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Legal Security

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache
Generaldirektor für Wettbewerb, Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde, Wien
Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Germany, Berlin
Director, Appellate Body Secretariat, World Trade Organization, Geneva
Präsident des EFTA-Gerichtshofs, Luxemburg; Professur für Privat-, Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Universität St. Gallen Chair

Prof. DDr. Walter BARFUß

Generaldirektor für Wettbewerb, Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde, Wien

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und der Staatswissenschaften an der Universität Wien
1967-2002 Rechtsanwalt
1969 Universitätsdozent
1976 a. o. Universitätsprofessor (Berufstitel)
1997 ord. Universitätsprofessor (Berufstitel)


Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Germany, Berlin

1970-1975 Legal Studies, University of Göttingen and Bielefeld
1975 First State Exam, Hamm
1978 Second State Exam, Düsseldorf
since 1978 Member of the FDP - Free Democratic Party
1982-2001 Chairwoman, FDP District Chapter, Starnberg
1979-1990 DPMA - German Patent and Trade Mark Office
since 1987 Member of the FDP Federal Expert Committee for Home Policy and Legal Policy
since 1990 Member of the German Federal Parliament, Berlin
since 1991 Member of the FDP Federal Executive Committee
1992 Inauguration as Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Germany, Berlin
1994 Re-inauguration as Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Germany, Berlin
1996 Resignation as Federal Minister of Justice after a Ballot among the Members of the FDP - Free Democratic Party
  on the Law on Electronic Eavesdropping for the Purpose of Criminal Prosecution
1997 Attorney-at-law, Munich
1996-2001 Chairwoman of the FDP Bavarian Expert Committee for Home Policy and Legal Policy
since 1997 Member of the Supervisory Board of the FDP - Free Democratic Party
since 2000 FDP - Free Democratic Party Chairwoman for the Federal State of Bavaria; Deputy Chairwoman of the FDP
  Parliamentary Group; Federal German Parliament Spokeswoman on Legal Policy for the FDP Parliamentary Group; Chairwoman of the FDP at the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs;
  Deputy Member at the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance; Member of the German Delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
since 2009 Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Germany, Berlin

Dr. Werner ZDOUC

Director, Appellate Body Secretariat, World Trade Organization, Geneva

 University of Graz (Austria), Faculties of Law and Social Sciences (Mag.iur.)
 University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), Faculty of Law (Dr.iur.)
 University of Michigan (USA), Law School (LL.M.) and S.J.D.-studies
1987-1989 Director of the Afro-Asian-Institute Graz
1989 Development aid project evaluation in South America
1990-1993 Teaching Assistant at the Institute for European and International Law of the University of St. Gallen Law Faculty
1993-1994 Assistant at the University of Michigan Law School
1995-2001 Legal Affairs Officer at the WTO Legal Affairs Division; Legal advisor to dispute settlement panels, WTO operational divisions and Geneva-based diplomats; lecturer at trade law courses for civil servants in many developing countries
since 1998 Lecturer and visiting professor for international trade law at Vienna Economic University and the University of Zürich
1999-2001 Lecturer for postgraduate studies in international economic law at the Universities of St. Gallen and Geneva
since 2001 Legal Counsellor at the WTO Appellate Body Secretariat; Legal Advisor to Appellate Body Divisions adjudicating appeals; Lecturer at trade policy courses for civil servants specialized in international trade in many developing countries


Präsident des EFTA-Gerichtshofs, Luxemburg; Professur für Privat-, Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Universität St. Gallen

1971 Universität Bern, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, lic. Iur.
1978 Dr. iur.
1979-1981 Alexander von Humboldt-Stipendiat am Max-Planck-Institut für Internationales Immaterialgüterrecht in München
1982 Habilitation an der Universität Zürich
1987 Ordinarius für Privat-, Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität St. Gallen
seit 1990 Direktor des Instituts für Europäisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität St. Gallen
1989-1990 Gastprofessor an der Universität Genf
1993-2005 Visiting Professor for International and European Law an der University of Texas School of Law
1990-1994 Berater der Fürstlichen Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein in Fragen des Europarechts
1994-1995 Mitglied des Obersten Gerichtshofs des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
seit 1995 Richter am EFTA-Gerichtshof, Luxemburg
seit 2003 Präsident des EFTA-Gerichtshofs, Luxemburg

Political Symposium

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