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17: Democracies under pressure: The media and populism

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Does the media bear co-responsibility for the rise of populism in Europe? If so, why? Do media outlets display sufficiently the complexities of the contemporary world? Do they polarise and fuel radical discourses? Or do they, on the contrary, whitewash facts, thus disregarding justified public concerns? Discuss how to build up constructive media relations together with media practitioners and scientists.
Additional inputs on the topic are offered during the plenary on ‘Democracies under pressure’ and in the Breakout Session 7 ‘Civil society and populism’.

Journalism Trainer and media consultant
Correspondent, DIE ZEIT, Berlin
Chairperson, New German Media Professionals, Cologne
Journalist and Co-Editor, Republik AG, Zurich Chair


Journalism Trainer and media consultant


Correspondent, DIE ZEIT, Berlin

 Caterina Lobenstein, born in 1983, studied musicology and political science in Marburg and Bologna. She obtained her education in journalism from the Henri-Nannen-Schule in Hamburg. Since 2014, she has been working as an editor at Die ZEIT, Germany’s biggest weekly newspaper. She covered the rise of the German far-right party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and reports about flight and migration from all over Germany, the Balkans, Italy, Greece, North and sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. In 2018 she won the Nannenpreis, the most important German journalism award. Currently she works at the Berlin office of DIE ZEIT.


Chairperson, New German Media Professionals, Cologne

 Sheila Mysorekar is the chairperson of the independent media organisation 'Neue deutsche Medienmacher' (New German Media Professionals), an organisation of ethnic minority journalists that campaigns for more diversity in German media. Sheila Mysorekar is Indo-German and lives in Cologne, Germany. She studied in Cologne and London and worked as a journalist in many countries, amongst others, in Jamaica, India, the US and Latin America, including eleven years in Argentina as independent correspondent for German media. Presently, she works for DW Akademie as trainer for conflict-sensitive journalism and consultant for media in post-conflict states, mostly in Libya and South Sudan.


Journalist and Co-Editor, Republik AG, Zurich

 Daniel Binswanger, born 1969, studied Philosophy and Comparative Literature in Berlin and Paris. From 2002 on, he has been working as Paris correspondent at different Swiss newspapers. Mr Binswanger has published a weekly column since ten years, in which current political and economic issues of national and international importance are discussed. The column was published in the paper "Das Magazin" until late 2017 and since then in the new Swiss digital magazine "Die Republik". Additionally, he will manage Republik’s new feature article (Feuilleton), starting from September 2018.

Political Symposium

show timetable
Genre : all


11:30 - 14:30My Europe – My StoryPartner
15:00 - 16:30OpeningPlenary
17:00 - 18:30New perspectives on EU enlargementPlenary
19:30 - 21:30Drink receptionSocial


06:30 - 07:30DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPlenary
06:30 - 07:30POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
07:00 - 10:00Alpbach Hikes: Hiking with pioneers – Mindfulness in educationPartner
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 01: Whoever has the money has the power? The future financing of the EUBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 02: EU-Russia relations: Attempting a cool-headed analysisBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 03: Citizens don’t bite: Experiences and learnings from successful participation projects in EuropeBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 04: European security and the Mediterranean: A simulationBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 05: A world without nukes? The impact of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear WeaponsBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 06: Women and youth empowerment: The Sustainable Development Goals in practiceBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 07: Democracies under pressure: Civil society and populismBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 08: Implementing the SDGs: The challenges countries face and the solutions they offerBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 09: European security in the age of hybrid threats: Rethinking military and civilian cooperation?Breakout
13:00 - 14:15Sovereignty in the EU: Who decides?Plenary
15:00 - 16:15Democracies under pressurePlenary
16:30 - 18:30Green Finance: Private capital against climate changePartner
16:30 - 18:30Lessons from the best: What we can learn from Europe’s most sustainable regionsPartner
16:45 - 18:15The subsidiarity principle under scrutinyPlenary
18:00 - 20:00European-Israeli DinnerSocial
18:15 - 19:00POLITICO Happy HourSocial


06:30 - 07:30DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPlenary
06:30 - 07:30POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
07:00 - 10:00Alpbach Hikes: Hiking with pioneers – Mindfulness in politicsPartner
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 10: Living the Swiss militia principle: Ensuring resilience through involvementBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 11: Israel: Can democracy exist without peace?Breakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 12: Defending democracy in the digital age: From theory to practiceBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 13: The end of oil: Global systems in transitionBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 14: Are you acting or reacting? Countering climate change through new partnershipsBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 15: Culture and identity: What level of adaptation is required for successful integration?Breakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 16: Promoting sustainable developmentBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 17: Democracies under pressure: The media and populismBreakout
11:00 - 12:45From grey to green: Green infrastructure as a way out of the biodiversity crisisPartner
12:30 - 13:45Global power shifts: Implications for Europe and AsiaPlenary
14:15 - 15:45European Union – Russia: What to do?Plenary
16:15 - 17:15The future of the EU: Priorities of the Austrian EU Council PresidencyPlenary


07:00 - 10:00Alpbach Hikes: Hiking with pioneers – Mindfulness in businessPartner
07:30 - 08:30The rule of law under scrutinyPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Reconciling (bio)diversity protection and efforts to mitigate climate changePlenary