12: Digital Security: Social Media
In cooperation with Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior
Social media is particularly important for our security, social cohesion, democracy and the rule of law. How do we face challenges, such as hatepostings and extremism on the net? Should social media be treated as traditional media?
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Mag. Wolfgang SOBOTKA
Austrian Federal Minister of the Interior, Vienna
Studies in History, University of Vienna | |
Violoncello/Music education, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna | |
Conducting, Brucknerkonservatorium Linz | |
1972-1998 | Music teacher |
1976-1992 | Grammar/High school teacher |
1980-1987 | City archivist |
1982-1992 | Local Councillor, statutory city of Waidhofen/Ybbs |
1985-1993 | Site Group Chairman, ÖAAB - Austrian Workers’ and Employees’ Association |
1988-1998 | Music school headmaster |
1987-1998 | Assistant Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna |
1992-1996 | Consultant for Politics and Education, Volkspartei Niederösterreich (Lower Austrian People’s Party) |
City Councillor for Finance, Parliamentary Group Chairman, Waidhofen Volkspartei - Austrian People’s Party | |
1996-1998 | Grammar/High school teacher |
Mayor, Waidhofen | |
1998-2005 | Member, Lower Austrian Provincial Government, in charge of Finance, Environment and Regional Development Planning |
2005-2008 | Member, Lower Austrian Provincial Government, in charge of Finance, Housing and Life Quality |
2009-2016 | Deputy Governor, Lower Austria |
since 2010 | Regional Chairman, Lower Austrian ÖAAB - Austrian Workers' and Employees' Association |
since 2016 | Austrian Minister of the Interior |
CEO and Founder, Apollo.ai GmbH, Linz
Mic is one of Austria's leading digitization experts and gives keynotes in the topics of digital opportunities and risks, ai and ethics as well as the consequences of the tech transformation for society and trade. He started in IT and software consulting and later took on leading management roles in Silicon Valley (as CEO, Co-CEO and CTO of various ventures). Over a period of two years he worked on a tech subsidiary in Mumbai, India. In addition to his work, he advises both medium-sized and large companies as well as top politicians. He headed the digitization think tank for Sebastian Kurz and has also written the book "Schöne Neue Welt 4.0 Chancen und Risiken der Vierte Industriellen Revolution" and is member in various advisory boards. Before moving to the California 13 years ago, he did business and a MBA program in South East Asia, mainly Hongkong and Shanghai where he became member of the Dr. Helmut Sohmen Foundation (Hongkong). |
Chairman, Munich Security Conference, Munich
1966-1972 | Law School, Universities of Bonn and Geneva, State Examination in Law 1972 |
1972-1973 | Graduate studies in international law, international relations and economics, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA |
1973-1975 | Cabinet of UN Secretary-General, New York |
1975-1979 | German Foreign Ministry/Policy Planning, Bonn |
1979-1982 | German Embassy, Washington |
1982-1990 | Private Secretary to the Foreign Minister and later, Head of Parliament and Cabinet Division, Foreign Office, Bonn |
1990-1993 | Minister and Head of Political Department, German Embassy, Paris |
1993-1995 | Director Policy Planning Staff, Foreign Office, Bonn |
1995-1998 | Director-General, Political Director, Foreign Office, Bonn |
1998-2001 | State Secretary, Foreign Office, Deputy Foreign Minister, Berlin |
2001-2006 | German Ambassador to the United States of America |
2006-2008 | German Ambassador to the Court of St. James s |
2007 | EU Representative in the Troika negotiations on Kosovo |
since 2008 | Chairman, Munich Security Conference |
2008-2014 | Global Head of Government Relations, Allianz SE |
2014 | Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for National Dialogue Roundtables in Ukraine |
2015 | Chairman, OSCE-mandated Panel of Eminent Persons on European Security as a Common Project |
Since 2015 Senior Professor, Security Policy and Diplomatic Practice, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin |
Mag. Georg Markus KAINZ
President, quintessenz - Verein zur Wiederherstellung der Bürgerrechte im Informationszeitalter, Vienna
1981-1982 | Gaststudium Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD |
1982-1990 | Studium Betriebs- und Wirtschaftsinformatik Universität Wien |
1990-1991 | Verlagsvolontariat, Nordwest-Zeitung, Oldenburg |
1991-1992 | Anzeigenleiter, Märkischen Allgemeinen Zeitung, Potsdam |
1992-1995 | Projektleiter Anzeigensystem, Südkurier, Konstanz |
1995-1997 | Projektleiter Tagesspiegel online, Der Tagesspiegel online, Berlin |
