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Painful boundaries in Europe – is the EU a solution?

Plenary /
German and English language
Journalist, "Slobodna Bosna", Sarajevo
Member, Assembly of Kosovo, Pristina
Correspondent for Southern and Eastern Europe, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Belgrade Chair

Master degree Nidzara AHMETASEVIC

Journalist, "Slobodna Bosna", Sarajevo

 For the last ten years: journalist, mostly by domestic media but also as a free lance correspondent for different media organisations that are interested in Balkans.
 Currently: journalist by one bosnian weekly covering issues related to human rights, international affairs and European integrations.


Member, Assembly of Kosovo, Pristina

1989 Founder of the first opposition group in Kosova, the local chapter of the UJDI (Association of a Yugoslav Democratic Initiative)
Founder of the first Independent Trade Unions of Kosova
1990 Founder and editor in chief of the independent weekly KOHA (since 1997, Daily KOHA Ditore)
1991-1992 President of the second strongest political party in Kosova (PPK)
1999 Leading member of the kosovar Albanian negotiating delegation at the Rambouillet and Paris talks


1989-1998 Teaching Assistent at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade cooperated with a number of non-governmental organisations, such as, Center for Anti-War Action, Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Center for Advancement of Law Studies and many others
1997 Spokesperson of the Civic Alliance of Serbia
1998 Vice-President of the Civic Alliance of Serbia
1999-2004 President of the Civic Alliance of Serbia
2000-2003 Member of the Upper Chamber of the Federal Parliament
2000-2004 Minister for Foreign Affairs, Serbia and Montenegro
2004 Member of the Parliament, Republic of Serbia
2004-2008 Chair of the Working Table I, three working tables in the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe

Mag. Christian WEHRSCHÜTZ

Correspondent for Southern and Eastern Europe, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Belgrade

1981-1985 Studium an der juridischen Fakultät und am Institut für Slawistik, Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz
1997 Teilnahme an der Ukrainian Summer School, Harvard University, USA
1998 Einmonatiges Stipendium, Duke-Universität in North Carolina auf Einladung der Austrian-American-Foundation (abschließend wurden auch Medien in New York und Washington besucht)
 Als Korrespondent zählt zum Tätigkeitsbereich die Berichterstattung über Serbien und Montenegro, die ehemaligen jugoslawischen Teilrepubliken Mazedonien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, Slowenien, den Kosovo und Albanien sowie die Führung des ORF-Büros in Belgrad. Verbunden war und ist diese journalistische Tätigkeit mit ausgedehnten Reisen durch die Zielländer in der Region.
 Fremdsprachenkenntnisse: Englisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Serbisch (sehr gut), Französisch (gut), Slowenisch (gut), Mazedonisch (passiv gut), Albanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
2014 Journalist des Jahres
seit 2014 Korrespondent des ORF für die Ukraine

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