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Round Table 1: The Situation in Central and Eastern Europe: an Inventory

Plenary /
Hauptgeschäftsführer der Bundesärztekammer und des Deutschen Ärztetages, Köln
Since 1993 Senior Researcher, Ethical Department, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Vilnius Since 1995 Chairman of Lithuanian National Committee on Biomedical Ethics Since 1997 Associate Professor, Medical Faculty of Vilnius University
Assist. Prof. and Deputy Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Slovak Postgraduate Academy of Medicine, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Director, L. Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology & Exp. Therapy Bioethics Commission, Ministery of Health
Hauptabteilungsleiter im Ministerium für Gesundheit, Direktor des Instituts für medizinische Chemie, Molekularbiologie und Pathobiochemie der Semmelweis Universität
Head of the Institute of Medical Ethics, University of Prague
Since 1992 Chief Legal Advisor at the Medical University Sofia Teaching postgraduate courses of hospital administrators and nurses
Professor of Neurology, Medical Faculty of Ljubljana Neurologist, University Medical Center Ljubljana Chairman, National Medical Ethics Committee, Slovenia
Head Section of clinical pharmacology Department of medicine, University hospital Rebro, Zagreb Chairman Committee of ethics and deontology Croatian medical chamber, Chairman Drug committee Croatian institute of health insurance
Council of Europe, Deputy Head of Bioethics Division

Dr. Christoph FUCHS

Hauptgeschäftsführer der Bundesärztekammer und des Deutschen Ärztetages, Köln

1964-69 Studium der Humanmedizin an den Universitäten Köln und Wien
1971-75 Assistent am Physiologischen Institut der Universität Göttingen
1975-84 Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Nephrologische Abteilung der Universität Göttingen
1984-90 Leiter der Gesundheitsabteilung im Ministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz als Ministerialdirigent

Dr. Eugenijus GEFENAS

Since 1993 Senior Researcher, Ethical Department, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Vilnius Since 1995 Chairman of Lithuanian National Committee on Biomedical Ethics Since 1997 Associate Professor, Medical Faculty of Vilnius University

1983-1989 Medical Doctor at Vilnius Central Hospital
1989-1993 Postgraduate student, Ethical Department, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Vilnius
1993-1997 Lecture of Medical Ethics, Medical Faculty of Vilnius University

Dr. Jozef GLASA

Assist. Prof. and Deputy Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Slovak Postgraduate Academy of Medicine, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

1984-1987 Physician: 3rd Clinic of Internal Medicine
 Faculty of Medizine, Comenius University, Bratislava
1987-2001 Physician: Clinic of Pharmacotherapy
 Faculty Teaching Hospital, Bratislava
 Assist. Prof. - FM CU, Bratislava

Dr. Andrzej GORSKI

Director, L. Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology & Exp. Therapy Bioethics Commission, Ministery of Health

1988 Visiting Prof. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
1989 Visit. Prof. University of London
1993-1996 Prorector, The Med. University Warsaw
1996-1999 Rector, The Med. Univ. Warsaw

Dr. József MANDL

Hauptabteilungsleiter im Ministerium für Gesundheit, Direktor des Instituts für medizinische Chemie, Molekularbiologie und Pathobiochemie der Semmelweis Universität

 Seit 1973 Semmelweis Universität für medizinische Wissenschaft
 Seit 1992 Univ.-Prof., Direktor des Instituts für medizin. Chemie, Molekularbiologie und Pathobiochemie

Dr. Jiri SIMEK

Head of the Institute of Medical Ethics, University of Prague

1968-1975 Internal medicine
1975-1985 Psychiatry, psychosomatics
1985-1990 Geriatrics
 Seit 1990 Medical Ethics


Since 1992 Chief Legal Advisor at the Medical University Sofia Teaching postgraduate courses of hospital administrators and nurses

1978 Graduation from the University in Sofia, Faculty of Law, M.Sc. Degree
1984 Health Legislation Postgraduate Training Montpelier, France


Professor of Neurology, Medical Faculty of Ljubljana Neurologist, University Medical Center Ljubljana Chairman, National Medical Ethics Committee, Slovenia

 Studied Medicine, Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology at the Universities of Ljubljana, Uppsala (Sweden) and Houston (Texas, U.S.)


Council of Europe, Deputy Head of Bioethics Division

1990-1992 Chief Counsel - Latvian Ministry of Environment
1992 Consulting for the European Commission and Institute for European Environmental Policy
1992-1993 Desk Officer for the European Parliament, U.N., UNEO and UNESCO - Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1993-1996 Regional Environmental Specialist - The World Bank
1996-1997 Senior Foreign Environmental Law Advisor - The World Bank/Russian Federation Environmental Management Project
 Seit 1997 Deputy Head of the Bioethics Division - Council of Europe