1997-2000 | Editorial Director, T-Online International, Darmstadt |
2000-2001 | Geschäftsführer; Chefredakteur, T-Online Österreich, Wien |
seit 2001 | Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, Sportreport net5 GmbH |
seit 2006 | Vorstand, Quintessenz - Verein zur Wiederherstellung der Bürgerrechte im Informationszeitalter, Wien |
seit 2007 | Vorstand, Linuxwochen - Verein zur Förderung der Information über Freie und Open Source Software, Wien |
Rainer NOWAK
Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna
1992-1997 | Study of History and Political Science (without completing) |
1994 | Freelancer "Vorarlberger Nachrichten" |
1996 | Entry to "Die Presse" |
2002 | Editor, Domestic Policy Department, "Die Presse", Vienna |
2004 | Appointment to Department head "Chronik/Wien", "Die Presse", Vienna |
2009 | Appointment to Editorial Director for the new "Presse am Sonntag", Vienna |
2010 | Appointment to Head of Domestic Policy, "Die Presse", Vienna |
since 2012 | Editor-in-Chief, "Die Presse", Vienna |
since 2014 | Publisher, "Die Presse", Vienna |
2017 | Appointment as Managing Director, "Die Presse", Vienna |
Head, Group I/B - Security Policy, International Affairs, EU, Public Relations, Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna
1988 | Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Graz, Dr.iur. |
1978-1979 | Bundesheer |
Weiterbildung, vor allem im Bereich Internationales Recht/Internationale Beziehungen durch Teilnahme an Lehrgängen/Kursen im In- und Ausland, etwa an den Universitäten Wien und Hamburg | |
1988-1989 | Rechtspraktikant im Sprengel des OLG Graz |
1989-1998 | Hauptlehroffizier und Forscher, Institut für Strategische Forschung an der Landesverteidigungsakademie |
1992-1998 | Unmittelbare Zuarbeit für den Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung im sicherheitspolitischen/internationalen Bereich |
1995-1998 | Beauftragter Hauptreferatsleiter für Internationales Recht und Internationale Beziehungen |
1997-1998 | Verhandler des Bundesministeriums für Landesverteidigung für den "Optionenbericht" der Bundesregierung |
1999-2002 | ÖVP-Kommunikationschef und Leiter der Abteilung Presse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikation in der ÖVP-Bundespartei |
2000-2003 | Lehrbeauftragter für den Bereich "Politik und Medien" an der Fachhochschule Salzburg |
seit 2003 | Sektionsleiter-Stellvertreter im Bundesministerium für Inneres und Leiter der Gruppe Sicherheitspolitik, Internationales, EU, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
Professor and Chair, Institute for Information Systems and Society, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Vienna
1992-1997 | Studies in Business Administration, University Passau (intermediate examination), International Business School ESCP-EAP, Paris, Oxford, Berlin |
1997-1999 | Consultant with A.T. Kearney, Berlin |
2000-2001 | Doctoral Student, Humboldt University of Berlin |
2002-2003 | Strategic Marketing Manager EMEA, Openwave, Paris |
2003-2007 | Habilitation, Humboldt University Berlin Institute of Information Systems (Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D.), Managing Director of the Berlin Research Centre on Internet Economics (InterVal) |
2008-2009 | Lecturer, Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg Institute for Information Management |
2008-2012 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, skillMap Ltd. (Humboldt University Berlin Spin-off) |
2008 | Offer for tenure, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg |
2009 | Offer for tenure, University of Mannheim |
2009-2010 | Adjunct Professor of Information Systems, H. Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA |
2014 | Visiting Research Fellow, OII - Oxford University Internet Institute |
2016 | Founder, Privacy & Sustainable Computing Lab, WU Vienna |
Mag. Corinna MILBORN
PULS 4 Head of Info, ProSieben Sat.1 PULS 4, Vienna
Studium Politikwissenschaft und Geschichte in Wien, Granada, Guatemala | |
1995-1996 | Menschenrechtsbeobachterin in Guatemala |
1998-2002 | Pressesprecherin und Globalization Officer beim WWF Österreich |
seit 2003 | Journalistin und Autorin mit den Schwerpunkten Globalisierung, Menschenrechte, Migration |
Politikredakteurin beim Wirtschaftsmagazin Format | |
2006-2008 | Recherchen, Beratung und Aufnahmeleitungen für den Dokumentarfilm "Let's Make Money" von Erwin Wagenhofer |
2007-2012 | Moderation, Club 2, ORF |
2010-2012 | Stellvertretende Chefredakteurin, News |
seit 2012 | Moderatorin, Pro und Contra - Der AustriaNews Talk, PULS 4 |
seit 2013 | Informationsdirektorin, Prosieben Sat1 PULS4 |
2013-2014 | Moderatorin, "Die letzten Zeugen" von Doron Rabinovici und Matthias Hartmann, Burgtheater Wien |