05: A world without nukes? The impact of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
In cooperation with ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
2017 saw the adoption of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) by 122 nations. Hailed as a historic milestone, it brings the last weapons of mass destruction into line with biological and chemical weapons. Explore together with internationally renowned experts the EU’s split between leading supporters of nuclear disarmament and its Member States with nuclear capacity. What are the implications for NATO members who may want to negotiate an opt-out from their reliance on ‘extended nuclear deterrence’?
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Research and advocacy coordinator - Eurozone, Transparency International; Brussels representative, ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Brussels
Leo Hoffmann-Axthelm is the EU and NATO representative of ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. Before moving to Brussels, Leo founded ICAN’s German chapter in 2013, where he is on the board. Since 2015, Leo manages the Eurozone programme of Transparency International EU in Brussels, after two years working for the European Commission. Before getting involved with ICAN, he was the Disarmament-Attaché of the Pacific Island Republic of Nauru at the United Nations in New York. Leo grew up between Venice and Berlin, and studied international relations, political economy, and anthropology in Berlin, Dresden, Buenos Aires, and Bruges. |
Mag. Alexander KMENTT
Ambassador; Austrian Permanent Representative, PSC - Political and Security Committee, European Council, Brussels
Ambassador Alexander KMENTT is the Austrian Permanent Representative to the Political and Security Committee of the European Union. From 2011 until 2016 he was the Director of the Department for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. He has specialised on disarmament and non-proliferation issues, including in Geneva as Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the Conference on Disarmament and as Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary in the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty Organization in Vienna. | |
He was responsible for the organisation of the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons (www.hinw14vienna.at) that took place in December 2014. He was subsequently elected "Arms Control Person of the Year 2014" by the US-based Arms Control Association. Ambassador Kmentt holds holds a Law Degree from Graz University and a Masters Degree (MPhil) in International Relations from Cambridge University (UK). |
Mag.a Ulrike LUNACEK
Former Member, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance; Former Vice President, European Parliament, Brussels
1975-1983 | Dolmetschstudium für Englisch und Spanisch an der Universität Innsbruck |
1981-1982 | Aufbau des und Mitarbeit im Frauenhaus Innsbruck |
1983-1986 | Referentin für die Organisation Frauensolidarität |
1986-1988 | Deutschlehrerin für politische Flüchtlinge aus Lateinamerika, Irak und Iran |
1989-1995 | Redakteurin des entwicklungspolitischen Magazins Südwind und Pressereferentin des ÖIE - Österreichisches Informationsdienst für Entwicklungspolitik |
seit 1994 | Obfrau des Vereins Frauensolidarität Entwicklungspolitische Initiativen für Frauen |
1994 | Teilnahme an der UN-Konferenz für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung: NGO-Delegierte für den Österreichischen Informationsdienst für Entwicklungspolitik ÖIE in der Regierungsdelegation |
1995 | Koordination der Pressearbeit für die nichtstaatlichen Organisationen bei der Weltfrauenkonferenz in Peking |
Erstmals Kandidatur für die Grünen | |
1996-1998 | Bundesgeschäftsführerin der Grünen |
1996-2006 | Delegierte der Österreichischen Grünen bei der Europäischen Föderation Grüner Parteien (EFGP), heute EGP Europäische Grüne Partei |
1999 | Lektorin am Institut für Translationswissenschaften der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz |
1999-2009 | NRAbg. und im Grünen Klub zuständig für Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik sowie für die Gleichstellung von Lesben, Schwulen und TransGenderPersonen |
Stv. Vorsitzende des Außenpolitischen Ausschusses | |
2004-2009 | Fraktionsvorsitzende im Hauptausschuss |
2006-2009 | Ko-Vorsitzende der Europäischen Grünen Partei (EGP) |
2008-2014 | Stellvertretende Klubobfrau der Grünen |
seit 2009 | Delegierte der Grünen Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament |
Abgeordnete, Europäisches Parlament, Brüssel | |
Außenpolitische Sprecherin der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion | |
Kosovo-Berichterstatterin des Europäischen Parlaments | |
Ko-Präsidentin der LGBT-Intergroup | |
2009-2013 | Europasprecherin der Grünen |
seit 2013 | Vizepräsidentin der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion |
seit 2014 | Vizepräsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments |
Ambassador, British Embassy Vienna
Leigh Turner grew up in Nigeria, Lesotho and Swaziland before studying at Manchester Grammar School and, in 1976, Downing College, Cambridge. | |
He started work at the Department of Transport in 1979 and subsequently worked in the Department of the Environment and HM Treasury before joining the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1983. He had postings in Vienna, Moscow and Berlin before being posted as HM Ambassador Kyiv in 2008, HM Consul-General and Director General UK Trade and Investment Turkey, South Caucasus, Central Asia in Istanbul in 2012 and HM Ambassador and UK Permanent Representative to other International Organisations in Vienna in 2016. In his spare time, he writes fiction and walks around Austria. He tweets as @leighturnerFCO and is on Instagram as leighturnerFCO. |
Executive Director, ICAN Austria - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Vienna
Nadja Schmidt is the Director and Co-Founder of the Austrian branch of ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. Since 2017, Nadja is the Founder & CEO of Visuelles, a digital communications agency based in Vienna. Before getting involved with ICAN, she was working in the Departement for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as research assistant at the University of Vienna, as consultant in the field of science communication and served as Secretary General of the Austrian Political Science Association. Nadja is also lecturing at the University of Vienna and the IES Abroad Vienna. Nadja holds a Masters Degree in Political Science and Communications from University of Vienna and a Masters Degree in Interdisciplinary European Science of the College of Europe. |