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05: How to reconcile interests in societies with declining social cohesion

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Many countries are experiencing a tendency toward diminishing social cohesion. For a number of reasons, including globalisation, the clashing interests of different groups, and hence their demands within the social contract have increased. What are the opportunities for reconciling such divergent interests?

Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhangen; Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Zurich
Professor, Political and Administrative Sciences, Institute of Public Law and Research Centre for Federalism, University Innsbruck; Director, Institute of Federalism, Innsbruck
Vice Director, Head of Strategic Policy Analysis; Research Director, Effective Infrastructure and Markets, Avenir Suisse, Zurich
Director, Communications and Production, Avenir Suisse, Zurich Chair


Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhangen; Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Zurich

2002-2004 Research assistant, Idheap - Graduate Institute of Public Administration, University of Lausanne
2004-2008 PhD, University of Geneva
2005 Research assistant, Idheap - Graduate Institute of Public Administration, University of Lausanne
2005-2006 Assistant, Political Science, University of Geneva
2007-2008 Research assistant, Political Science, University of Zurich
2008-2009 Lecturer, Political Science, Chair for Methodology, University of Zurich
2009-2011 Post-doctoral research fellow, DISC - Center for the Study of Imperfections in Democracies, Central European University, Budapest
since 2011 Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, NCCR - National Center of Competence in Research, University of Zurich
2014 Habilitation, Faculty of Arts, University of Zurich
since 2016 Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhagen


Professor, Political and Administrative Sciences, Institute of Public Law and Research Centre for Federalism, University Innsbruck; Director, Institute of Federalism, Innsbruck

1986 Promotion zum Dr. iur.
seit 1987 Bediensteter des Landes Vorarlberg
2000 Habilitation, Universität Innsbruck (Habilitationsschrift: "Die Organisationshoheit und Modernisierung der Landesverwaltungen")
seit 2000 Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Öffentliches Recht, Staats- und Verwaltungslehre, Universität Innsbruck
seit 2001 Direktor, Institut für Föderalismus, Innsbruck
2003-2012 Direktor, Vorarlberger Landtag, Bregenz
2005-2009 Mitglied, Verwaltungsgerichtshof des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, Vaduz
seit 2009 Mitglied, Staatsgerichtshof des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, Vaduz
seit 2013 Forschungsbeauftragter, Liechtenstein-Institut (Projektleiter Verfassungskommentar Liechtenstein), Vaduz
seit 2014 Univ.-Prof., Institut für Öffentliches Recht, Staats- und Verwaltungslehre, Universität Innsbruck

Dr. Jakob SCHAAD

Vice Director, Head of Strategic Policy Analysis; Research Director, Effective Infrastructure and Markets, Avenir Suisse, Zurich

 Dr. Jakob Schaad is the Vice Director at Avenir Suisse and as such responsible for the Strategic Policy Analysis. He is also Head of Research "Effective Infrastructure and Markets". Previous positions were, inter alia, deputy CEO of Swiss Banking Association, Economic Policy Advisor to Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard, Member of Management of Swiss National Bank and various positions at the IMF.


Director, Communications and Production, Avenir Suisse, Zurich

 At Avenir Suisse, Dr. Verena Parzer-Epp is the Director of Communications and Production. She graduated from the University of Innsbruck with a degree in Economics and Slavic Studies, and gained her first professional experience in the financial industry as well as economic research and funds management. She spent the next couple of years with the business and economics team at Neue Zürcher Zeitung and an ICT start-up before she joined Avenir Suisse.

Political Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


12:00 - 16:00Professional Programme “Our World’s Future”Partner
13:00 - 16:00Professional Programme on Strategies of InfluencePartner
13:00 - 16:00Generational perspectives on security policyPartner


07:00 - 10:00Professional Programme on Strategies of InfluencePartner
07:00 - 10:00Devil’s diplomacyPartner
08:00 - 10:00The 2016 US election behind the scenesPlenary
08:00 - 09:30Fireside Talk with Ruth Dreifuss: women and powerPartner
12:00 - 14:30Opening: values and visions of a united EuropePlenary
15:00 - 16:30Acknowledging reality: coming to grips with the international systemPlenary
17:00 - 18:30The USA, the EU and Russia: what changes does the new US administration bring?Plenary


06:30 - 07:30Breakfast Club 03: POLITICO morning briefingPlenary
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 01: War and democracy in Ukraine: what is the future?Breakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 02: From conflicts to collaborative governance: using open data and collective intelligence to achieve public-sector innovationBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 03: May I stay or should I go? The impact of climate change on migrationBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 04: Military cooperation as a means to overcome security challengesBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 05: How to reconcile interests in societies with declining social cohesionBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 06: Alternative facts, provocations and social division: how to deal with populismBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 07: The EU on trial: 60 years of conflict and cooperation in EuropeBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 08: Geoengineering: governance implications, technical options and risksBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 09: Genome editing: governing on the cusp of uncertaintyBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 11: Innovation in a contested environment: from the outside in and the inside outBreakout
10:30 - 11:30Fireside Talk with Talia SassonPartner
10:30 - 12:00Lunch receptionBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 12: Digital Security: Social MediaBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 13: New freedoms, old constraints? Challenges of integrating female refugees in AustriaBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 14: Science-based policy-making in times of post-truth?Breakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 15: Migration and the Arts: Europe’s next narrativeBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 16: The Dublin dilemma and the way outBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 17: Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: catching up or showing the way?Breakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 18: Mission-oriented innovation policy in practiceBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 19: An end to a costly war: alternatives to failed drug policiesBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 20: The Arctic: new narratives for a disputed territoryBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 21: Democracy reloaded: what can we learn from bottom-up democratic innovations?Breakout
15:30 - 17:00Security and liberty in the digital futurePlenary
17:30 - 19:00Green Innovation: urgent & important at oncePlenary


07:00 - 10:30Transformative pathways to sustainability: from perception to changing behaviourPlenary