Ukraine: Relationship with the European Union, market power and energy security
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M.Sc. Vasily ASTROV
Ökonom, Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
1993-1995 | Oberbürgermeisteramt von St. Petersburg (Praktikant) |
1998-1999 | UNO, Wirtschaftskommission für Europa (UNECE), Praktikant in der Handelsabteilung |
1997-2002 | WIIW, Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (tw. Teilzeit) |
seit 2002 | WIIW, Wirtschaftsexperte, Länderreferent über die Ukraine, Russland, GUS; Spezialgebiet Makroökonomie, Energiefragen |
2006-2007 | Österreichische Nationalbank, Konsulent, Abteilung für die Analyse der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Ausland (AUSA) |
Mag. Dr. Stephan BARISITZ
Ökonom, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Wien
1978 | Matura passed with distinction |
1978-1986 | Study of economics at the University of Innsbruck |
1982 | Second Diploma examination passed |
1984 | Research stay at Carleton University/Ottawa, Canada in connection with doctoral studies |
1986 | Doctoral examination passed with distinction |
1986-1990 | Economist at the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW) |
1990-1991 | Economist and editor of the publications of International Business Research Marktforschungsges. m.b.H., Vienna |
1992-1995 | Economist at the Austrian Institute for East and South East European Studies (OSI), editor of "Presseschau Ostwirtschaft", economic editor of "Österreichische Osthefte" |
1995-1998 | Economist on the Russia-CIS-Bulgaria-Desk of the Economics Department of OECD, Paris |
since 1998 | Senior Economist in the Foreign Research Division of the Österreichische Nationalbank |
Mag. Peter LENNKH
Vorstandsdirektor, Corporates & Regions, Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG, Wien
Raiffeisen Zentralbank: | |
1988-1990 | Sachbearbeiter Internationale Finanzierung |
Creditanstalt Leasing Wien: | |
1990-1991 | Abteilungsleiter Internationale Projekt Finanzierung |
Raiffeisen Czech Republic: | |
1992-1996 | Stv. Mitglied des Vorstandes |
Raiffeisen Zentralbank: | |
1997-1998 | RZB Networkbank Management |
1998-1999 | Bereichsleiter Corporate Customers |
1999-2004 | Bereichsleiter Trade & Export Finance |
Raiffeisen International: | |
seit 2004 | Mitglied des Vorstandes, verantwortlich für Firmenkundengeschäft und Südosteuropa |
Desk Officer for Ukraine, European Commission, Brussels
1990-1995 | Head of Section, MFA, Copenhagen. Desk officer for USA and Canada. Trade policy and investment |
1995-1997 | Minister Counselor, Deputy Head of Mission, Danish UN Mission, Geneva. Trade policy: WTO and UNCTAD |
1997-2001 | Head of Department for Nordic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark. Head of the Secretariat and principal adviser to the Minister for Nordic Affairs |
2001-2005 | Minister-Counselor, Danish Permanent Representation to the EU. Working group chairman during Danish EU-Presidency 2002 |
Ph.D. Nataliya RYABTSEVA
Director, Directorate for the cooperation with the European Union, Ministry of Economy, Kiev
1979-1993 | work at the scientific and research bodies of Ukraine |
1993-1996 | Head of Unit at the National Space Agency of Ukraine |
1996-2000 | Head of Department of the cooperation with the EU in the sphere of technical assistance in the National Agency for Reconstruction and Development (later - National Agency for Reconstruction and European Integration), Executive Director of Tacis programme in Ukraine |
from 2006 | Deputy Director of Directorate, then Director of the Directorate in the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Executive Director of Tacis programme in Ukraine, Deputy National Coordinator of the EU technical assistance |
Reporterin, Kurier, Wien
Studium Paris, Wien | |
1989-1993 | Redakteurin "Der Standard" - Schwerpunkt Kriegsberichterstattung |
seit 1993 | "Kurier" - Schwerpunkt Kriegsberichterstattung |
seit 1998 | Ressortleiterin Außenpolitik |