executive board member for two years
 Since 2004 International Lecturer with approx. 15 talks per month in 25 countries
 Since 2004 Professional Contemporary Dancer
 Since 2008 University Teacher at Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Graz, University of Klagenfurt, Polytechnic University of Valencia and others
2010 Elected as civil society leader for sustainability
Founder of the »Economy for the Common Good«
Founder of the project »Bank for the Common Good«


Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Prague

1957 Passed school-leaving exam in Vienna, studied Forestry and Land Economy at the University of Vienna, Munich and Graz
since 1965 Management, Schwarzenberg estate
1984-1991 President, International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
1990 Member, Collegium of Counsellors of President Václav Havel
1990-1992 Chancellor of President Vaclav Havel
2004-2010 Senator, Parliament of the Czech Republic
2004-2006 Member, EU Affairs Committee of the Senat
2005-2007 Member, Permanent Delegation of the Parliament to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Chairman, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee of the Senate
2006-2007 Member, Permanent Delegation of the Parliament to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
2007-2009 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
2009-2013 Member of Parliament, Czech Republic (Chamber of Deputies)
since 2009 Chairman, political party TOP 09
2010-2013 First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
since 2013 Member of Parliament, Czech Republic (Chamber of Deputies)
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of the Czech Republic


Chief Macroeconomic Strategist, CSOB - Ceskoslovenská obchodní banka a.s., Prague

2001 Ph.D. in Theoretical Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
2006 Yale University World Fellowship
2001-2003 Economic Advisor to President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic
2004-2006 Advisor to the Minister of Finance and First Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
since 2006 Chief Macroeconomic Strategist, CSOB - Ceskoslovenská obchodní banka a.s., Prague
since 2009 Member, National Economic Council of the Government of the Czech Republic
since 2013 Council Member, World Economic Forum
Group Member, New Narrative for Europe, European Commission

Alpbach Talks: Die Ökonomie von Gut und Böse vs. Ein Weg zur Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie

show timetable


17:30 - 17:45BegrüßungPlenary
17:45 - 20:00PodiumsdiskussionPlenary