Alpbach Hikes: Hiking with pioneers – Mindfulness in politics
In cooperation with ÖBAM - Austrian Association for Mindfulness
Propelled by research based economic considerations, mindfulness is increasingly becoming the focus of political initiatives in European countries, like UK, the Netherlands, or Sweden. The resolution “Mindful Nation UK” aims at bringing mindfulness to education, the healthcare system, the workplace and the criminal justice system.
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Member of Parliament for Vale of Clwyd, House of Commons, London
Since 1997 Chris Ruane is member of the UK Parliament. He has been reelected twice and served on several committees (such as the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee and Home Affairs Committee). Since July 2017 he is Shadow Minister (Wales). He was one of the initiators of the Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group established in 2015 and currently serves as its co-chair. This group was set up to review the scientific evidence and current best practice in mindfulness training, develop policy recommendations for government and provide a forum for discussion in Parliament for the role of mindfulness and its implementation in public policy. | |
As a result the widely renowned report 'Mindful Nation UK' was produced. |
Mag. Peter HOFMANN
Partner, Limina OG; Member, ÖBAM - Austrian Association for Mindfulness, Vienna
With his expertise on designing and facilitating learning and dialogue spaces for small groups (teams) up to big groups (conferences) Peter has worked over the last 15 years for supranational institutions as the European Commission, Council of Europe, UN, WHO as well as for many non-governmental organisations. With his company "LIMINA- Learning in Transition" Peter is focusing on change and transition processes. Inspired by the Theory U he has started several years ago to engage in and with mindfulness - particularly in the field of education. He is a trained facilitator in mindfulness as well as Social Presencing Theatre. Peter holds a Master degree in History and Political Science and lectures at the Kírchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems (Master in Mindfulness in Education, Health and Coaching), University of Innsbruck and the Fachhochschule Wien. Peter lives with his family in Vienna. |