1989 | Magisterium, Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Wien |
1990 | Doktorat, Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Wien |
1992 | Univ.Ass., Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Universität Wien |
1994 | Magisterium, Philosophie und Germanistik, Universität Wien |
| Ordentlicher Präsenzdienst beim Österreichischen Bundesheer (FMTS) |
1996 | Doktorat, Philosophie, Universität Wien |
1997 | Promotion sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae zum Doktor der Philosophie, Universität Wien |
1998 | Aufnahme in die Wissenschaftskommission des BMLVS, Wien |
1999 | Vortragstätigkeit, Theresianischen Militärakademie, Wiener Neustadt |
| Vortragstätigkeit, Landesverteidigungsakademie, Wiener Neustadt |
2000 | Habilitation, Rechtsphilosophie, Universität Wien |
| Ao.Univ.Prof., Rechtsphilosophie, Universität Wien |
2002 | Vortragender, Generalstabslehrgang, Österreichisches Bundesheer, Wien |
2005 | Vortragender, Strategischen Führungslehrgang, Österreichisches Bundesheer, Wien |
2006 | Projekt „eLaw-Tune-In“ 4-jähriges eLearning-Projekt, Universität Wien |
2009 | Lehrtätigkeit, Sicherheitsakademie des Bundes, Wien |
2010 | FFG-KIRAS-Projekt: SKILL - Rechtsethische GSK-Studie |
| FFG-KIRAS-Projekt: SafeCon - Rechtsethische GSK-Studie |
2011 | Vortragstätigkeit, Bundesministerium für Inneres, Wien |
| Expertenrat für Integration, Bundesministerium für Inneres, Wien |
2013 | FFG-KIRAS-Projekt: RelCon .- Rechtsethische GSK-Studie |
| FFG-KIRAS-Projekt: FlexDetect - Rechtsethische GSK-Studie |
| Abteilungsleiter, Polemologie und Rechtsethik, Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Landesverteidigungsakademie, Wien |
2014 | Migrationsrat für Österreich, Bundesministerium für Inneres, Wien |
2016 | Migrationskommission, Bundesministerium für Inneres, Wien |
2017 | FFG-KIRAS-Projekt: Ambos - Rechtsethische GSK-Studie |
| Eitvydas Bajarūnas currently is Ambassador-at-Large for Hybrid Threats at the MFA of the Republic of Lithuania. Previously he held various overseas postings - Ambassador to Sweden and Consul General of Lithuania in Saint Petersburg (Russia). He also served at the Mission of Lithuania at NATO (Brussels, Belgium). E.Bajarūnas was Political Director at the MFA, director of several units of the MFA (Europe Department, Department of Bilateral Relations, Foreign Policy Planning Division, etc) and the MoD. E.Bajarūnas also was Diplomatic Adviser of the President of Lithuania and Consultant of NATO Affairs Commission, Seimas (Parliament) of Lithuania. Ambassador E.Bajarūnas is Chairman of the Board of Easter European Studies Centre (Vilnius), member of the Editorial Board of the "Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review" of the Military Academy of Lithuania, member of the Steering Board of the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Helsinki) and member of the Governing Board of the European Humanities University (Vilnius). He undertook extensive education and training. He graduated Royal College of Defence Studies, London, UK, EU Senior Mission Leaders Course, conducted by European Security and Defence College and Folke Bernadotte Academy (Sweden) in Brussels and Bruges, Belgium, Courses in International Relations (Swedish Institute of International Affairs), Stockholm, Sweden, Courses in International Security, NATO (SHAPE) School, Oberammergau, Germany, School of International Relations, Central European University, Prague, the Czech Republic, etc. E.Bajarūnas holds Master of Arts in International Relations, King’s College London, UK and Diploma in Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Lithuania. E.Bajarūnas is author of numerous articles in Lithuania and abroad on Lithuanian and Baltic-Nordic security, Russia’s foreign and security policy and hybrid threats. He is fluent in English, Russian, have knowledge in French, Polish, and Swedish. |
1997-2000 | MA (Hons), English Literature; St Peter's College, Oxford University |
2002-2003 | Postgraduate Studies (PGCE), English and Drama, Homerton College, Cambridge University. |
2003-2005 | Secondary School Teacher, English Language and Literature. |
2005-2007 | Policy and Communications Officer, ACEVO (Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations), London |
2007-2010 | Press Officer, UK Ministry of Defence, London |
2010-2013 | Research Analyst, UK Ministry of Defence, London |
2013-2015 | Senior Research Analyst, UK Ministry of Defence, London |
2015-2016 | Policy Lead, UK-Ukraine Defence Relations UK, Ministry of Defence, London |
since 2016 | Head, EU Hybrid Fusion Cell, European External Action Service (EEAS), Brussels |
1986-1990 | Enlisted and non-commissioned officer & squad and platoon leader, Infantry Regiment |
1990-1993 | Student, Theresien Military Academy, Wr. Neustadt |
1993-2000 | Company Commander mechanized; staff officer S1 battalion level; military assistant to the battalion commander, Anti-Tank Company |
2000-2003 | Student, 16th national joint command and general staff course at National Defence Academy; student, political science, University of Vienna |
2003-2004 | Teacher, Operations and tactics, National Defence Academy, Vienna |
2004-2007 | Chief of staff & deputy commander, 4th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Linz |
2007-2011 | Head, Tactical Education and Training Section, National Defence Academy, Vienna |
| Head, Tactical Education and Training Section, National Defence Academy, Vienna |
2011-2017 | Commander, 4th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Linz |
since 2017 | Director of Operations, Command and Control Division in the MoD, Vienna |
1983-1986 | Naval Academy |
| Commanding officer & Head of operations, Archipelago Sea Coast Guard District |
1997-2002 | Staff officer & Head of unit for EU affairs, Border Guard Headquarters |
2002-2006 | Counsellor for border security, Finnish Permanent Representation to the EU; National expert, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, DG H - Justice and Home Affairs, Brussels |
2006-2008 | Director for International Affairs, Border Guard Headquarters, Ministry of the Interior, Helskinki |
2008-2010 | Deputy Chief, Border and Coast Guard Division, Border Guard Headquarter, Ministry of the Interior, Helsinki |
2010-2012 | Head of Mission, EU Police Mission in Afghanistan, Kabul |
2012-2017 | Commander, West Finland Coast Guard District |
since 2017 | Director, Community of Interest on Vulnerabilities and Resilience, Hybrid Center of Excellence, Helsinki |
2006-2012 | Student, University of Vienna |
2010 | Student, University of Oxford |
2013-2014 | Military Policy Division, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna |
2014-2014 | EU Department, Military Policy Division, Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna |
since 2015 | Security Policy Advisor, Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports, Directorate for Security Policy, Vienna |
since 2017 | Communication Officer, Security and Defence, European External Action Service, Brussels |